Purpose of Art

What do you guys think is the function or role of art in regards to society, or does it not have any role and instead is just an outlet for the mind?

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Art is meant to be destroyed, it serves no purpose and those who make it could be spending their time working and providing. Utter waste of time and resources.

Art is the sum of culture during any specific period of time in history. It's important in that it reflects and documents the society throughout its length, regardless of substance.

it's a form of messaging, community building, and propaganda, depending on how you view it
increases the visual processing skill of the artist


it reminds of us of the role of beauty in our lives and can be used to illuminate the path that will lead us towards our ideal

Checked and wrecked

A civilisation is the matrimony between the gentle and barbarous, with the latter protecting the former. Art can personally be the expression of many things, but it was at its best when the desire was to get closer to God. With this being said, in a practical sense it can provide an identity, an identity that can come in the form in many things, such as a Monarch or indeed art itself.

Art used to portray the ideals of beauty, either in the human form, such as Michelangelo, or of human ideas, declaration of independence painting.

Now it's a bunch of talentless huckster faggots conning pretentious faggots.

Art is simply a means of expression. All the hyper-idealized forms of the human body or stoicist portraits have been done a million times; this is why art is what it is currently.

you guys are spot on, I feel art can be a powerful means to create a great society, a society that values virtuous ideals such as strength, beauty, intelligence, and unity.

In our modern (american) times, the end product of its art (including advertisement, music and films included) is a society that is too consumeristic paired with an overemphasis on individuality. The core messages in popular music and movies is to live a life of carnal desires and materialism. These ideas in art shape the great mass of people, but in ways that is detrimental to this nation and its people.

There are several roles it can provide. For some, it can just be entertainment, for others it can supply the ideals a society can be based on.
To me the most important role art can perform is as an efficient way to distinguish between noble and ignoble individuals, but really any art will bring the various people who are touched by it together. A beautiful work of art can inspire someone on an aesthetic and sentimental level to such a degree that they want to find other individuals who share their opinion on the work. This is how cultures begin. So in my opinion the true function of art is the creation and maintainence of subcultures, which in time may genuinely become a dominant culture in a society. And the greatest works of art divide people in such a way as to separate the noble and good, those who genuinely want what is best for the world, from the ignoble and wicked, those who only want what is best for themselves.

Wasn’t Gorky Lenin’s lapdog?

Art is meant as the only legit legacy man leaves on earth. Not children, family, faith etc. Art. People will look at David a1000 years from now the way we look at Stonehenge or the Angkor temples.

Fascist brutalism is usually nonsense but I admit I like Arno Breker’s sculpture.

Itt: art is nice, we should keep it

A: your legacy is also in the genes, language, customs, and stories of your descendants.
B: isn't brutalism a post-war style that took root in the UK and other non-fascist coutries?

I also believe art has a huge impact on people even if they don't realize it because art is everywhere. Depending on what their exposed to in their daily lives, they will be changed for the better or worse.

From my perspective, Art is one of the foundations of a culture and a civilization, and living in nyc the art has created a bunch of shy awkward people who refuse to even speak to each other and lack empathy. The people of nyc are a perfect example of how art can have an impact of people and that in turn affecting the culture of the area.

Art plays a crucial role in shaping the very foundations of a society and artists who understand this can use this for the creation of a enlightened society or a carnal society. The ability of Art is one of the fundamental aspects that makes us human for we can bring our ideas to life. The artist who portrays Health, Beauty, Intelligence, Strength, and plays a tremendous role in having these qualities reflected in society.

Anyways I made this thread because I was writing an editorial on "The purpose of art and/or the responsibility of artists in our society" for class and wanted to hear Sup Forums perspective on the purpose of art.

Art is decoration that depicts the ideals of nature. The more levels of symbology, the better the art. I believe men shouldn't bother too much with art but sculptures like that can maybe be seen as just part of the stonework of a building.

Art is the physical manifestation of culture.
In any shape or any form, anything created by a people can be described as Art, and it is most certainly their culture. Art in the classical sense may be out dated. We've gone away from mirroring our bodies in stone and on canvas. We can do these things with the push of a button. As culture evolves, so too does Art.

Art has some gaudy unofficial definition created by stuffy individuals to sell paintings of squares from 50 years ago for millions of Dollars. It sounds juvenile, but even your chair is art. Your desk. Your phone or computer. All of these things are made inside minds before they're made inside reality. Someone, somewhere, is proud of your phone. Or a part of it. Art is everything, and if you ignore it, you will fade into nothing. Because everything made by a culture is Art.

to make $$$$


Art and architecture are reflections of their underlying philosophy. Ugly and meaningless art reflects ugly and meaningless beliefs.

