when this movie drops you finna wake up to see black kids walking around with pride in the gods and heroes they are. even little white children will understand that black people are kings and queens, and after that ain't no stoppin us we will reclaim our glorious heritage and make you wypipo pay
When this movie drops you finna wake up to see black kids walking around with pride in the gods and heroes they are...
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you bitches tryna downplay this are wasting your time
Black Memes: The Movie
Not going to reply to OP because he’s a faggot an me this is shitty bait.
How well is the film going to do? 90% Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes? Or will it bomb?
always liked black panther, he's pretty well written and has a developed character, can't wait to see how hollywood fucks him up
Black people are literally so fucking useless that they have to pretend that a fictional nation that is built on a surplus of a fictional alien metal, led by a man with superpowers that he gets via ingesting a fictional herb whilst being able to communicate with the dead would exist if it weren't for "dem white people".
It'll probably do pretty good, most Marvel movies can guarantee around 75 - 90%, I think it'll get a bit of the Wonder Woman effect where it'll get good reviews because some don't want to say anything bad about because of identity politics. So a 90, at least
Sup Forums is a DC board. take your marvel shit to reddit
if they actually started holding themselves to a higher standard then doing hood rat shit and being niggers I'd be all for it.
Whatever it takes for them to have a goal beyond paper and drugs and muh dik
I'd be fine with that too, but go to any trailer for this movie and you'll see that the response will be the same as usual "everything is white peoples fault, where are my gibs?"
I know of like, nones of people who want to see this. But surely the hype is real.
>It will be no less than a 210% we wuz fresh rating.
Racisim is the only thing they have left.
If we frame Trumps immigration policies as 100% pro african american worker (which they are) the dems will have nothing.
>companies are hiring people with criminal records, disabilities or prolonged bouts of joblessness.
>there are signs of wage growth starting to show
>companies are hiring straight out of prisons because they need workers
>increase in postings open to people without experience.
>unemployment rates have fallen sharply in recent years for people with disabilities or without a high school diploma
>participation rate for workers aged 25 to 54 hit a seven-year high in December.
>unemployment for African-Americans fell to 6.8 percent in November, the lowest rate on record
>warehouse workers: “If someone applies for a job and you don’t get to them within 24 hours, that person will already have taken another job.”
>household incomes have risen rapidly in the past two years, with the strongest gains coming for those in the poorest families.
>more people switching jobs, and getting bigger bumps in pay for doing so.
Trumps black support has doubled since election - it could be so much higher if they actually hear what Trump has to offer them
why? is that a new paradigm altering documentary or something
Tyler Perry isn't wearing a fat suit in this one? Bummer?
Absolutely true. By and large, it isn't whites who get frozen out of the labor market by illegal immigration. It's blacks who get priced out by Paco's cheap labor.
Can't wait to see how they market it in China.
Fucking kek forgot about china. Its straight up fucked there.
brute force I guess.
Pacific rim 2 will have the same problem. And considering that was a major major market for that film I guess it's more about forcing cultural ideals than making money.
I'm just waiting to see the weekend death toll at theaters where niggers shoot each other up. Load mouth niggers and movies is a dangerous game to play. I'm going to say at least three go down for the count on opening weekend..
>even little white children will understand that black people are kings and queens
Kweens and Kangz of what? Royalty means nothing if all are royal. Dub niggers as always
This is great news! Now Africans can go back to Africa with American education and money and help rebuild their own nation!!!!
Off you go!!!!!!
"I tells dat fool coon nots to go upstairs wit dat killer behind him. I had to shoot at the screen. He wadda list'nin and shit bix nood"
that nigger aint going to push a button unless you give him a countdown with a gun to his head then he will go for the Reparations.
The level of chaos in theaters is going to be biblical.
"Kweens and Kangz" of the EARTH you fucking dumb white boy.
Meanwhile in reality
1. what would it look like had you white slavers never fucking showed up? 2. haiti is not africa and is the result of the french (white people) spreading poverty everywhere.. no one in africa was poor before the white man came and kidnapped us
Worth checking out.
Who cares.
It will be the greatest movie ever made!
"Black vote" effect.
It will make money because every nigger will see it because it's gonna "help out the community."
I know a black guy who acts like black panther is his culture. I can't hate though, he's actually a pretty cool dude even if he Kangz it up sometimes.
reminder black panther is /our guy/
Yesterday was the mass BLACKENING of white women and when white women see this movie, they will want to get BLACKED again. Every year, millions of white women get BLACKED on MLK holiday.
if niggers were kings they'd fuck off back to their kingdom of africa
Movies seem to be made for ethnic minorities, not heritage americans. Most people I know haven't been to a movie in years.
Niggers will always always always vote Democrat. Don't delude yourself. Its better to be realistic
It would look exactly the same. Nigs have been enslaving each other since the dawn of man. Niggers in America have it better than anywhere else. We did them a favor by buying them. Notice how I said buying and not enslaving. White people didn't enslave anyone. They simply bought slaves who were already slaves. Because niggers just can't help themselves. Even now, in Africa, there are more slaves now than there ever were during the slavery period in the United States.
Blumpf is finished
When the movie drops, make sure to refer to it as the most alt-right movie ever and empathise with and relate to the plight of the African characters who are trying to secure the existence of their people and a future for Wakanza children.
The main issue is that this rich first world black country didn't bother sending high tech aid to their starving neighbours and let the Anglo cuck the fuck out of them.
The fact that there's still this level of cuckoldry on this board after all that has happened really gets to me sometimes.
the only good black comic character is the black manta ray or whatever the fuck he's called
He's literally just a cheap black knock-off of Batman.
The guy who plays black panther is REALLY fucking hot.
I bet he has a big dick too, black men are well known for their BBC’s
Except he needs drugs. Though he is black so I guess that makes sense.
burn them alive in the theaters, problem solved.
This is it. This movie will finally be the thing that fixes the black community. It's real this time
That is what you darker mutts said when Obama was elected too. From 2016:
>Last year, the hourly pay gap between blacks and whites widened to 26.7%, with whites making an average of $25.22 an hour compared to $18.49 for blacks, the EPI found. Almost 40 years ago, in 1979, the wage gap between blacks and whites was 18.1%, with whites earning an inflation-adjusted average of $19.62 an hour and blacks earning $16.07 an hour.
Your false self will only lead you into a worse situation.
This pic gets my dick hard.
Haiti was one of the most prosperous colonies under French rule. Then the niggers rebelled and you see the results today.