Also, 23andme / ancestry thread.
Am I wh*te, Sup Forums?
>less than 1488%
off to the gas chambers
enjoy ban faggot
Greetings swarthy gentleman.
How and salutations.
If the mods weren't total faggots they'd already blacklist your country.
But seriously, were an ancestor of mine BLACKED?
Reclaim your legacy, OP!
CIA thread. SAGE
>I'm retarded and posted my name on Sup Forums
Anyways, this is the fuller version
Nigger if you think the CIA can know exactly who you are by your raw dna reports, then there is no point in hiding anyways you faggot
>0.1% jewish
Mazel tov
Am I the only one whose profile shows up at 100% European?
>5.5% kike
Wew, and I thought mine was bad.
Of course, anyone with 90%+ European ancestry is white.
>if you think the CIA can know exactly who you are by your raw dna reports
They mathematically can. You just left a fingerprint. Do you even math? This is basic fucking probability. The idea that someone has your exact profile is absurd. You might as well think surviving a plane crash only to be eaten by a shark is a normal happening.
That is if they, anyone, doesn't have access to to the raw data, which multiple Governments probably do. That is just by your fucking posting your fucking halfwit.
Can someone explain the mindset of giving away your dna and historic information to random left wing organisations in a time where race relations are at an all time low and borderline dictate politics with the left going so faar as to spread racism in the upper echolons of education, social media and workplace.
I mean we literally now know twitter makes lists of conservative people, censors them, changes the dna results for conservatives (23andme admits that btw) and collects wank pics of them.
and people really think this is the right time to share and make a lists of dna with a faceless left controlled company.
What in the fuck!?
Proud of my Jewish heritage even though my Jewish side all died before I was old enough to learn anything about it from them
>posting on American internet while talking about privacy
What are they going to do? Send packs of wild niggers to rape me and my family?
It isn't just the corporate entities you are giving your DNA to. Anyone of their employees could smuggle out their information. Every intelligence agency worth a damn has back doors.
And even today people posts their reports online becuase they ignorantly don't understand basic math.
my aunty had blackish hair, brown eyes, and olive skin,
got her dna test back, she did 2 seperate companies.
both came back 93% north western european and the rest iberian/italian , 2% middle eastern
>you do X which will cause little harm if at all
>so you must do Y which could cause you a lot of harm
Name one realistic, non-tinfoil reason why this might be bad.
And I wasn't speaking about harm, It was about your relative privacy.
i'm not going to do mine.
i honestly think they are using it make diseases that target certain genetic codes
They have already isolated the haplogroups genetic code which allows them to do the test in the first place.
If they made a disease for a particular genetic code, it will get you whether or not they have your exact copy.
this ashkenazi jew background is just from shared dna codes, all ashkenazi jews originated from only 354 people.
I’d say 75+%, that’s the UN’s minimum admixture to be part of a race.
You're close op but ...
>Name one realistic, non-tinfoil reason
This coming from a guy who doesn't understand basic probability? Yeah, no thanks. I suppose you define "tinfoil" as "stuff I don't get like math".
>believing a DNA organisation known for mixing african blood into their tests
user, are you dumb?
Nǐ hǎo, my chinky Chinaman.
99.6 % euro
-- 26% Scandinavian (largest)
.4% Native American
Under the 7/8ths rule you would be allowed into the white ethnostate but would have to be sterilized
You are so fucking stupid you don't even understand whats happening in the conversation. No one is arguing against that point you fucking reprobate. The point is the NSA already knows who posts here.
Jesus christ I hope you are trolling and really aren't just this dumb.
You should send a semen sample to 23andMe instead of a swab. Not yours obviously, but someone you know or jerk off on occasion.
Memes aside, 1.6% will be within the margin of error of the test. So it's safe to say you are white.
Don't do this kind of them, especially this one. They tweak the results so people feel more "African". They admitted it.
Look like a Jew to me. Off to the ovens!
don't have mine on the phone but it's 100% Euromutt
>~75% northwest european, half german half welsh
>~15% broadly european
rest of it is fillers like 2.3% scandinavian and .8% east european.
Despite those ancestry results I have black hair and brown eyes. how the fuck is that possible? Did i have a single eastern european ancestor that was raped by a turk or something?
am i?
I'm always amazed at how mixed some people are. Pic related. I'm 50% potato nigger.