A way to save the white race

How do we increase European immigration to the US?

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Destabilize the european economy, enough to make our shithole country look promising

Wrong approach.
The only likely solution is to expel all non whites.
Put in place White Sharia to force the women's impregnation to boost to the sky the birth rate.

How do we increase White American immigration to Europe?

So this thread is ok but a thread I make asking if George Lincoln Rockwel's death was in vain gets pruned 30 seconds after it's made. what the fuck are mods problems?
It was just a simple question I had no position on the man at all.

Very simple.
We organize a Crusade to liberate the Christian Land.

>The only likely solution is to expel all non whites.
There's nothing "likely" about that. This, however...

>Project Prevention offers cash incentives to women and men addicted to drugs and/or alcohol to use long term or permanent birth control. Project Prevention is a National, 501 (C) 3 organization using your donations to stop a problem before it happens. We have paid addicts in 50 States and the District of Columbia.

>Our mission is to continue to reach out to addicts offering referrals to drug treatment for those interested and to get them on birth control until they can care for the children they conceive. We are lowering the number of children added to foster care, preventing the addicts from the guilt and pain they feel each time they give birth only to have their child taken away, and preventing suffering of innocent children because even those fortunate enough to be born with no medical or emotional problems after placed in foster care face often a lifetime of longing to feel loved and wanted

If you aren't donating to this, you aren't serious about your beliefs. You can automatically donate to Project Prevention by going to smile.amazon.com and choosing it as your charity. Any time you buy from Amazon, it'll donate to PP.

OP has the right idea though, we'll have to think outside the box. It's about damage control. Demographic trends aren't as damning as they look if we get third world immigration under control now.

This destroys the White Race faster and buys you maybe another 30 years as a white country on the outside.

One way or another is too late to Europe to be saved without harm.
It will be necessary a huge amount of destruction and bloodshed to reach the liberation.
Think positively about it, millions of (((traitors))), commies, non white and mongrels will perish.
It will be the rebirth of Europe.


europes on the way out. try to save what culture you can. Art, statues. Shame about the architecture tho.

>wanting Eurocucks to migrate to your country

I find it ironic that Europe wasn't racist until Jews started getting shitloads of money to push for white skin colour. Surprise, surprise the only ones to win from that were Jews with white skin.

>hey guys we know that the muzzies are raping you all to death but come here and get mudded by our LatinX basketball american populations

I want to live in the US but your government doesn't make it easy. I am a network engineer and my wife is a nurse but there is loads of bureaucratic bullshit getting in the way of us moving to the US

The obvious solution is to reform the schism and reunite the one Church of Jesus Christ

how bout just stop taking shitskins from shitholes and kick out the ones here, not that hard

Do not confuse Jews with Whites.
Our race is noble and very different to the rest.
Jews are beings who hate everything that is just and pure.

I would personally sponsor any white person who wants to come to USA, as long as they are capitalistic and not socialists. I just don't know how.

>save the white race by mixing europeans with a bunch of 56%ers
why do amerimutts always come up with the worst ideas?

I doubt we would move to a place that lacked our basic freedoms, in large numbers anyway. I'm not going to some German jail because I insulted some Muslim.

>How do we increase European immigration to the US?
With all the Muslims and Africansin Europe at this point we do not increase shit coming from Europe to America. Europe will be forced to accept their cucked failed immigration situation.

Ban Walmart and guns and give away free healthcare.

We probably don't want you anyway. Enjoy your freedom to be raped by a BASED Mexican.

Mail order bride

We need nurses really badly. They import them from Philippines and Ireland, ffs. Have you actually tried, or did you just give up since it sounds hard?

Looks like someone is ready to get nuked again.

No need to insult. I was answering forthrightly. Did you want to know or just trolling?

>Ban guns

Just no

The immigration system is rigged against whites.
They only want dark beings to erase the white race.

got a better idea, ban americans.

Trump is trying to fix this. Instead of lottery visa's, he wants to bring merit based visa's back. Which is how it should be!

we don't want to come.
Sorry but the USA is a #Shithole

You're not welcome Ahmed.

We are working on it.
Let us prey to Kek, Wotan, and many other Gods.
This land will be Great Again.

How the fuck would that help us. There would still be just as many of us. We would gain a little more political power. But imo america is already fucked. I used to think europe would be the last place whites became a minority. I didnt mind being a minority in america. It seemed inevitable to me. When migrants started flooding europe i started losing faith. It seems we were simultaneously fucked over. America was fucked over slowly for decades. Its like. Americans started to realize how fucked we were and right as we started to say something the elites went into hyperspeed and fucked europe over in a matter of months. The white race is pretty fucked. Unless we start forming armies and slaughtering people i dont think it can ever be undone. Its taken centuries to do it.

Save the white race?

You could try not imprisoning, torturing, and (most likely) raping your own 13 kids. You might try fixing your fucking shitshow lives and terrible families. And in fact you can stay in Europe and do that for now.

The U.S. will be completely non-white by 2100. That can't be stopped.

>it's too late.

Don't be black pill.
Get a rifle, train with the militia, get ready to fight.
You and many other brothers will make the future.

This thread title should be how do we destroy the white race.

Burger, not a single european with a bit of money even want to go to a 3th world country nigger infested usa.

if you wanted to save the white race maybe you shouldn't of let a few jews control your future, suckers

Thats actually true. Dont leave europe because then it will be completely lost and i dont trust the US government is on our side. I know theyre not. Fucking read a history book. This country loves three things. Niggers. Jews. And pretending to be your friend.

t-this. A sandnigger/black genocide would be nice here in france

>save the white race
Dude culture and "race" are two different things. Europeans have always been mixing and multiculturalism is natural but forced multiculturalism to cause chaos and replacement with out the peoole voting on it is of course not acceptable

you really think they forgot about the century's of shit you gave them? but you just hand over complete economic control to them(rothschild soros extra) because "their rich" their good capitalists they must be trustworthy LMFAO they will relish your fall along with the profits it reaps them

This is called "White Genocide".

Darwin's theory of evolution in practice

>How do we increase European immigration
This is the problem it's always immigration instead of just taking care of your own whites in your counrty

Race dosen't exist you're thinking of certain genetic differences and thinking thats a distinct totally diffrent biological "race" instead of being a construct made by the human mind inorder to classify and put people in groups

lol indeed, indeed, still, which white race though, the Nordic the celts the caucasians the gauls the angles the saxons the slavs extra, theirs quite a few "white races"


this jews control of america is total ,europe is more independent mostly derived from inertia and usa as hiperpotency .
Europe i think it can saved with a lot of sacrifice but still fighting while usa....
Sorry to say it but you should came to europe your ancestral homeland after all