(Meteora) Österreich über alles
Über alles in der Welt!
(Meteora) Österreich über alles
Über alles in der Welt!
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>infodump in the OP
Just so cute!
her(?) voice is really melting my heart
That's a boy
Stop making the threads so ugly.
How long untill he finds all the lewd doujins of himself?
Who is Rui's target demographic?
But Meteora is perfect
He developed his CQC skills specifically to avoid getting molested.
you can let her(?) know right now user
My dick
Only if you seiyufag
what do you think is rui's target demographic?
Homo thread.
New Jap Spoilers from the showing:
*Sota is not sure whether to admit he knows about Chuuni all this time, just as he is about to talk to Red about it Meteora interrupts them and says they have to go to psudeo-Comiket.
*Chuuni is going to make a big public showing to cause chaos and also grab some of the staff on Mamika's show that are there for a panel (The show is so committee-driven they aren't sure who to grab to rewrite her story, and Meteora talks for roughly six minutes about the uncertain nature of it.)
* Rui helps Sota sneak into the VIP section, not sure why everyone but him can fly.
* Celejia and Meteora keep watch nearby when Alice attacks them, Celejia manages to evade her by running into a crowd of people cosplaying her. Lancer finds this confusing and just stabs everyone who looks like her.
* The police and army try to respond, but Mamika and Chuuni are attacking anyone who gets near (Mamika convinces Chuuni just to disable the vehicles and she has magic that can nonlethally deal with them.)
* Rui and Sota try to sneak out the panelists, but Blitz kills the lights and uses his augmented night vision to grab the lead writer and fly away.
* Rui is prepared to summon Gigas but Sota thinks they might kill everyone if they bring him into the urban area.
*Meteora catches up to Celejia and Alice and manages to keep Alice busy while she warns Celejia to catch up to Blitz
*Chuuni notices what is going down and sends Mamika to help Blitz.
* Rui and Sota call up Marine who was nearby in a cab to drive over to them and help get to Blitz who has hijacked a police van.
* Rui/Celejia vs. Mamika/Blitz fight breaks out, Celejia totals the van, and when Mamika tries to blast her Celejia dodges and the blast hits Marine in the cab.
*Credits run as Sota tries to resuscitate Marine and realizes she is dead.
Exposition - the anime
Video related:
>*Credits run as Sota tries to resuscitate Marine and realizes she is dead.
and I was hoping they'd kill Meteora off
>Lancer finds this confusing and just stabs everyone who looks like her.
time to go back to fanfiction.net user
Team get rid of the moralfags the best team.
>Setsuna makes OC
>presumable tells Souta the general concept and he draws shit
>gets bullied because she's a dork
>can't handle the bants so she takes the next train to deathville
>Souta gets some anime-tier mindblock from all of this, including not remembering drawing chuuni OC
>OC shows up wanting to destroy the world
>"gee where have I seen her before"
>takes 5 episodes to finally put the pieces together
>cue chuuni showing up at one of his few remaining windows to smash it and kidnap him because the two idiots moved elsewhere to have some lesbian orgy instead of protecting him
I know this isn't real because more would happen in a single episode than in the last 5. But also because it really seems to violate the idea that Hime can't act out too much without the world undoing her. There's no way she's making a big public showing right now.
Why does Sup Forums love spoilers so damn much?
>Credits run as Sota tries to resuscitate Marine and realizes she is dead.
If she's a lesbian she would truly be uber alles
I don't know about that.
Worse garbage than what is shown already.
Only western anons fanfiction writing can be worse than japs.
Oh, hooh.. hmm..No way.
Source of the spoilers. Where?
No way this is real because you totally misunderstand what Meteora is doing when she's talking for 5 hours.
This is an extremely cute exposition machine
Have you checked his ass?
Fat old men like me.
>Lancer finds this confusing and just stabs everyone who looks like her.
That's bullshit but I believe it
I genuinely enjoy the amount of time this anime spends on characters talking.
That's the only way to go.. I loved her the moment I learned she got his creator from the police station. Not a single fuck given.
>shiteora talks for only 6 minutes
>animation beyond talking heads
>Source of the spoilers. Where?
It's bs. Or he would have said where he got them.
Cosplayers dying? holy shit
>Hand over the creator
Dumb Tittoria.
Only yesterday we had a bunch of Amazonfags spreading bullshit like 'it's gonna be another infodump 30 minutes lolol' and then it actually turned out to be a decent episode
So, no. I'm not even going to read this spoiler
it's definitely bullshit
But she didn't kill all the police. It's completely out of character.
