Red pill me Sup Forums!
Red pill me about islam!
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You're a kike
Islam is a fake religion.
Muslims believe the Quran is literally the word of God.
Reading the Quran, even a retard can understand the mess that "book" is. So, it can't be made by God himself.
That's the first and main reason Islam is a fake religion.
Islam is the ultimate final red pill. Take it or leave it.
It's Cancer.
What very people knew about The Prophet Mohammed, but should know, is that he let pigs fuck his ass and ate pig shit.
Islam is the religion of peace :-)
a quarter of the koran is ripped off from the torah and bible. The rest of it is "lol, kill, rape, and pillage but give me half of what you get lol"
It's an organized religion created by a brigand that needed a justification to commit murder and robbery in order to consolidate his power.
what very people knew about The Prophet Mohammed, but should know, is that he let pigs fuck his ass and ate pig shit.
The most Metal religion....we say they hate our freedom...they treat their enemies the way Sup Forums only dares fantasize about
Ripped off WRONGLY from the bible, cause Mohammad couldn't even remember those stories right.
So, names are confused, characters are changed, everything makes no sense.
There is only one thing you need to know about Islam: it is arab talmudic zionism created by Arab Sadducees and expanded by Persian and North African Pharisees.
Being two of three branches of Talmudic Zionism it is the literal worship of Satan.
Maybe because those said books come from the same source with some differences to be compatible with their era?
To judge something, you can look at what it brings. In the case of islam, i cant really think of anything positive.
Do not take me wrong, i really studied its history, from before islam to today.
Islam is what you can call an anti-civilization. Some will write about the golden age of islamic countries, but this period was only islamic in name. The arab savants were not muslims and hated islam, unlike europeans, who loved their religion but were often in conflict with the church.
If you want to know the true essence of islam, look at ISIS. Muhammad was a terrible person. He didnt wanted to work, so he married a rich widow, and spent her money. Once it runned dry, he created a personnality cult. Once his family had enough and exiled him for the shame he brought upon their clan, he went no a nearby city, started a civil war, won it then came back and plundered his native city and confiscated the wealth of his family, for the ones he didnt just murdered. From then, will start an endless war, punctuated by every horror you can imagine. He is the anti christ for real christian. He lied, cheated, forged the holy scriptures, tortured, maimed, looted, a crime, you can be sure he did it. Incest, adultery, treason, pride, a sin or a vice, he has it.
This is the truth. Read the quran and study history, for it is only the first step on the road of madness that is islam.
And now you will understand why muslims are such vile people.
Not at all. If they all come from the same source (God), then they wouldn't have incompatible differences, right?
Basically during the fourth and fifth century after Christ there was this heresy in Christedom called Arianism (from arius the founder) wich said that Jesus wasn't God but only a creature etc etc. After almost imposing their view on a Church council, They were btfo.
Some of them escaped tho and reached Arabia and they were so butthurt that they scarcely cares for the desert sandblasting their asses every day because they allready burned so much they couldn't tell.
So, some time later, A MYSTERIOUS HOLY MAN APPEARS and tells everyone that everyone got God's message wrong except him, that Jesus wasn't God but a creature etc etc.
He presents none of the signs God told people to expect from his Prophet, something even Christian Science managed to do acceptably but he and his friends have a plan!
1500 years later, It's just another failed attempt at conquering the world. A world state wich never conquered the world And now has been in existential Chrisys for centuries. A warrior-religion wich hadn't won shit since Lepanto; a Theology wich is wildly incoherent at best and an outlook to life wich denies even things such as Original Sin.
>same source
Not even close.
>Red pill me on islam
Religious adults are like that 13 year old kid that still believes in Santa...
The reason I believe in Catholicism are miracles. There are a lot of them. Not explanable by science.
you're so retarded, mate, that's impressive
because some dolt from the 21st Century reading King James knows what's up.
The differences between Quran's stories and any version of the Bible are too many and too huge. It can't be just a matter of translation.
It’s shit. Muhammad was a faggot pedophile
Arius was right about Jesus as a creature tho.
t. unitarian