Has Sup Forums not read this?
It debunks most of the "race realist" arguments I see on here
Has Sup Forums not read this?
It debunks most of the "race realist" arguments I see on here
Other urls found in this thread:
I've read it. He gets a lot of things right, but he doesn't 100% disprove the possibility of psychological differences between population groups.
He's been debunked by real scientists plenty. You know he's not a biologist, archeologist, nor anthropologist, right? He has no more qualifications to make excuses for the failures of niggers than a trailer park resident.
I should say, he wasn't any of those things until his (((ground breaking))) theory came out. His original degree is geography.
Newfag pls go
Yeah, this book has been debunked so many times that I'm actually surprised people still post it. It's garbage.
This book is frustrating because it actually is on the right track in a lot of ways, but it's too cowardly to take things into their logical conclusion in terms of the effects environmental differences would have biologically.
a book writen to promote globalism which promotes the idea that people are interchangeable
Somalians beamed into switzerland would be swiss
Swiss beamed into somalia would be somalians
Magic dirt theory
Nothing of this can be observed in the real world
Niggers dont turn into whites or east asians because they just live in Europe or East Asia.
They stay Niggers.
You cannot ignore it you moron. Try explaining africa or any ghetto in the usa
>He's been debunked
>yeah, this book has been debunked
You faggots are lying through your teeth. The book has overwhelming praise.
Sup Forums's defacto answer to the book is simply "debunked".
Skip to 19:00
> youtu.be
>Youtube links
Fuck! It must be true!
OP you fucking faggot, that's because Diamond is a hard left Howard Zinn type revisionist. All history is the white man's fault blah blah blah. Read a real book with something worth saying.
you dont need to domesticate animals to make an advanced civilisation. The Aztecs and Mayans had no such animals, yet Tenochtitlan was the largest city on the planet at the time.
>But muh zebra!
there is still a lot of important things in that book. Just read it and make your own opinion.
also literally everything is domestication-ready given an infinite amount of time.
See: early humans and wolves-to-dogs
Enough breeding of the right traits will inevitably yield an overwhelming presence of those traits in any creature, including humans
>Everyone tells you to like this book, so the arguments are true.
I can debunk it with six ASCII characters.
>Try explaining africa
Go read the book.
>or any ghetto in the usa
- Blacks were slaves
- Freed with little to no skills. Oppressed through Jim Crow laws and mobs.
- Barely given equal rights in the 60s
You fuck over a group of people for 200 years then expect them to suddenly adjust to society culturally and economically in an instant.
> you dont need to domesticate animals to make an advanced civilisation. The Aztecs and Mayans had no such animals
The Inca had llamas
Nah, it gives more information and helps explin my points.
>Sup Forums says to disregard this book that explains why civilizations developed the way they do so I'll just trust them on their word that the book has been "debunked".
once again I referred to the aztecs and mayans, not the incas. Also Llamas are shit tier domestication animals, they spit on you and cant act as beast of burdens, as that CGP Grey video will tell you. But once again the aztecs and mayans prove that you dont need domesticated animals to make a thriving civilisation.
Beast of burden help a society develop but it is not the only factor.
>hurr NA hunted shit to extinction
then why did we have to murder so many buffallo to kill all the natives
Because the wealth and poverty of nations is the superior interpretation.
the cia fucked blacks over in your nation so hard its almost unbelievable
>The book has (((overwhelming praise))).
If you'd lurk before you shit up the board...
This book is a meme book circlejerked by the le skeptics like the fucking "God Delusion" at this point
>The Inca had llamas
llamas were garbage tier compared to horses and cows though
kys newfag
The fact that the aztecs and mayans did not need them to develop makes it apparently a very minor factor. As far as domestication of crops goes they had literally one. Maize. And probably beans. They used to eat a lot of maize and beans but also the odd bit of chocolate. And they used this to feed their huge cities easily. Face it, Guns Germs and Steel is shit tier. The "Oh Europeans were just lucky" is actually just a form of euro centrism. As it assumes that europe is the standard model for civilisational development, when in reality, all that is needed is a surplus of food, by whatever means necessary.