He was right about JSDF lady and Meteora talking for half the episode though.
> Lancer finds this confusing and just stabs everyone who looks like her.
Yeah and that dialogue was quite enjoyable and well carried out. It's the negative imprinting I call off, rather than a flat-out bullshit
He sounds like a girl
Please explain
She's a hero.
An angry war hero but still a hero.
Hurting civilians who don't fight back is cowardly.
I'm surprised at her VA range.
was being right about insignificant shit worth the super-significant complete lies
She can sense that the keisatsusantachi are honorabru people. It's the sense that every true knight has.
He is voiced by Aqua so that's not surprising
He wasn't saying it was an infodump episode. He said that they will be detained by JSDF and government lady will talk for the rest of the time. The resulting shitposting didn't have anything to do with Amazonfag himself.
Yeah, the ep was great. He was all like, meeehh. cops show up and a woman speaks the whole episode.
She's sick of our shit
>quite enjoyable and well carried out
It was a bunch of baseless conjecture the government took at face value no questions asked. Their meeting should have been a bit more tense if they wanted it to be taken seriously. Instead they're BFFs now despite a tactical team busting down their door an hour ago.
user, if you are sick of life, just jump from a high place and end yourself.
No need to force yourself to live a life you don't enjoy.
Everyone would be glad and nothing of value would be lose.
Cutest big mouth I've ever seen
>The show is so committee-driven they aren't sure who to grab to rewrite her story
Poor Mamika. She doesn't deserve this.
>and Meteora talks for roughly six minutes about the uncertain nature of it.
Oh wait, this isn't real.
this /u/ combination is definitely bad
Is it just me, or this show is actually badly written?
>two girls interact
>it has to be /u/
But I've got friends who doesn't deserve to be hurt user.
Bad for who exactly? Selestia?
At least their relationship will have good communication
Just like 2 males interacting are fujoshit according to Sup Forums.
They will take turn infodumping
>does the some retarded gun violin even in Rui's world
That is not how you fucking use a PPSH you whore.
>loli that doesn't look like a loli in her garb
>Rei clone that just won't shut up
>advertised as best girl but pisses people off
What were they thinking?
Swapping roles is good, it helps keep things interesting.
wow, don't be mean to hime
It is when you're dealing with retarded mecha and faggy shounen shits.
I want to protect Meteora's smile
They make sure Memetheory is hated so when it's revealed that she's fucking evil and gets brutally put down the audience will cheer.
>implying commies didn't do even more chuuni things with their PPShs
>my master plan was to dump exposition and make the show suck, mwuahahaha
How meta will they go?
They could have a room full of people all agreeing with each other in that same monotone voice and it still wouldn't be interesting because the information is so stale. We've heard it so many times now and a large part of it is just speculation. You have to show instead of telling at some point to keep it interesting.
No ending this week. Next ending is going to go from happy times to full Madoka!
PPSh, nuthin anti-personnel, comrade.
That's genius.
read up that reply chain again, user.
I'd hug and comfort this OC.
It's almost as retarded as pic related.
>Let's use pistols strapped to a stand as an AA
His seiyuu voices grills
I love this adventurous spirit of the mankind.
Tbqh, it was just an experimental 1945 thing. They had so many submachine guns at that point they didn't know what to do with them.
That was just a fakeout thing.
A bunch of pistols together look and sound like AA fire from a distance. The hope was that thing like that could trick and scare planes from risking heavy AA fire in areas where the military couldn't afford to actually deploy AA.
Most ecchi/romance/harem anime need to take notes from Kuzu no Honkai.
I'm not talking about the specific details and characters or tone. Can certainly dislike all of those things.
But Kuzu no Honkai:
- Does not endlessly perpetuate the status quo where nothing happens (sometimes for multiple seasons). Relationships begin and end and things move.
- Is not scared of sex and intimate relationships. No one freaks out and runs away, no one acts like an oblivious robot (hello harem MCs). Where other anime even with nudity and heavy fanservice avoid them like a plague.
- Actually has an ending and adapted a complete story.
Yes, the director is trying really hard to push Meteora.
It's nice change compared to typical cliche with antagonistic military
>advertised as best girl
That's Altair. Who is the most popular. She can't save the show when they keep forcing boring girl though.
>dat pic
It's hilarious because it's summed up the story spot on