How come there are no accounts of Jesus when he lived outside the bible? Don't you think that Roman soldiers would write letters to the Emperor if they saw the earth shake when so called son of God died?
How come there are no accounts of Jesus when he lived outside the bible...
Other urls found in this thread:
>who is Suetonius?
they did, its in the bible
> the instigation of Chrestus
this is stretching it
Kek literally nobody here ( I hope) believes in Jesus and god. So this thread is kind of unnecessary
The common soldiery might not have but the officers would have been more likely. If they did exist, they would have perhaps been hidden or destroyed by the Vatican eager to control the narrative or maybe to hide the fact that nothing happened. E.g. "Dear Mom, we crucified this jew today. He was taking too long to die so this troll in my squad stabbed him with his spear. We went for some food later on". Or maybe Roman accounts distract from the idea that it was the Jews who were solely responsible so again they were suppressed
He was born long after JC shuffled off this mortal coil
according to matthew, upon christs death, multiple tombs opened up and zombies walked the earth. this most newsworthy event is not mentioned in mark, luke or john and is certainly not mentioned by the ancient historians.
I heard there were ancient scrolls in the Vatican vault. Many of the scriptures were found in the main discovery of the dead sea scrolls.
>didn't have non-biblical proof Pilate - a Roman prefect - existed until 1961
>"Why didn't the one (if you're lucky) Roman soldier in Jerusalem who knew how to write send a letter via the non-existent postal system to Tiberius in Rome, why didn't Tiberius carefully archive this crazy-sounding letter from some random idiot, and why didn't this one letter survive the centuries of civil war and invasions between 33 AD and now?"
1. there are many non-biblical accounts of jesus
2. many of the books in the bible were not written to be religious texts, but are just early 1st century books about jesus and his followers
>How come there are no accounts of Jesus when he lived outside the bible?
matthew is the guy trying to convince the jews that jesus is the Messiah
Publius lentullus
2018, still hasnt figured it out...
So your point is...what? There may have been one but was destroyed? A lsrgely illiterate bunch of soldiers would not have been able to write one let alone post it because no postal services existed? Maybe there is one but given that it took until 1961 to get some hard evidence about Pilate's existence, maybe we just need to wait?
A guy who died 500 years ago resurrected yesterday . who would know ? if he told his story he would end up in the nut house.
>t. oblivious retard
Also, what about the cursus publicus? We have letters written by Roman soldiers manning Hadrien's wall in the British museum.
>early 1st century books
there are no early 1st century books regarding the jesus cult. everything we have, canonical or not, was written in the latter half of the 1st century and a couple of the episitles were written in the early 2nd cen
Read the Apochrypha. Also, the books that the Vatican left out of the bible. Two of them have details furthering insight into his day to day.
I personally won't read that info. In fact, i dont normally tell people to do so, but im in a "let the non believers, degenarates, and nay sayers burn" kinda mood.
I highly reccommend you just trust in God. Put your faith in him. Knowledge and its pursuit is not wisdom.
Jesus is just some jewish voodoo doll on a stick.
Even by the OT he fails as the messiah.
Christianity is just judaism for the goyim.
I thought those were dated from a couple of hundred years AD. I think we are trying to figure out if there were contemporary texts about JC while he was alive. If some dude started walking on water, raising the dead and floating up to heaven then somebody other than his kool aid drinking buddies would have noticed
There can only be one
Hadrian's wall was a thing for 20 years and had thousands of soldiers manning it, we're talking about a hypothetical letter from one of the handful of dudes on a specific date who might've been in the loop about Jesus' execution and who were close enough to events on the ground to associate the execution and the earthquake.
And even if it did exist what are the odds it survived? How many official documents from the Tiberius administration do we have, let alone random letters?
Jesus was not a Jew.
>Jesus was not a Jew.
Jesus was not a Jew.
>Jesus was not a Jew.
Jesus was not a Jew.
>Jesus was not a Jew.
Jesus was not a Jew.
>Jesus was not a Jew.
Jesus was not a Jew.
>Jesus was not a Jew.
Jesus was not a Jew.
>Jesus was not a Jew.
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>Jesus was not a Jew.
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>Jesus was not a Jew.
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>Jesus was not a Jew.
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>Jesus was not a Jew.
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>Jesus was not a Jew.
Jesus was not a Jew.
>Jesus was not a Jew.
Jesus was not a Jew.
>Jesus was not a Jew.
Jesus was not a Jew.
>Jesus was not a Jew.
Jesus was not a Jew.
>Jesus was not a Jew.
Jesus was not a Jew.
>Jesus was not a Jew.