Came to post this
meme /his/ book
you really do actually. domesticable animals ensure you have resistances to plague
That entire book is a thesis seeking evidence.
I used to believe the jim crow laws too, but that doesnt account for zimbabwe, a prosperous white civilization, whites left it to the africans, ruined in less than a century
Cgp grays video and GGS are not bad, but that doesn't mean niggers are equal to whites
Is this a tranny?
Is that the book that claims africa doesn't have a lot of resources and that's why niggers are failures?
non. Resistance to plague comes from contact with diseases, of which they had plenty in mesoamerica. Without large domesticated animal herds you dont need resistance to plague because you dont get plague. Its like saying "You need guns to avoid getting killed with guns" . Once again a very eurocentric outlook.
((((((((((((JARED DIAMOND)))))))))))
Lying J__
Well said nipanon
>- Blacks were slaves
>- Freed with little to no skills. Oppressed through Jim Crow laws and mobs.
>- Barely given equal rights in the 60s
>You fuck over a group of people for 200 years then expect them to suddenly adjust to society culturally and economically in an instant.
Worked fine for the Jews. Except it was 2000 years.
I like the book, it's easy to read and entertaining, but it doesn't exactly make a case for open borders or destroying our societies.
>hurr plenty of diseases
diseases arent plagues
plagues are diseases
well it's been about the same amount of time since we were freed, yet somehow we have infrastructure
hurr durr lemme domesticate animals real quick so that I may become immune to the plagues I get from domesticating said animals.
Then why are blacks still shit in Europe, where none of these conditions apply?
>worked for the jews
you're retarded
we litterally handed them our most important industry thinking that corrupt gross usury thing would never catch on. white elites have a history of doing this with other dissidents and powerful industries
The black community has regressed since the 1960s. By just about any standard Blacks as a whole were better off during segregation than after. They adjusted just fine when left to their own devices. Its when they were thrown into direct competition with whitey they fell apart.
But muh drug war!
indeed, so that you dont get fucking raped by a 90% kill rate and thus have your entire population replaced by white people. shit you'd think a bunch of retards who understand white genocide could pick up on the reason this might be a problem.
Also pic rl
It debunks not a damned thing. It starts from the very beginning running like a scared bitch from the obvious truth of reality. It just pulls a bunch of claims out of it's ass, like that animals in x-area are more domesticate-able than the animals wyz-area, which is bullshit because many of the animals and crops we have now were plenty hard to domesticate to their current point, and sets up a false thesis around this sort of crap for the sheer purpose of living in sissy-brain fantasy land where the smart races just miracled out modern cows, innovations ect.
At this point anyone who doesn't accept race realism because it hurts widdle beebee's ewalwitarwian fefe's, is a childish minded jackass that needs to come live in reality.
Sorry evolution means more than you jerking your idiotcock over "kek no jebus tell beebee wut do" you disgusting lowbrow failures.
pro-tip, you dont get immune to "plagues" you get immune to individual plagues. If im immune to chicken flu that doesnt make me immune to swine flu, so domestication wouldnt have done a damn thing unless they somehow got access to the wests animals. So its not really necessary.
Of course. Europe had the open steppe connecting them with Asia that allowed many types of animals to migrate.
Combine that with the fertile, river covered plains and the people who live there will have a much easier life compared to Africans.
The Mediterranean sea allowed ship travel and the exchange of ideas and goods throughout it. That's why you had so many early civilizations along the Med. sea. Carthage, Rome, Greeks, Phonicians, etc.
>As far as domestication of crops goes they had literally one. Maize. And probably beans.
