How many here lightskinned, and where do we fit in, in the racial dynamic.
How many here lightskinned, and where do we fit in, in the racial dynamic.
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Mixed. Significant white DNA.
Everything positive about that nigger is HUWHITE.
You're welcome.
category: darky
I think most white people don't mind lightskin/mixed people as long they don't act like niggers to fit in with niggers. Niggers fetishize being "lightskinned" but still treat mixed people like trash. White people have never treated me like trash.
t. mulatto
You'll do what the Haitian mulattoes did. They separated and formed the Dominican Republic because they refused to live with pure African niggers.
Basically, if you portray black values and behavior, you'll be "taken care of" on day of the rope.
Blacks Americans by definition are mixed, even the lightest of them skew to black identity culturally because of the one drop rule.
Dunno those dick sucking lips don't look white.
if you removed the ones with most european admixture from that subgroup of black, the average black iq would drop to sub 70.
In the states there is no separation of lightskinned blacks culturally, and almost no black Americans are pure black.
But they are just as much defining members of the black community in the US as dark skinned blacks are.
I noticed whites always try to make me a go between to shield themselves from the blackest via supervisory roles, because they are scared to deal with real niggas, and it sucks.
This argument never goes nowhere.
yeah; they get blackwashed by the blacks around them. They end up self hating for being part white (having an identity crisis) and begin hating white people which in turn leads them to become defining members in the "black" community. That's why people like Jesse Williams who literally has more European admixture than black, supporting shit like BLM and telling blacks to kill cops.
this happens to me as well, i grew up around white people all my life, all my friends were white, there was never an issue with them. They were all wonderful kind people. When I started attended uni and seeing all this victim BS and how much of a head start blacks get it made me want to puke.
Youre an abomination that should have never been created.
ofc after learning about IQ & Race. It all made sense but nevertheless I don't think anyone can co-exist peaceful with a large black population
>In the states there is no separation of lightskinned blacks culturally
what is the "paper bag test"?
> and almost no black Americans are pure black.
do you think America hasn't been letting in African immigrants? I'm talking purebred African niggers from Nigeria and such.
youre still niggers.
"Previous research has also suggested that Khoisan people may be directly descended from mankind's oldest common paternal ancestors. DNA studies in the 1990s, found that the Y chromosome of San men, one of the indigenous populations making up the Khoisan, share certain patterns of genetic variation that are different from those of all other populations. It was theorized that the San are one of the first populations to have differentiated from the most recent common paternal ancestor of all extant humans, estimated to have lived 60,000 to 90,000 years ago."
neither of these people are "american blacks"
french montana is a sand nigger larping as a black, he's the Moroccan version of shaun king. and drake is a canadian half nigger half jew.
My dad is from India, my mom is Polish/Germanic and looks rather aryian (white af, green eyes, maybe not as tall as most of them)
I'm very lightskinned and just look like a tan white guy.
The thing is when I get tan for real (as happened in basic training cause my base was out in the desert) I look almost as dark as my father.
In Israel though, the skin is not much of an issue unless you're a sub-saharn, and even then most of thrm are Ethiopian, which while they're still as dark as any nigger, thier behaviour is usually much better and are much more intelligent (while not denying that some are as bad and as stupid as what i know about most African-Americans).
Caltural seperation is usually more apparent in older generations and many younger people are trying to take the thing they like from other cultures (Ashkenazi, Sphoradic, Jews from Arab countries, etc...)
White people still dominate all STEM fields in both school and university, but many lightskinned among them and some are counted as whites (despite not having pure white skin) and also many Jews from arab countries (Yeminites, Moroccans, etc..) and some darkskinned among them
>Antischism shirt
Up the punks
Stop appropriating white subculture! ;)
I fuckin lost Sup Forums
Fuck you and those eyes goddamn it
Mixed women are something else.
I know a "light skinnded" chick like this (not quite as pretty) and this bitch is as niggerish as it gets - Shes like a combo of nigger and white trash . So while this one looks good , she may need to be purged .
A lot of uggo ones too . Lets not make them out to be a super race , thats what whites are here for .
>Lightskinned blacks
As slightly different braphogs
well yeah that's why it's called selective breeding, in order to get a single good hybrid you have to breed a thousand failures (and slaughter them) in order to get the desired result
we don't do that anymore because of (((reasons))), so we just let the genetic sludge reproduce out of control which is why mixed race people are so disgusting looking and mentally unstable....there is zero oversight and as a result everyone has to suffer in the name of egalitarian faux-moralist bullshit
Let's not forget that because of the dominance of dark skin genes (MITF, MC1R, etc.) African descendants must have numerous successive generations of bleaching to look light skinned.
If she is visibly 50% black colored then her pedigree might only be as much as 1/32th black.
Compare any black American/British(not fresh off the boat) to a Sudanese "model."
Even Hitler thought that was too extreme.
Drake is a (((poor example))) of the one drop rule. Just a seedy nigger
They both have are part "black" and thus "black" via the one drop rule.
If they are Africans, then they are not Americans
>where do we fit in
Dominican Republic, Brazil, Egypt, or Israel.
Who is this semen demon?
its a trap
White for American standards
>t. [Anglo first name] Nguyen
Back to picking fruits gook.
all AA are at least 23% White-European, many, especially the most attractive like pic related are close to 50-60% White-European. They're non-whites who are slightly more intelligent, less violent and better looking than their full blooded non-white brethren. Unfortunately their culture is so evil and violent there is a dampening effect that negates all the benefits to mixing them together. You have to take mulattos and high yellows out of black environments to see any cross-breeding benefits.
who is this beauty?
