What is the *least dysfunctional* society in the world right now? I'm talking about a functioning middle class, low crime rates, high rates of marriage, low rates of divorce, lack of degenerate behaviour. Where is it? What is it?
What is the *least dysfunctional* society in the world right now? I'm talking about a functioning middle class...
The United States of America.
In some western country being protected by the united states.
Ditto. Plus, if America falls apart the world will fuckin know. Ever thought about how our military would act if the US citizens wern’t armed to the teeth? Think about that. We’re fucked.
Mormons in Utah
There are many pockets of this left.
Where he degeneracy is present, but not as advanced and there are local and family morals observed rather than HBO morals
Switzerland? Denmark? Parts of Ireland? Rural France and Britain? And of course most of the land area of the USA is a normal place to live but this country is fucked in the long run.
They really do care for their communities and their families.
Very high suicide rates, very high plastic surgery, very high opioid use.
Not all it's cracked up to be. Even if you can make peace with their goofy cult.
At the core their philosophy is flawed and it shows. They're a very image based culture, they try to project perfection and conceal every blemish they can, and that really fucks them up in ways most people don't catch until they've lived with them for an extended period of time.
Turkey or Israel
Oblivion. A place humanity cannot exist.
Utah Mormon culture is similar to 1950s standard regular US white culture desu.
Straya, mate.
Honestly, we have the best middle-class comfort in the world. We have great beaches, excellent health care, decent education, excellent sporting facilities, and a good climate. Best of all, we have foods from all around the world to enjoy.
Singapore unironically
>At the core their philosophy is flawed and it shows. They're a very image based culture, they try to project perfection and conceal every blemish they can
puritanicalism is a jewish scourage to trivialize christianity and turn the west into cucks.
No it is not.
It's all a facade, they don't deal with real life in healthy ways.
The public perception and image is preserved over all else, this leads to an incredibly unstable personal life. Closet drug use, closet drinking, closet this that and the other thing.
There is no sense of community outside of the ward house. Everything is filtered directed and controlled through that one lens.
Very funny
> culture is similar to 1950s standard regular US white culture desu.
>It's all a facade, they don't deal with real life in healthy ways.
>Closet drug use, closet drinking, closet this that and the other thing.
> culture is similar to 1950s standard regular US white culture desu.
>It's all a facade, they don't deal with real life in healthy ways.
> Closet drug use,
> closet drinking
> closet this that and the other thing.
> culture is similar to 1950s standard regular US white culture desu.
> Closet drug use,
> closet drinking
> closet this that and the other thing.
user, i...
is this a leftypol meme?
50s culture was as genuine as it got. Communists attempt to undermine it with this "lol bored house wifes it was all a lie" bullshit.
People drank if they wanted to drink, smoked all the time, so long as you weren't contributing to the downfall of the american life by being a faggot a nigger a degenerate or a communist what did you have to hide?
Dudes had it out with their wives on the front lawn if need be. The PC police did not yet exist.
>foods from around the world argument
gas yourself.
>>foods from around the world argument
>gas yourself.
Well enjoy your boiled cabbage and fermented fish heads, you taste heathen. Get a load of some properly nice food to make your mouth water.
That looks like a fecal sampler platter
At the same time I bet its delicious
My guess would be Switzerland
Europe has the best food on earth. Even the English can cook up a nice dish if they put their minds too it. English Breakfast is wonderful one or two days per week.
French food
Italian food
Greek food
German snacks
All amazing and id be happy to eat nothin else the rest of my life.
Fools! Have you forgotten what a good rack of American baby back ribs can do to a life? American BBQ blasts all conventional food outta the water!
if your country sorted its shit out it would probably be the best.
>sky high suicide rates
>fuck all birth rate
>culture is nothing but young men and women indulging in escapism for children
first you need to define what a functional society looks like- good luck
>Even the English can cook up a nice dish if they put their minds too it.
English-derived fag detected.
No country in the whole world has worse food than the English. Not even the Ukraine or Poland or places where they basically just boil winter vegetables.
>At the same time I bet its delicious
Very true.
Are you fucking kidding?
Only problem is how expensive everything is.
Visit a medium sized city, that isn't in the south, that is majority white and you will see middle and upper middle class white havens. A simple google map tour of some of these places yields some beautiful areas.
shut the fuck up convict and get back to shoveling dropbear shit ya cunt
Yup. People on Sup Forums will never know because they think all of America is urban city but this is fact.
Why I can’t do emojis on Sup Forums???
lol this looks like 10 people took a shit on a pizza dough.
Full of shit
You will find a place like that in almost every first world country (even developing countries) outside of the cities.
>No country in the whole world has worse food than the English.
That's relatively recent historically speaking, pre industrial revolution was a completely different story. Unfortunately that and rationing killed most of our traditional cooking dead.
what an idiot...
I really believe Switzerland is in the top 3. France and Britain is fucked like Germany and the rest of west europe.
Jordan, Iran, Lebanon, Turkey, Poland, Hungary.
>pre industrial revolution was a completely different story
It was indeed! My forebears came from islands off the coast of the British mainland and basically ate seagulls and seaweed with the occasional bit of grain mixed in. Praise be for anything other than that or industrial revolution English food. A multicultural diet in a wonderful climate beats that thousands of times over.
The Good Old Days were not good.
Can you make any apology for this?
Kek. In all seriousness probably poland
Chile. They were the last country in the world to allow divorce. They will also end up being the leading economic force in South America. Only problem is you have to learn Spanish if you want to live there.
Is that the Poo Poo Platter?
The Stool Sampler?
The Feces Pieces?
For some fucken reason the picture link says it no longer exists. It was a classic English Toad in the Hole, though this time made of Quorn (another classic English culinary variant).
>decent education
must be joking m8
>must be joking m8
Well you can read, can't ya m8?
that little sick cunt country somewhere in eurasia that grades the government on people's happiness.
ye but that's like third world-tier decent. Standards should be higher for a """first world country""", shouldn't it?
Shit weather and garbage politicians tho.
>implying murica can enforce gun control with land borders
As much as I want to agree, that's the kind of lifestyle just screams quietly dysfunctional. Mormons are the kind of families who really make you question what they do behind closed doors.
Saudi Arabia. Dubai.
Somewhere women are in unironic chains.
Jews. They are always the best at everything. You can ignore the facts and scream, but while Jews are pursuing higher education, building amazing new technology companies, and creating strong families, whites are imprisoning and torturing their 13 children, white men are flooding into powerless shitty trade jobs, and white women are selling their cunts to black men for money.
East Asians are a strong 2nd place.
nordic countries by a mile they have a lot of defects but if you compare with the rest....
Wont be long burger and you will be begging to be shoveling shit over here in Aus because of the very real fact your whole country is going to shit, provided you can actually find it on a map you ignorant waste of oxygen.
>that little sick cunt country
The guy who's ancestors are felons is talking shit. That's cute.
maybe even taiwan
Nope Italian actually. Lol this fucking board is nothing but a place to insult each other while outside the world burns and is raped by niggers. Fuck you fags im out of here.