I just started a 30 day weight lifting regimen today after three weeks of doing the basics and getting my strength up a bit.
Ill be doing 5 miles on the bike before and after my sets for heavy cardio daily.
What have you done to better recently yourself user?
/SIG/- Self improvement general
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm focusing on perfect posture to develop full and symmetric range of motion
Getting back into learning French and Russian.
Started exercising again.
Applied for leadership at work.
Stopped smoking pot.
Been reading a lot.
Hardest part is the reading.
Fucking vidya games have ruined my attention span.
I got a job and I stopped drinking soda like 6 months ago. I haven't had a beer in 3 weeks.
>Learning French
Non, reste dans ton pays.
>be ectomorph in the extreme
>gains are so slow, had to develop my own over the top regime of diet and exercise just to gain anything
>gaining +1cm diameter per month now on arms
Life is shit, trying to make it better and slowly getting there. Reading some Nietzsche too.
try breathing exersizes to increase heart rate - and blood flow
try cold showers - for increased blood flow
snow ball this cardiovascular power into intense muscular workouts and mega gains
Thanks, I'll look into it.
Woo shit boys, 3rd day on nofap. I'm not horny, I'm pulling through. But I'm sick, so this is rich.
FUCK cold showers user, you're a tender cunt and I hate every second of it.
I started taking the vitamin DDSs and omegas. Feeling pretty good generally speaking.
Still not working out because room is a mess, can't clean cause ill. Need to clean asap.
>Let's go boys
How are you faggots doing? You fighting the fight?
this thread reminds me of tumblr
I started nofap, also planning to sell my gaming pc, and start reading the bible again.
Ive been reading more and improving my social skills by talking to more people. Also I have a goal to exercise everyday or atleast six days a week.
Glad that this thread exists. Actions speak louder than words
I've started cooking my own meals more often.
>tfw the local butcher sells chicken breasts that are bigger and cheaper than the ones in tesco
Buy local, lads. It's worth it
Just destroy it and let it go man
Trying out noporn
Started french classes again
Have been hitting the gym for years now but getting back into a very strict diet
Cleaning my room completely
Making a schedule which I will regularly follow for every day of the week today
No more weed
Not drinking alcohol anymore
Actually studying for my classes instead of procastinating (this is the hardest one for me)
Oi there was a data about growing your own food in these threads
>vidya ruined attention span
this so much. I can't concentrate on anything. I've been trying to improve my focus by forcing myself to study and read but these mental barriers are fucking hard to overcome.
Should I keep browsing this board/site?
Honestly it got so bad lately that I don't know what I'm doing and why I'm here anymore.
> Yes. Pic related.
Thank you. I was going to request a list like this today. Beat me to it. Thanks user.
don't get me wrong, i appreciate that you posted this pasta, but why adding the /sum/ satanic shit?
delete it and keep the good stuff
Also, does anyone have Pimsleur German Audiobooks? I have Russian and Japanese 1-4, can upload later if anyone interested in those, but I need to brush up on my German currently.
I agree. Though I was just gonna remove the occult stuff myself for now.
What I'm feeling t is not relatable to pic related.
I want out because the shitposting/serious thread ratio has become insufferable (like 1 good thread for 1000 bait/shitpost/shill thread) - and I feel like browsing this site has become a useless waste of time.
>It's another thread where Sup Forums larps about epic gains from cold showers, basic housekeeping, and nofap
Post pics of one person with natty gains from nofap. I'll wait.
I hear you, and when I feel that way, I leave for a while. I will say though, the last 48 hours I feel there's been more relevant threads than past 2 weeks. Maybe just stick to /SIG/ for a while? It's good to take breaks. The shilling gets old.
I'll check back later to see if anyone had those Pimsleur German books. Stay hydrated today lads.
Started a diet to lose weight.
Stopped watching porn.
Drinking more water.
Exercise on my days off.
No video games ever again.
It's not about any physical benefits. Porn is degenerate and severely fucks with your mental state when used in excess. Quitting porn is as much a moral decision as a physical one.