Why in the fuck is this she boon wearing an Antischism shirt? Even if I was still a teenage leftist faggot I would kill myself.
Fuck this generation!
>light skinned '''''''blacks''''''''
not much different to sicilians and other m*Doids
She's not lightskinned
>where do we fit in the racial dynamic?
You're a nigger.
I think it's hilarious that light skinned n*ggers discriminate against dark skinned n*ggers
Nig, That's Janet Jackson level sheboon.
She'll be black as the ace of spades in another 3 years and fatter than Aunt Jemima.
Wondering why she's wearing a crusty punk band shirt
That nappy-ass nig hair.
where does this dog fit in? no one knows. he's one of a kind.
This is now a white girl thread
Whites are objectively the most attractive of the races, as they have the highest instances of symmetry and adherence to the golden ratio
That dog is a top tier shitposter, I guarantee it
White + color = color
Now assuming "AungnG" is some sort of handle, fuck off you namefagging roastie
That actually goes both ways which is even funnier
Whites are the true people of colour
>skin color = race
Somebody tell me that's photoshopped. That is not a human nose.
As long as they are at least 60% european then they qualify for bleaching
>eye color and hair color = white
>meme flag
>name fagging
>greentext after reply instead of before
What the fuck happens to this place when us Amerimutts are usually asleep?
If you have to ask, you're not it.
>assumes its a memeflag before asking why i have it
It gets infinitely better.
>Canadian thinks he knows what African Americans are
African Americans and Africans are not equivalent. Every Nigerian I knew would always respond "Other" when asked about race on questionnaires, because they are not African ((AMERICAN)). One Nigerian girl told me she that American blacks are "all disgusting, violent criminals" and she did not want to associate with that category.
>and where do we fit in, in the racial dynamic.
in here pic related
Lol dude first of all im not gonna get into "race" but even if it did exist you know (i hope) that it is not based on facial features or skin color
There is no assuming. All meme flags are meme flags.
The facial features and skin color are the product, not the basis.
Africans and Asians who’ve never seen Europe or America before must think all our women work the field full time.
They dont. The are orphans. Blacks see them as white and vice versa. They have no clay, no culture, no history, no roots. No identity. Thats why globalists push so hard for race mixing. No nation, expendables and replacables, perfect cattle.
This must be why people of light melanin tones (skin, eyes, hair) have higher incidences of symmetry and features at the golden ratio.
It must also be why people of light melanin tones (skin, eyes, hair) have higher average IQs, exhibit higher incidences of forward planning, and exhibit higher incidences of innovation and creativity.
Nope its the prodect if genetic differences through climate and environmental adoption. For example tell me why do africans have dark skin?
And it's not a meme flag
Race dosen't exist you're thinking of certain genetic differences and thinking thats a distinct totally diffrent biological "race" instead of being a construct made by the human mind inorder to classify and put people in groups
Wouldn't it be great if they did though? Then they wouldn't have time for civilizational destroying BS like "feminism" and "democracy"
>even if race did exist
Julian, i know you are probably mestizo so the lines of race are blurry for you, but there is no "if" race exists. It exists. And phenotypic traits (i.e. skin color and facial structure) are how our genetics manifest.
>They are orphans
No we aren't. I'm so sick of people making this same tired argument. We have parents. We have families. We have histories in every race that makes us. If mixed people werent always told this shit, maybe they wouldnt always identify with the 'oppressed' part of their lineage. Anyway, we are not even needed to destroy nations, you guys are already doing a stellar job destroying your own countries
>not a meme flag
Every option other than 'Geographic Location' is a literal meme flag, and only used by turk roaches and niggers to mask the fact that they're turk roaches and niggers.
>skin color = race
>facial features = race
Even when a blonde hair and blue eyed friend of mine from Sweden has more african blood than swedish in his DNA test. Lol skin color is not race dude here
Skin color is due primarily to the presence of a pigment called melanin , which is controlled by at least 6 genes. Both light and dark complexioned people have melanin. However, two forms are produced--pheomelanin , which is red to yellow in color, and eumelanin , which is dark brown to black.
There are no clusters or clumps of black skin color or white skin color. Like many traits used to measure race, skin color exhibits clinal variation, along a cline or smooth gradient between the extremes. A walk from the African tropics to northern Europe reveals this gradual variation in skin color. Some people postulate one reason for extreme racial classifications is because Europeans were traveling by sea, and so would meet an extreme example at each stop. The simple categories used in the United States may in part be a result of a small initial sample, drawn from the extremes of skin color variation.
For an interesting 2017 example, see On the Evolution of Skin Tones In Africa in As noted, there is lots of skin tone variation within Africa
Hi Trevor.
Well yeah i guess but isn't a flag used to show your believes?
>blonde hair and blue eyed has more african blood than swedish
Since blonde hair and blue eyes are both recessive and black hair and brown eyes are dominant I'm going to call bullshit on you.
Race is a construct. So are sub-species. And so are species. Humans have to somewhat arbitrarily categorize life forms, we choose the traits -- informed by biology -- that define each category.
American mutts look more black, while british mixed race look more white.
Mixed races are not the destruction itself but the result of it. Its incomfortable for you maybe, but its still the thruth. If you are half something, you are not either. You are still part of mankind, but not part of a people. You may think you can have both, but thats not how it works, since cultures and races are radically different. Hence the word bastard.