>be Germany
>be unable to annex Poland alone so do it with Russia and *Austria - the traitors* who betrayed us even though we saved their asses earlier (battle of Vienna)
>ask USSR for help and attack Poland again
>lose Gdańsk (Danzig)
>cry on Sup Forums and tell Poland to return Danzing
>don't realize that the territory was originally Polish until you stole it in 11th century
>don't realize that according to researches the lands INCLUDING EASTERN GERMANY were Slavic
>get proven wrong yet still believe in some outdated propaganda
Be Germany
Other urls found in this thread:
Slavic tribes in East Germany
really makes me think
Germanic tribes in East Europe*
Prussians were russians in denial, do your own research.
Poor Pooland.
Kicked out of the UK
Soon to be kicked out of EU too
Pan-Slavism is the basis of Soviet Communism.
The only thing I got from these images is
>slavic cucks adopt the language and culture of their conquerors
You're as bad as the greeks.
Soviets (jews) hated russians more than anyone. USSR was prolly the most anti-russian state you could ever imagine.
>be polish
>unable to annex germany for 1000 years
pretty sure it's about soviet rapebabies in germany, that's why you only see hot women in eastern germany
R1a is not "slavic" also look at the legend. "Red" starts at 25%. This is another case of a half-nigger bastard born in the UK, exiled to Poland with his mudshark Polish mom who can't read a graph.
>be Poland
>capitulate in a month and 5 days
hurr durr, were not Europeans we're Slavic
More sure it's because Poland was illegally ethnically cleansed at the end of the war, and anybody with even a little German ancestry was labeled a traitor, almost killed, and forced to leave the country within 48 hours. Most of them ended up in the GDR.
Im sure fucking Bulgaria would be able to defend from German on one side and Soviets on another
>Kicked out of the UK
>Im sure fucking Bulgaria would be able to defend from German on one side and Soviets on another
>says the guy who got his ass ran over by disorganized Wehrmacht troops and nobody cared about it
Huh? We beat them in 18 days. "Poland" ceased to exist after that, as it should be because "Poland" is not a real country. It's a frontier region between the German Empire and the Russian Empire. This is why "Poles" have no real connection to their land and are so eager to leave it for the United Kingdom.
>be Czechs
>capitulate without even putting up a fight
that too, tito also did it with our germans except the partisan ones, tho some just said they're croatian and stayed, neighbor was a "croat" with the last name shultz
To be fair, you wouldn't have had such an easy time of it if Abwehr hadn't convinced the Polish high command to divert all troops north, to save the millions of fish they heard were drowning in the Baltic
Czechs were smart and mostly German anyway, like Denmark.
Yeah and don't forget that they willingly mixed with Haitians too.
Shut up Indonesia
0_o it did not feel that way till 1990s. although I must say I do not remember the times before later 60s.
the polish cracked the enigma code in 1932
prague is beautiful tho, if I were in charge I'd also capitulate without a fight to spare that city
>meme flag
>defending pooland
I'm gonna take one guess at where you're from
Gidnya port was needed for Poland locked between Germany and Russia. Jews probably conspired to drive Poland and Germany apart. Why couldn't the Prussians just build a train system across Poland for said port and Germany to cross said Poland. Prussians loved trains.
Polak astronomist factual history ffs
Slavshit's nuclear crayons
You fucking retards don't understand how Haplogroups work
You could literally have an Asian or Sub Saharan Haplogroup and genetically still be a pure bred Aryan. It merely tells you where your earliest recognizable ancestor comes from.
>build a strong defense on the czech-german border.
>British prime minister sells czech land to germans without czechs being allowed to take part in the talks.
>fucked so hard by the britsh, that musolini, hitlers ally thinks Brits are going a little overboard.
>The defense possible
>all happens because the british priminister lost a fiance to a germenized czech dude, and he being brit did not know the difference between czechs and germanized czechs.
Same priminister didn't know that the prime Galicia is not some small shithole in Iberia, but a huge wojewodship in Poland. Makes him and his american counter part oppose Polish politicians in regaining it for months, until some french dude explains it to them.
Till today brits and americans don't get the difference between slovenia and slovakia.
Invaded by germany and russia at the same time... hardly unexpected
> Why couldn't the Prussians just build shit for us and give us endless gibs
Truly the Polish ancestral yearning for a handout spans any ocean, any continent. Are the Americans happy about you sitting on your ass and collecting food stamps in Chicago? How the hell do you manage to fight off so many niggers at the welfare line?
