boycott nike
Boycott nike
The only way I "buy" Nike is through my taxdollars going to niggers via welfare and ebt cash cards.
why would anyone who calls themselves redpilled wear anything besides oxfords?
For those americans still having a problem with irony. Just picture a shoe made in ghetto factories around asia with 'equality' written all over it
Because they’re fag shoes
Only niggers and wiggers wear shit like that.
I'm not 13 anymore.
because they're not pretentious faggots?
Yeah little asian slaves making shoes about the equality that african americans have fought for.
ah, was talking that about (((Nikes))), not Oxfords fyi.
Niggers didn't fight for shit.
Civil rights movements were jewish orchestrations to subvert the white man.
dressing like a man not manchild is pretentious?
People wearing plastic shit are not faggots, but people wearing leather classy shoes are?
IRONY.... fuck
oxfords are what you wear with a suit, you should be wearing a suit everyday or be working to get a job that requires one. We dont need plumbers and mechanics (or neets) in this movement.
oxford =/= brogues champ
so their shaved head and tattooed """nazis"""" then?
>Fighting for anything
Where have you been? The last and perhaps one of the only blacks who was worth a fuck was Malcolm X. Not Martin Luther Coon.
>le educated fedora man.
Dress your age and culture you fagtrons, if you want to be subversive you have to blend in.
Not an argument
They fight for shoes though.
description of the shoe
>The Kyrie 4 BHM EP Basketball Shoe is ultra-flexible, responsive and supportive. It's designed for Kyrie Irving's sudden changes of direction and smooth yet rapid playing style. Details honor the Black History Movement and the power of unity and equality in sport.
Oxfords have their place, but if you wear them as everyday shoes you're a faggot. They're not comfortable nor casual and you're trying too hard if you wear them all the time.
>Probably sell it for $200+
We never fought for equality, only liberty
Yes it is I was using a literary device called irony.
I don't believe blacks fought for anything.
So in essence, I agree with you burger king.
Good to know, will never buy anything Nike again.
m-f you should wear them to your job, if you wear boots to your job (or dont have a job) you are part of the problem, sunday you should wear them to church. Only day you dont need to be wearing them is maybe saturday, and thats only if you arent taking your wife out, which means you either dont have a wife or are a shitty husband who never gets laid and probably cucked as well
I hate all other shoes tho, what do I wear instead?
Do you not work out?
There are lots of brands of tennis shoe, running shoes, etc... that look a lot like Nike.
I wear under armour
Yeah but they're shit.
They're essentially the same, what are you a brand loyalist?
Are they the same tho?
Adidas and Puma were founded by literal Nazis, although i'm sure their brand image has deviated from their origins.
It would actually be funny to wear these shoes, to see what SJW's say to you.
While these shoes are nice and I have several pairs of brogues.
Your a fucking mong if you wear a suit 24/7.
This. These faggots hurt the movement when they show up everywhere wearing rainbow marshmallow shoes on their feet.
Nike is THE nigger-shoe.
Hand-made Italian shoes are the way to go.
Someone has to be a plumber or mechanic but even they should wear proper workboots.
Speak for yourself nonsensical faggot. You would have gotten away with it if you said neets only but no plumbers and mechanics?
I guess you won't need bakers, police, doctors, lawyers and engineers either. What are you, a fucking retard or a nigger?
>the soy Right
The real redpill is that Centrists/Apolitical normies are the real Chads. All the soyboys are either Far-Left or Far-Right.
I agree but what about when exercising or going to the beach?
Nope. The only acceptable footwear is oversized safety boots. I wear these all the time - including at home and when I go clubbing. Do not ever wash for best results.
Best results as in how many people you can get to pass out from the stench?
The men pass out, but the women get randy as fuck.
i guess you dont need cooks, farmers, industrial workers, paramedics, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, electricians, carpenters, engineers, scientists, or garbagemen either.
so we must presume you dont eat, shit, get sick, produce waste, drive, live in a house, or use any modern devices.
so youre a wizard living in hogwarts.
must be nice.
tell harry potter he's a cuck
> if you wear boots to your job, youre part of the problem
you are simply a retarded asshole.
i have worn boots to every job i ever had, from my youth working on my grandfathers farm to firefighting, to working in a warehouse.
people who wear boots to work actually produce the shit you oxfords fags cant survive without.
YOU are the problem, and i would rather suffer with 100 neets than a single worthless assclown like you.
I have running shoes for running./ I have biek shoes for riding road bike.
Why do you ask?
I know they're not the same, wanted to say prefere them more in almost every situation.
Because I've won a few hundred in Nike gift cards over the past few years. Most shoes are really shitty looking, Roshe 2 solid colors and Converse are usually the only good ones. Their khaki pants and shorts and Hurley button up shirts are great.
>le "do you know who my dad is" shoes
no thanks faggot
this is the White Man's shoe
>he doesn t customize his NB to look like a nazi flag with a 1488 message on the back
lmao at you
I was looking at a Nike store, the shoes seem cheaply made for the price they wanted.
Boycott kikes
Come home, white man.
he speaks