Art is a mean of transportation for beauty

the purpose of art is to get you to go back to l e d d i t

Then you and art have something in common you parasite

>isn't brutalism a post-war style that took root in the UK and other non-fascist coutries

Indeed but sometimes you need to mix genres to get a point across. Fascist Gigantism? Social Realism?

Really just big ostentatious shit. I do find some agitprop beautiful however. The Bolshevik and Mao propaganda with the wheat fields full of smiling insects. The Stakhanovite in the mine etc etc. Some of it true art.

never used use reddit, just new here, first visit to pol was mid '16 few months into the presidential campaigns

Wasn’t Eistenstein worshipped like a god in USSR?

Real art is dead and now we have (((art))) pic very related

I will never not rage at this. They will pay.

art is a way to express ideas that aren't easily conveyed. It's an alternative language made out of a desperation to articulate abstract thoughts and feelings. When you can't express something that you're desperate to say, you make a symbol to represent it for others, and it can be a statue, a story, a song, a painting, etc. But the goal is always to conceptualize an abstraction. And I think it's most useful as propaganda to spread ideas emotionally instead of through logical language, because it's more effective to convince people through emotion

art functions as the manifestation of thoughts from a society/culture. creation is a divine act and art allows people to perform that act but they must be able to exercise it. depending on what purpose we want art to serve, there is no saying what type of influence our thoughts may have.

It depends on the art. I'm quite fond of Orientalist paintings from the 19th century, but I can't fucking stand shit like pic related.

But at the end of it all, for me at least, art is like literature, music, and film: If it doesn't give me the feels, then I don't know how to appreciate it at all on any level.

also this


>looks like shit
>hey theres an idea, make a statue of a nigger out of shit.
someone will do this before the end.

Art is fascism, and any movement is a group of fascists imposing their worldview on the rest of mankind. Art that is based in the universal truth is stronger than debased art which provides nothing but foul pleasure.

Love that second video

Yeah i know what you mean, if art does not invoke any feelings from its sight then i will think its terrible or meaningless despite what they claim it is.

a perfect example of art that invokes strong feelings is this song

I normally hate electro music but this guy creates exceptional works

Plato: The Republic

Man's distinction is that he has attained a conceptual faculty. Ultimately it is this faculty which simplifies even the most complex experiences into single words like 'beauty' or 'justice'. An artist finds ways to depict these concepts in reality, to manifest and concretize them. The average person is drawn to art for the same reason. To validate their concepts, which can roughly be categorized as their view on life. Some people's view on life is disgusting though and they undermine valid concepts like beauty because they are not in line with life and reality.

Engineered like shit too or should I say nigger rigged?

It's the medium of the higher counscious

second this

It's an expression of the human condition

Wow, great links

thanks for sharing

yes goy get rid of all of your culture and tradition. nice Israeli flag cover up faggot

Artists are basically explorers of language, trying to find new ways to communicate experience and make you feel new things.

Experience is basically the ultimate language. All other languages below it serve the common goal of relaying experience.

>money laundering
>despair induction

Human beings think in narratives and metaphors and images. That's why the oldest method of telling truths about the world is narrative poetry.
You can't question the value of art without questioning the value of human thought and endeavor in general

Professional classical musician here.

I just released an album of my own compositions and I have a big performance coming up....

Art/music has many different functions, but I am just going to give my opinion on classical music since that is what I know the best.

It is the exploration of emotion. There are pieces of classical music that will make you feel things and make you experience soundscapes that absolutely nothing else can. A piece of classical music can emotionally connect you with the spirit of war, or love, or conquest, or sorrow. A piece of art can make people understand things, I believe. It is not surprising that the Nazis loved Wagner. His music captured the feeling of conquest and exploration, it could easily inspire somebody to get out and explore/conquer.

It can be a reflection of the current culture. Certain times will produce certain sounds, especially when you look at classical music. The late-romantic era just dipping into the modernist era was at the same time new inventions were popping up left and right. America was coming to power as the center of the world, and this was reflected in the classical music of that time. Music also acts as a reflection of the culture's personality. Look at the types of (classical) music that each culture creates, it actually manages to capture their personality well.

It is both entertainment and thought provoking. Once again, Hitler loved Wagner. I'm not a hitler worshipper, but I am sure he had Wagner pieces in his head while fighting in world war 1. I am sure this inspired him in some moments, as well as maybe literature he had read or other things like that.

So yeah classical music acts as entertainment that is meant to emotionally connect with the audience. Sometimes audiences will feel things they didn't know they could feel, and I think that's interesting.

You’re hilarious :^|
Outlet, expression, cultural antenna, symbol of reverence, emulating the high, pursuing the highest ideals.
Art is how we “talk” about what can not be talked about.

Great art biologically inspires awe in us, there absolutely should be a point to it. Modern art is nothing compared to a thing of real beauty. That "huh, neat" feeling of looking at a few random dots on a page is magnified by a thousandfold when actually looking at a master work of art. Good to see other people know what's up.

