How do we fix white girls, Sup Forums?
Is there any hope left for them?
How do we fix white girls, Sup Forums?
shill bot thread
there's hope for them on muh dick
Fuck up retarded Russian
my wife is russian literally all of her friends are 9/10 conservative christian
kys faggot
Shut the fuck up you Jew
the one in the middle is most attractive and also isn't white
we don't
kill, marry, fuck.
russians are mongolians lmao
whiter than you, juan
sometimes i really wonder if they are actually bots/shills or just autistic fags that like being called shills.
In what order? Also post more pre-degenerate cuties please.
they aintn't even hot anyway, middle one could be a mans whore if she worked out some
Maybe western white girls can be fixed. but eastern ukrainian/russian women are natural born hookers.
All our whore houses in israel is filled with your women.
rap music encourages them to fuck niggers. attack the culture industry, attack the arts, attack the music industry & hollywood
kill, fuck, marry
Good thing they are otherwise they would be out of business. No one is going to pay for sex with a jewess.
Fix yourself. Don’t care about being called racist. Don’t date girls who’ve fucked non whites or more than 3 people.
Rape them
Middle, oh my god middle.
>Jewish women
Pick one.
marry middle
fuck right
kill left
A market can't exist without demand.
Leave em for the niggers.
A jewess isn't gonna charge to be a nasty slut lmao
I wonder why that is moshe?
ukraine & russia are full of kikes that exploit slavs.
thanks for making america invade every country in the middle east because you felt scared.
They are the actual ones that prefer black cock. Hilarious.
we need ww3
Russia is no3. in the world for AIDS.
Its like
1) South Africa
2) Nigeria
3) Russia
It's sad they project their BBC fetish onto us.
the shit eating grin on tyrones face is great.
>how do we fix _____
> 1 post by this ID
> /s/ image
daily reminder to add 'fix' to your filters, its shillbots #1 shitposting spam thread for last 3 years
Kike bois btfo.
It’s gross desu
You can send the one in the middle to my concentration camp
Sage Jesus Christ seen at least 2 of these the past week
I think it's beautiful. A real world
No I mean I think it’s gross how they project it onto us. And especially gross for the women that fall for it.
Give them to Asian men for breeding
Whats this gif from ? Whos the chick ?
Pls name your pics and/or provide source when you post them thx
Pornstars ARE hookers
They dont have to change because they already are . Except Scarlett Johansson , shes as pure as , well as pure as a jewess can be .
>tfw i know the girl on the right
fyi memeflags are automatically assumed to be shitskins from 3rd world countries
Is she Israeli?
Jews never lie. Ever. Period. Pay reparations.
Yes. this pic was probably taken in israel (writing on the hat says Skazi - some israeli musician).
Come home, ivan
Stfu jew europoors
Well damn. The Skazi part is the most compelling.
i would fuck middle And then kill all three.
Fix with dicks.
>implying scantily clad women is somehow bad
This tbqhf. Only losers care about muh degeneracy
This thread is about OP assuming that if white girls were still being forced married at the age of 16 he would finally have a wife