>be kraut on Polish territory during WW2
>steal, commit terrorist attacks, kill civilians, kick them out of their own property
>oh shit, turns out kraut ubermensch is inferior to mongolic soviets
>soviets mop up eastern europe
>volksdeutsche only get their females raped and kicked out to new germany instead of being gassed like they should
shut up Justin how the fuck am I defending Poland ? They did get the enigma cracked in 1932 and u say they could of held out if it wasn't for beached fish.
Another eager-to-leave Pole posting from a wealthy Germanic host country.
Yet you're the ones demanding reparations from us. For now.
Eastern Prussia was Baltic, not Slavic up until the northern crusades. It should be Lithuanian if anything.
When will you reclaim Arkona, rightfull slavic clay?
>mfw when hans is handing it out.
he's still going
Historically there's no such thing as "Polish Territory", it's always either been German or Russian territory. You only exist as a shitty meme nation today because you cried to eurofaggots.
you stole all of our paintings etc like the forest niggers you are
pay up right now or we'll tell our friend in israel
friend? you mean your cousins?
is the heat in australia affecting your brain or something?
>Haiti's first president Jean-Jacques Dessalines called Polish people "the White Negroes of Europe", which was then regarded a great honour, as it meant brotherhood between Poles and Haitians. Many years later, Papa Doc used the same concept when referring to Polish people.[6][7]"
Wait wait. The eastern Prussia was suppose to be returned after the ruling line went extinct. It did in like 2 generation, the last ruler being mentaly retarded. The poles allowed his cousins to take care of him. And then when the swedish started war against Poland, you just took the land. Danzing was not Prussian till post Napoleonic times, and most Prussian cities did not want to be part of the Prussian princdom, because of the higher taxation. They actually liked the higher possible growth they could achive under technical Polish rule. The only thing Prussians did build in eastern Prussia was military infrastructure, but that had more to do with the fact that in XIX century it was not Prussia having an army, but The Army having a country.
the kraut fears the alliance between the hussar and the banker
>West Slavic
Case in point you dumb slav.
When we do get around to evening the score, you can bet it won't be in any courtroom and it will settle the matter permanently.
18 days, Pawel.
Attack our radio station and massacre our civilians again. I fucking dare you.
from danzig law:
>"us Prussians ... are the Poles equal brothers or their servants"
das rite
No. He really doesnt. Because fire consumes all.
actually you are correct, poland never existed, it was always german land. We should return all we stole so the new Reich could repopulate the lands with these new tanned germans :^)
Jews got you partitioned 5 times in history so far, and "Poland" is the most "antisemitic" country in Europe according to the Jews. More likely you're getting browned out of existence hard. The current wave of mongrel mutts in Warsaw from your Polish whores living in the UK is just a taste.
you realize that if poland goes to war with any western nation panslavism will take over within days, then we'll have ww3 on our hands and that's not good for anyone
>When we do get around to evening the score
With what army exactly Muhammad?
>Attack our radio station and massacre our civilians again
kraut spreading fake news, what a surprise
well lets check my family lost, 2 houses, 11 family adult members and 7 kids. A hungarian subcontractor for the D-bahn cut 11ha of pine wood we owned. All the old books, paintings were stolen or taken in to "custody" and never returned. What is more funny the D-Bahned said they were ok with paying reparations for the cut wood... as long as we can produce the recipe for their subcontractor doing it, or a valid document from occupation goverment. And people say that germans have no/bad humor.
Honestly just KYS, you fucking undermench jew
Whole Sup Forums is turning dumber just by reading endless eternal polak truth's
That's what krauts are aiming for actually. They've been trying to destroy the continent ever since they came out of their forests.
Jew or polak?
Penny dropped when polak cried
Looks like we'll be having the European version of American Ghetto niggers. They too make around 18% of the US' total population I believe.
Well always look on the bright side I say.
We're going. Oars out and heave too. Bye bye crazy foreign people.
There's a life boat with an ex mayor of London floating somewhere off your coast. Plz do not rescue.
>66KB thumbnail
I'm scared of Icke now.
You know that Berlin is slavic word ?
But those people that move out to UK do not come back. How could their children half breed or not be walking around Warsaw.