Good luck and practice safe lifting. By the way, I tore a muscle when I started a lifting regiment. It's easier to tear a muscle than you think. Be careful.
finally fixed my mountain bike, gunna get out there on some trails tomorrow
kicking huge goals at work
hot GF
could lose 10kgs or so but still fit-ish
got all the lit classics, love my bible even though I'm agnostic
Hate life.
Always depressed.
No friends.
No desire for companionship whatsoever.
Gradually pushing all those close to me away.
Only thing in my life that gives me purpose is my 10yo daughter.
Other than that I hope the bombs drop tomorrow.
What do I do Sup Forums
Work hard to improve yourself and the lives of those around you. Only thing we have left in this horrible world. Be an example.
heil /SIG/
this year i want to be on the apex of my physical form
no more alcohol
no more games
no more laziness
Everyone should be able to say that. I am proud of you meme flag!
>tfw ectomorph
best physique to slay pussy if you diet and train consistently
I don't want to slay pussy. I want a virgin qt to have children with and love as an equal.
I do train, though. I lift 8kg weights in each arm and do 20 push-ups a day. It's slow going, but I'm getting there.
I can't diet properly, though. I grew up with no restrictions on what or when I could eat, so I just eat breakfast (maybe) then dinner at random times. I'm 5'11 and weigh 60-70kgs.
>I lift 8kg weights in each arm and do 20 push-ups a day.
a 12 yo can do that
go hard
But everything that I've researched on ectomorph lifting says to do light lifting regularly and with lots of rest inbetween.
I also can't lift more than that.
After 5 years of renting and saving I am about to purchase my first property. Very excited.
What should I be reading on DIY, the housing market and home decoration?
I am comfortable on mortgages and finance as its my job.
>8kg weights in each arm and do 20 push-ups a day
why do you think this will get you a good physique? kek you're not even squatting+deadlifting? pullups/machine pulldowns? bench press+shoulder press? where are the compound movements?
>implying I'm strong enough to do any of that
There's a reason that I'm lifting 8kg weights.
how many repetitions you do on how many series?
is it very hard at the end of each serie?
10 miles on indoor cycle is not heavy cardio. Row, swim or jog.
>After 5 years of renting and saving I am about to purchase my first property. Very excited.
>What should I be reading on DIY, the housing market and home decoration?
i would say to do or buy whatever you feel confortable with
all decoration stuff is just a guideline, you don't need to follow it blindly
I manage to do about 9 reps in each arm.
Yes. I do them until exhaustion.
you do 9 just once?
Does anyone here to SS?
After seeing this thread a couple of days ago, I went over to /fit/ and signed up at my local gym. I followed SS and added weight to the bar until the bar speed slowed.
Holy shit lads. After 2 years of sitting in my room, I have zero strength. I couldn't add weight to OHP without stalling on the 4/5 rep. So I rested for 5 minutes and done the bar itself. Even on the 3rd set I was really starting to lose control of the bar path.
Squats, I managed 30kg before it got really slow. I have knock knees, and everytime I pushed up they would click loudly, I think the people next to me thought I was dying. Today, my legs are like jelly. From 3x5 of 30kg squats. Think about that.
Deadlift I done 45kg 1x5. This wasn't THAT bad, but I couldn't get into position correctly, I assume my hamstrings are too tight or something.
I feel like there's no point in continuing. Not down this path at least. I might ask people in the gym for some roids. I'm too weak, naturally. Even my mind is weak.
Honestly, 5 miles on a bike before and after your workout is too much. If you're really trying to lose weight do a few miles on a bike in the morning and then weight train another time during the day. 5 miles right before weight training will zap your energy and 5 miles right after will kill your recovery. Basically, don't do that much cardiovascular right before or after lifting. If you need that much cardio do it at different times if the day or alternate between heavy lifting and heavy cardio. Good luck!
the problem with the young gens is that we want everything right now
training requires patience
you need a plan to improve yourself on long terms, just don't stop and you will see progress pretty soon
Who gives a fuck what anyone else there thinks. After 2 years of doing fuck all of course your going to be weak.