I agree with you except for your point about individuality. Modern society suppresses individuality and instead values "togetherness." Togetherness is the complete anathema of true individuality and is entirely hypocritical.

>Let's all be unique together!

Individuality is acceptable insofar as the consensus reality allows for it. Which means it's not true individuality, which cares nothing about consensus. True individuals are shunned and outcast by our society.


in a free society art is not a weapon...

Look up rest. Im in Layz mode

Art demonstrates man's ability to conquer a part of nature. For instance, we are monkeys/cavemen, one day we realize we're hearing sound, and some things sound good, others sound bad. We decide to master it and make songs, lyrics, melodies, etc... until eventually we get classical music (which so far is the peak of man's accomplishment).

Now of course, we have apps like Garage Band and you can draft your own symphony or techno beat pretty easily. But there is a new landscape. Take LSD and listen to "trippy" music. You'll realize there is a new landscape that Europeans are already conquering. Now music isn't just sound, it's an experience (which is delivered via sound).

Likewise, we see a rock, and wonder if we can make it look like a star. Ok now a fish. Ok... keep going until a genius makes something like OP's picture. The landscape man has conquered here is sculpting.

Other things we can conquer is cooking, writing, massage techniques, clothes design (not fashion but function), car design, etc. These are all areas which we are pushing forward.

This is where race and the Nazi's come in. Only Europeans (literally only the Aryan people, and the lower races who share similar blood) are CAPABLE of producing good art. Japanese people are incredibly smart and disciplined, but look at their finest "art". The best-of-the-best in Japan, can not produce what aryans could 1000's of years ago, no matter how hard the nips try. This is why the Nazi's cherished art so rabidly and buried it in mountainsides and stuff, they wanted to protect what is theirs only, and un-recreatable.

Google jewish art, arab art, negro art, chinese art, japanese art. Ok now google European art. Get it?

Art is degenerate and a distraction from progressing as a species in meaningful ways. Science, math, philosophy, these are the things we should be pursuing, not chasing endorphin releases from "feeling" from looking at art.

The belief that art needs to have "purpose" is a very bourgeois point of view, born probably during the 18th century when the bourgeois defined himself through (societal) "purpose" given to him through his profession. This was done in opposition to the aristocrat, who did not have to work and could consume art for pleasure and entertainment alone while the bourgeois always took a more practical perspective of "what is it good for"?

In my opinion the idea that arts needs a certain purpose is inhibiting as it comes with an imperative that imposes itself on the artist.

It is completely fine for art to be nothing but entertaining or beautiful, without touching greater issues or attempting to lecture its audience. The modern capitalist state gives people the idea that they always need to 'better' themselves, that time cannot be squandered. A bit more aristocratic indulging of oneself without asking for purpose but simply revelling in beauty would do people good.


Art is the appreciation of skill.

That's why dance and sports can be perceived as artforms alongside that of sculpture and traditional painting.

Modern Art involves no skill. It's not art.

I made this video in highschool


Yeah I think I misused the word, by individuality I meant when people look out only for themselves and their desires, I should've said selfishness instead of individuality. Your interpretation of individuality is spot on.

Right in a free society it is not a weapon, tell that too those using it against us to promote detrimental behavior and lifestyles in our free society. Just as it can be a weapon to be used against people, it can also be a tool to help people.

A free society is not synonymous with a great society and enlightened society

>in a free society art is not a weapon...

There are a lot of people who have no understanding of art ITT...

to inspire if its done well

You got that right, try living in the US and creating art they disapprove of.

That's actually interesting considering modern art is always reducible to words. A crucifix in urine, a blank sheet, smudges of paint, etc. Whereas the value of classical art is not reducible to words

Art is a bridge to reality. In order to create something mimicking reality, you must know something about reality.

Indeed. Words are all that keep it from its proper [pic related] place

Art serves whatever purpose the artist intends it to serve, so its function in society varies wildly.

Solzhenitsyn's Nobel address on the role of art set to pictures. Better answer than anyone here can give:


"art can amplify each man's short time on earth by enabling him to receive the whole range of another person's lifelong experiences, with all their burdens, colors, flavors. Art recreates in the flesh experiences that have been lived by other men and enables people to absorb them as if they were their own. So art can sometimes straighten the dangerous, twisted road of man's history." -solzhenisten

Purpose of art is to make things objectively beautiful and better.

I think Art can serve 2 purposes (or a combination)
It either is used to create everlasting solid memories of our past, or to in some way convey a form of knowledge.
The other is the creative challenge for the artist himself. A lot of art can be absolute worthless crap, but the worth is found in the creative challenge for the artist.

Ridiculous prices for art completely ruin the purpose of art...

> human animal

> muh current subjective aestetic reaction
Your music is trash.

He seems to be replacing religion with art here.

purpose of art is to record expression and history