Two extremely important crops that Jared Diamond addresses in the book. Both crops can be dried and stored for long periods of time and are nutritious. Excess food allowed people to live lifestyles other than purely for survival. Specialists.
>but that doesnt account for zimbabwe, a prosperous white civilization, whites left it to the africans, ruined in less than a century
A dictator can ruin any nation. They just ousted him a month ago.
Explain to me Eastern Europeans and why they are so shit throughout history compared to Western Europeans.
>Worked fine for the Jews.
Jews have lived in Europe for ages and were give way more rights than African slaves. One of the rights they were given was banking since Christians could not charge interest, that's how Jews got wealthy. Comparing Jews to blacks is fucking retarded.
What do you mean?
>Then why are blacks still shit in Europe, where none of these conditions apply?
They're not? Many blacks in the UK that live quite successful lives. Are you referring to youths that try to copy thug culture from America?
>The black community has regressed since the 1960s.
Yeah and no. Rap music and thug culture really fucked up black communities. Before that black communities weren't anywhere near what they are now.
>- Blacks were slaves
>- Freed with little to no skills
So someone enslaved the blacks and then what? Paraded them around town? Did the slave owners have competitions as to who can stack the most slaves on top of each other? Fuck off.
Literally not sure what point you are trying to make here.
No it doesn't.
It gives environment explanations for the things we see.
If you take evolution into account, aka. ENVIRONMENT INFLUENCES GENES you basically arrive at race realism.
Read a bit of it, but it actually doesn't debunk race realism, it's just another "geography is destiny" look at history.
The real answer probably boils down to comparative economics and a culture of investment as the real disparity between China and European countries. It certainly has nothing to do with coastlines, foodstuffs, mountains, cities or farm animals, or even average intelligence (whites are 5 points lower IQ on average) because on all those fronts China is the objectively better starting points for a civilization.
In fact, such an economic investment culture probably emerged in Europe only because Europe is slightly worse and hence competition for limited resources created a stronger drive to invest and improve.
That picture of Cary Grant was from a 1944 movie you dumbass.
pic unrelated
Why wasn't there a Congo River civilization Mr Diamond?
>Blacks in Europe are succesful
Oh am I laffin
Wrong, Diamond doesn't distinguish between white people and other Eurasians in his analysis of "the broadest pattern of history". Which is mostly what GG&S is about.
Blacks that aren't recent 3rd world migrants.
because maize was domesticated like all crops, and you can domesticate pretty much any crop into a useful foodcrop given enough selective breeding, so it doesnt really prove "geography is destiny" because ultimately the aztecs, mayans and incas did not just find themselves living next to a perfect foodcrop, they had to make them.
Yeah nah, there isnt a single black demographic that is succesfull here
>a book by a jew that "debunks" race realism
Sup Forums was right again
In "Guns Germs and Steel," Jared Diamond claims the wheel was invented in Mid-East. In fact, the oldest wheel was found in Slovenia. Oldest wheels depicted in art were in Poland. He also erroneously claims than the Inca system of writing by tying complex knots in string called "quippu" was only a memory aid and not an actual writing system, thus wrongly implying that the Inca were illiterate. Many such errors in Guns Germs and Steel.
>They're not?
Twelve per cent of London’s men are black. But 54 per cent of the street crimes committed by men in London, along with 46 per cent of the knife crimes and more than half of the gun crimes, are thought by the Metropolitan Police to have been committed by black men.
Blacks are 5 times more likely to commit violence against the person. Blacks are 4 times ‘more likely’ to commit sexual offences. Blacks are fifteen times ‘more likely’ to commit robbery. Blacks are over six times ‘more likely’ to commit fraud and forgery. Blacks are over twice as likely to commit criminal damage. Black are five times ‘more likely’ to commit drugs offences. In 2007, after a series of murders committed by black people, prime minister Tony Blair attributed them to a distinctive black culture: "the black community (...) need to be mobilised in denunciation of this gang culture that is killing innocent young black kids. But we won't stop this by pretending it isn't young black kids doing it."
