Chrsitcucks are a Joke

Haha live by the Cross get get White Genocided by the Cross

So low energy shareblue.

sage this gay shit

Be a good goy and keep worshiping a jew

This is typical of many modern churches. They will virtue signal to the masses by parroting left-wing talking points. Using the platform of the pulpit to make political statements that would otherwise be rejected under scrutiny and debate. It's passive aggressive faggotry at its worst.

And they wonder why church attendance is dropping. They alienate and chastise the actual believers until they throw up their hands and leave these places. And they coddle to people who will hate the church and will always find a new reason to attack it no matter how much you bend to them.

"Maybe if we just surrender on the 1645th issue that will bring in the fedoras, feminists, and jews who hate us and want us dead. It will also make up for the people we lost when we surrendered 1644 times before.

Isn't it possible to say a country is a shithole without implying the people are also shitholes?

Church was always cucked. Clergy were always faggot NEETs leeching off the white man.

Isn’t a nation it’s people? Just using the same logic as White Nationalists.

You could also say that about a house that is filthy, rundown, barely standing, with mold in the walls, damaged plumbing, dangerous outdated electricity, broken windows, rats running around, flies in piles of shit, etc.

But we all know how and why that house is in such a condition.

Based on your comment I don't know whether you're a typical fedora fag who hasn't seen the light of Christ or you have seen the light of Christ and realize these churches are actively trying to keep it out.

That's why I don't care for organized Christianity. They always put foreign Christians before their own country and it's secular advantages.

Where's your argument? Christians are a joke at this point. If you want to be taken seriously, you all need to get together and have a white nationalist reformation

Christianity is going to die in the west within our lifetimes.

Christ is a false god. Hinduism is the one true faith. It’s too bad poo in Lois stole it from the white man and the the Jews were there with their false faith.

>all these fedora threads all of a sudden
Are we getting raided?

"Hinduism is the one true faith"

>Comfortably middle class
>Parents paid for everything
>Forced you to go to church every Sunday
>Now "enlightened" unlike those stupid parents
>Poo religion is your way of rebelling against your comfortable middle class lifestyle

You must be so above it all.

>white genocided
I hope you understand that the Church involved in this story is a black baptist church. Pic related is the reverend from the story.

You're interpreting this story like it was a room full of white people. But it wasn't- it was just a hall of dindus who were bound to do as dindus do.

>White conservatives wake up and realize that Christcuckery is destroying the west

“Hurr must be an organized raid”

I grew up poor in the South surrounded by other poor whites and niggers. I worked hard in school and escaped to Colorado. Education frees me while the Christcucks I grew up with love in poverty with children they can’t provide for without government hands outs. They go to Church every Sunday tho and I don’t so clearly they will be a better addition to the Ethno state.

Wake up. Realize that Jews invented Christianity to control us.

You need to be delusional if you keep telling yourself that Christianity isn't part of the problem.

>b-but real christianity...

That's like defending communism by claiming that real communism has never been tried before. Your larp-christianity doesn't matter. Actual christians are importing foreigners and protecting them. Actual christians are against traditional nation states. Actual christians are happily involved in the western suicide, because it's a christian thing to do.

White Christian churches harbor illegals. I say execute the white pastors for treason of both nation and race. Then burn down the church and replace it with something useful like a pot shop.

Psychedelic drugs are one way to get whites to realize all the lies (((they))) tell.

That's totally idendical to what our very white pastors say about those poor migrants and pure third world countries.

White Christians cheered for the death of Rhodesia.

Can't call degenerate criminal ghettos shitholes because that's racist.

Yeah cause muhchristcuckery is what Jesus was trying to teach.
OP Incel is brainlet. Most men don't get New Testament and no one is gonna expect a tumblr shill to either.

Fuckin hinduism preachin retard.

It doesn't matter a bit what you might think Jesus was trying to teach. The christians are teaching love to everyone, tolerance to everything and apathy for fighting back, and they are part of the problem, no matter what you wish to believe in.

Thats not what Christianity is about. Who taught you that, your SLACK group?

But it is. You can't hide behind the "i-it's not real Christianity"-excuse forever while people identifying as Christians are doing their best to make first world third world. They surely don't care about your view on faith a bit.

I will let the apocalypse decide that my friend.