Tucker Carlson?

What's Sup Forumss view on Tucker Carlson? Look what he said lately.



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He is pretty good

Can't cuck the Tuck

He should just say the obvious. Jews and destabilization are iconic duos.

Good man.
Based on his age, pic related was poster on his wall.

May not agree with everything but, he's honest and straightforward...

He's straight forward and has common sense. Very no nonsense, polite but doesn't take shit. Seems pretty good.

Oh, he's a fucking beast. I've shared my theory before that he's been tuning himself up ever since his debate with Jon Stewart on Crossfire, training himself to take down Stewart in his prime. And now he's over-leveled, with Stewart past his prime there is no one on the left charismatic and persuasive enough to challenge him, so he does the same thing to every liberal that a punt gun does to a clay pigeon.

The left is fucking terrified of him. They mock him for his facial expressions, and for the bow tie that he has not worn in several years (same kind of bow tie that used to be favored by their hero Bill Nye the Science Goy, btw) because they're incapable of attacking him with anything substantive.


He's lame

Hi Tuck

I like Tucker desu


Why is he lame? 4mins in this vid he does a good job arguing youtube.com/watch?v=-ULbYTvm5kQ

I didn't watch him much yet, but seems like he voluntarily lets shills, literal retards and probably some plants join in to argue with them and from what I've seen so far it's pretty fun.
Before I would have said that it's bullshit and misrepresenting the ideas the he attacks, but liberals and the democrats are so batshit insane and corrupt these days it's not a bad way to deconstruct their arguments honestly.

>He should just say the obvious. Jews and destabilization are iconic duos.

I love Tuck and I think he has one of the best shows on TV. But he wouldn't say that. Fox News is one of the few organizations that isn't run by Jews. But saying such things doesn't ensure his safety.

Interestingly enough the entertainment part of Fox that was sold off to Disney was operated by Jews.

you cant cuck the tuck

His show are like hardcore intellectual shit I learn so much I hope he on the air forever

He is a zionist shill that covers up for the "jews"

said Trump was wrong on his 4d chess DACA move he is a cuck and fake news

fuck him he probably took money from shareblue

He's a fun watch.
But he's not some master debater, he just tunes into his audience and repeats the talking points he knows they want to hear.

??? Did you watch the part of the clip?

Trump said he was going to pass whatever came onto his desk, and Tucker called him out for it.

>said Trump was wrong on his 4d chess DACA move he is a cuck and fake news

I think Tuckers concerns were at the time, justified. Tucker said himself that he doesn't support the left or the right anymore, and will even call out the president if he needs to.

I think he is trying to do his job and be a real news anchor. Something that people on CNN clearly fail to do.

>Tucker Carlson doesn't call out the Jews at 8pm on Fox News what a shillllllllllllllllllllll epic keke
Fuckin retard fags
That being said i think Fox News is holding Tucker back. I wish he would tell them to fuck off and just do his own youtube show. Too bad he relies on boomer-vision too much.

uhhh your chart says 4/5 of the fox news execs are married to jews

I love how he reports the news by asking questions and confusing everyone into a frenzy

who cares. really who cares about this faggot. trump lost alabama when alabama voted democrat jones. trump lost support nation wide. hes finished. fuck sakes alabama turned their back against him. alabama of all fucking places.