One in every 100 black British adults is now in prison, according to the latest Home Office figures.
A recent crackdown on guns, drugs and street crime has led to an explosion in the number of prisoners from an Afro-Caribbean background, who now account for one in six of all inmates.
And this is after the statistics have been massaged in their favour, mind you
Do you know the problem of the Chinese? Why did China (and the rest of the East Asians) just now start to outperform the Europeans?
Hieroglyphic writing complicates the transfer and accumulation of information to subsequent generations. Despite the fact that printing and paper were invented in China, the accumulation and most importantly - the transfer of knowledge was extremely slow and difficult.
To read the Chinese newspaper, you need to know 3000 characters, so that the European - ~ 26 letters.
Please note that as soon as the Japanese adopted and revised the European system of the 19th century model, they immediately broke out into leaders not only of Asia but also of the World.
Japan - the only Asian country that won the European empire in the war.
> wall of text
wrap it up, it's debunked guys.
as I recall, the Aztecs had, at the very least, domesticated turkeys.
(((Diamond))) what a surprise I'm shocked.
If you believe this you are just a vessel for the dominant propaganda of the era. If you were born 130 years ago you would have believed master-slave morality towars blacks due to white natural racial superiority.
>Guns, Germans and Steel
> "Hurr whites arent smart it was just their environment that was easy that allowed them to surpass everyone
>travel to undiscovered continents, take 3 quarters of the world
God this Kike is so insufferable. Whats he even trying to say? Of course environment is an important factor to evolution, and its not as if snow niggers in Norway had an easy time either.
THis book should be swept into the dustbin of history
Found the kike
Nigger, please.
From the point of view of genetics, niggers are not humans.
Homo Sapience Sapience DNA contains up to 5% of Neanderthal genes.
Niggers don't have this.
Nice one.
not exactly a classical beast of burden like a cow or horse, and not as prolific and useful as that of the goat or sheep. And thats the crux of the argument, that you need these european style animals in order to have a civilisation. When you clearly dont. Also aztecs had a predominantly vegetarian diet so whatever role the dogs and turkeys played was minimal
Thing is, even if one excepts his argument wholesale, still environmental differences and their creation of behavioural differences over long periods of time, means that Africans in particular would still be especially maladapted to living in modern western society. It doesn't matter if the root cause was environmental or genetic, because over a long enough time frame, these are effectively the same things.
If an entire contintinent of a peoples were oppressed and enslaved, then that in itself is more compelling evidence than your shitty fantasy novel will ever be. Time to rethink your strategy, shitlibs.
>mfw "The Slaverhoax"
From the crime point of view, Russia is in Africa.
That about Norway is probably the best argument. Iceland for example a barren, harsh wasteland with nearly no natural resources and they are highly sucesfull
I had to in highschool and then again in college, because I guess it didn't register the 1st time. It's dumb, written by a guy who pretty much just watched a bunch of youtube videos.
its not a wall of text. it has paragraphs n shit. learn what phrases mean b4 u use em m8
Subsaharan Africa never developed civilization because there is no indigenous human population in subsaharan Africa, only a primitive hominid species.
The legacy of communism.
Highly intelligent people were either killed or left for immigration; stupid people gave offspring.
And even from this point of view, the average IQ is 97-98 with a tendency to growth.
>sargon of akkad
>having anything worthwhile or interesting to say
Please just kys already. Sargon is so dense he's actually incapable of grasping the fact that his precious "individual rights" can only ever be guaranteed by a reasonably cohesive collective. Individual rights simply do not exist in any other context, and never have done. He is a retard.
Sargon gets BTFO even from an autistic duginist Spencer.
He is not revelant.
Jared Diamond is a jew though and I dont think his book has any merit. This cooped meme really doesn't work when you can easily show that people promoting terrible ideas are in fact Jews.