And jews do not like us because under the communism we kicked them out 2 times. First the real communist jews that came from Russia in the 50s after stalin died. And after that in the 60s the communists kicked out all the jews they could find. And those people feel salty about it, which is kind of a strange because Poles did not get an option to move to other countries, if they didn't like communism or the communists didn't like them. And the jews that went to france, Israel and Swedlandia generally had it much better then the people who stayed in Poland.
that veild insult won't work, the concept of german as an ethinicity never really worked outside of Prussia or the short time under nazis.
Now if lets say you claimed that all bavarians are actually somalis it could ruffle a few people. But not many.
On which gay ass fake study is this map based on? Fuck off degenerate polish jew!
>Austria - the traitors* who betrayed us even though we saved their asses earlier (battle of Vienna)
>Shit that happend 600+ years ago
>The territory was Polish UNTIL 11th century
>900 years ago
What about Prussia? Most of Poland isn't even Polish. You have claims from almost a millenia ago that should be rightful German Territory today.
Is that your plan? Provoke us to annex Germany so that we will be full of rapefugees? Nice try Germany, turn off your proxy.
>Bulgaria is 10% turk
>pooland is 100% subhuman
They have a cancerous Muslim Pomak minority, it used to be larger until the Communists expelled them for fostering separatist tendencies.
When nigger lovers call you half-nigger *facepalm*
Majority of Slavs have the R1a haplotype unlike other nations. Makes me think you're a retard.
Joachim Bahlcke Schlesien und die Schlesier for example.
German colonisation didn't start till late X and early XI century, and german cysters order was brough even later by Herry II The Bearded. And by the way the west of the map doesn't mean there was more germans there then slavs, czechs mostly by the way, not Poles in the VIII-IX century, it is just that that part of schlesien was covered in swamps and fucking woods. And while mine and forges existed in schlesien since man found that place, the west was made habitable relativly late.
>We're going. Oars out and heave too. Bye bye crazy foreign people.
This is why we should stop paying into the EU budget and really push the rapefugee issue until the non-contributing nations like Poland leave by themselves. The EU could have really worked if we had just kept it about trade. There's too much hate left over for any kind of real political integration.
What relevant can you tell about your country? You got buttfucked by kebabs. Poland got attacked by 2 countries and got no support, you had 1000 allies and you all lost
>Soon to be kicked out of EU too
can't wait :3
I would like to point out that a 2k year old claim on Israel is and was considered a valid one. If the international law considers that a valid claim, and a country hold that land, then the land is Polish.
Be happy we do not ask for besarabia and Pokutcie back Bulgarian friend.
Polish women in the UK were the biggest racemixers with nonwhites of any immigrant group before the Brits smartly kicked the Polacks out. Your whores literally all become mudsharks the instant they learn English. You speak English, so it's likely you're the product of said Polack whore mudshark.
yeah, the thing is, They did kick the Polacks out. Trust me we would have noticed 1 milion people coming back. Our housing problems are legendary, if 1m people used to living in different standards would come back there would be riots in the streets.
the entire basis of this post is fucking Autistic
Your Haplogroup has nothing to do with your current genetic ancestry.
>non-contributing nations like Poland leave by themselves
we can leave right now, we will have to nationalize German businesses in PL and put tariffs on DE produced goods tho xD
LOL would another Polack diaspora posting from a wealthy Anglo-Saxon country please chime up in this thread? We almost have a complete collection here, what with the Australian, the American, and the Canadian. We're missing a New Zealander for example.
muh family is from northern Ireland but that's not really much to add
>heart and homeland of one of the quintessential german tribes
>highest concentration of slavshits
Nah thanks, spread your idiocy somewhere else Pooland.
>Be Germany
>Lose Prussia and beg for mercy - en.m.wikipedia.org
>Pretend to be allies with Poland when it's the most powerful and use Poland to defend Europe from Ottoman Empire
>Backstab Poland when it's weakened by having wars with Sweden, kebabs and Russia at the same time
germany is having a rough night tonight but at least r1arayans don't want to fucking genocide all of germany just because they're factually, empirically, observably subhuman.
>>don't realize that the territory was originally Polish until you stole it in 11th century
Same way with Lviv. So when are you going to shut up about it being polish?
you never existed prior to just after world war 1
Poles are definitely my most hated white. Gj you've outdone Italians
What are those supposed to be?
>your earliest recognizable male ancestor has nothing to do with your race
Um user I think YOU may be the one with close to no understanding of how haplogroups work.
Hans officially blow the fuck out, how will he ever recover?
at least they're not Polack subhumans