Start on comfortable weights, doesnt matter how small. You will get stronger, and yeah you will be sore sometimes. Shit takes time, don't give up user
thanks man. have to say it feels terrific and after reaching out to family they've offered to front up a lot of the money so I won't even need that high a loan. Predicting to pay off fully in 3 years
top savings over the last few years have been cancelling Netflix, Spotify and gym membership
this and filters for all the shill and distraction threads
>moral choice
Boomers need to fuck off.
got to start somewhere. keep it up and write it down. if you keep it up you will be stronger. later on you can look back and see how far you've come and use that to keep pushing
Sometimes twice a day if I have the time, but my count goes down to like, 5.
5 miles on a bicycle is nothing. The ride after is a great flush for the legs, especially after heavy lifting
>someone makes an offhand comment about chemical soaps and shampoos
>decide to scrub hard with just the warm shower water
>totally stopped sweating
What strange magic is this?
you have to force yourself to do at least 3 series with a interval of 1 minute between the series
and do other exercise afterwards , all in series
otherwise you will take forever to improve
Okay, thanks for the heads up. I just want a lean SS body, though, not to be a body builder.
nice man
keep the good job!
>not to be a body builder.
i never said you going to be a bodybuilder, that requires another level of training
>I'm weak
>no point in continuing
If you're out of shape you're SUPPOSED to be in the gym. Everyone starts somewhere. Niggas ain't born swole
What they said.
Also, you don't need to do deadlifts if you're just starting out
You don’t have a fast metabolism, since you used metric measurements I’m assuming you’re European. Now I’m europe you in general have more active life styles, with Walking a lot more and taking public transportation. So you burn an excess of calories. I noticed this when I lived in Germany I lost 8 lbs but my diet stayed the same. Here’s how you gain weight and put on some mass without getting too technical about it
1.eat until you are full
2.once you’re full eat a little more
3.save any liquids you’re going to drink for after the meal
4.dont try to get your calories from liquids and instead stick to water, this will help you stay relatively lean
5.never go to sleep hungry and never leave the house hungry
Also to ensure you don’t get flabby
>do nofap
>take cold showers
After I simplified my bulking I managed to gain 10 lbs in 2 months
you wont go anywhere pussy, you are not serious in doing this
Just following the program, after 2-3 weeks the deadlifts go down to 1 time per week I think.
I actually liked them though.
If your program suggests 3 sets for mostly everything, try increasing it to 4, that really helped me out personally.
P.S. roids are for untermensch, you're better than that.
Godspeed user
>Learning German and Japanese again
>Learning Command Line and C/C++
I want to leave this shitty work for a good one I actually enjoy.
>Applying for new jobs, main thing is money and work hours, so I can be free on the weekends.
>Read 1-2 books all the time, now going with Nietzsche, next Jung.
>Working out daily.
>Watching porn and jerking off only once per month, at most. Now I reduce it to 4 times per year.
Been working on these for a long time, I have given up most vidya games as well, used to be into GW2 a lot. Practically I fucked my life up by playing games. Now I feel like I'm nowhere, if I do not hit it hard now I will never amount to anything.
Eyy, read Will to Power my brother.
Takes a lot of effort to concentrate man. I found the pomodoro technique works, and you can increase the time you work, over a period of weeks.
kek I don't own a telly so I don't have to pay the fucking Jew tax on it. Good job on the Netflix et al, it's all just bullshit anyway.
I stopped using shampoo to clean wash my hair. It might take a week to get used to it (your hair has to rebalance oils etc.) but it is worth it.
>Yes goyim, don't be a crusty old fart who has "morals" or "values". Drink and smoke and fap your youth away like the rest of the cool kids. You don't want to be a square now do you goy?
>Learning French
Ne t'inflige pas cette peine, l'ami. Ou alors attends une génération que les millenials parlent comme des singes de cité et utilisent l'écriture inclusive.