Jesus was not a Jew.
>Jesus was not a Jew.
Jesus was not a Jew.
>Jesus was not a Jew.
Jesus was not a Jew.
>Jesus was not a Jew.
Jesus was not a Jew.
>Jesus was not a Jew.
Himmler would have punished you for saying that.
It's a fair point. Seems to suggest that there was nothing extraordinary about his death though but hard to tell.
It was all about oral traditions back in those days. "Books" often didn't become literal physical books for decades. The gospel of Mark is pretty much all second hand info from Peter - Mark was an apostle of Peter, not Jesus.
>toothpaste talking shit about God Almighty
Well too bad snowfalke because he WAS a kike
already explained in the bible jews payed off everyone
>11Now when they were going, behold, some of the watch came into the city, and shewed unto the chief priests all the things that were done. 12And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers, 13Saying, Say ye, His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept. 14And if this come to the governor's ears, we will persuade him, and secure you. 15So they took the money, and did as they were taught: and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day.
We know it's in the bible, this thread is about mentions of the even in sources that are not bible.
If Jesus was the son of God and was the result if immaculate conception, then the traditional Jewish matrilineal rules no longer apply. In order for Jesus to have been Jewish, he would have to have been born a regular man through regular means of conception.
Jesus was an Israelite not a jew.
Did you see me arguing with whether or not he was an israelite or a jew?
The Talmud, Josephus, Tacitus and more...
>Be roman pagan
>Claim the king of jews is the son of god in your report
>Get crucified
>Jesus is just some jewish voodoo doll on a stick.
>Even by the OT he fails as the messiah.
>Christianity is just judaism for the goyim.
>Himmler would have punished you for saying that.
But I'm the God-Emperor and I wouldn't punish him for saying it - other than maybe chastising the "voodoo doll" remark. The Jews are proud "regicidalists." Pharaoh, several Kings of Israel, the King of Babylon, among others are all challenged by these terrorist frauds (scribes and pharisees) posing as divine authorities - that's why the gospel documents exist.
Belief in God and proud regicide are generally incompatible - especially when doing it for some nobody loser terrorist like the character "Moses."
I see what you did there
>>Be roman pagan
>>Claim the king of jews is the son of god in your report
>>Get crucified
Nah, Romans believed in God - they just didn't believe in Yahweh. "Christians" got in trouble because they worshiped Yahweh.
roman citizens at the time were not crucified
"Christians" got in trouble because they worshiped Yahweh.
they got in trouble because they tried to convert everybody to their new cult and siphon off 10% of every converts assets. yhwh hebes were given special dispensation on alot of shit from rome because they were content to fleece their own flock and not the entire fucking empire
They did. There are tones of Roman references to JC.
post sources
Yahweh is God you faggot.
Christians only got in trouble if they refused to also worship Jupiter. The romans let people be any religion if they made a small offering to Jupiter as well.
Why won't you read them? Are you afraid you'll be persuaded by them? Do you really believe the Pope can determine what is true and what is false infallibly? Why, then, do the positions of the Catholic Church change over time?
Jesus was from Galilee, an area known for red hair and a ruddy complexion. His ancestor was David, a famous ginger.
>Yahweh is God you faggot.
No it's not - never has been and never will be - it's a terrorist manifesto - the Bronze Age equivalent an Anarchist's Cookbook.
Like Jesus said, the Jews worship the devil, that their father is a liar and Jesus' Father is the true God.
"This statement is the word of God, most of the Bible isn't."
See how easy it is to say something is the word of God? You should check ID when it comes to something as important as your eternal soul.
I'm God.
Yahweh is just a word that means God.
Fuck off with your schizophrenic explanation.
When you realize Jesus is the way, the truth, the light, you don't need accounts.
Only bankers need accounts.
this is patently untrue. the jews were exempt from such nonsense. they bypassed the emperor worship bullshit via compromise daily offering to yhwh for the emperors health
Porn was created
read 'the traditions of glastonbury' if you want to know some of the things that Jesus was doing outside of the Bible
obviously OP is a slide-kike, but the rest of you could learn something if you wanted to
the short answer is that he was creating the first christian community in britain
>t. poor dumb redneck.
earliest reference was 73 AD --- well outside of jesus' lifetime
Completely false. The etymology of Yahweh is obscure. Be quiet and stop spreading disinformation.
He was actually scouting talent to start Reality Kings.
Wrong. It means God. Just like Gott means God. Have you heard of the concept of different languages? You see when you take Yahweh and translate it to English it’s God.
Wasn’t the question “outside of the Bible?”
>heheh i hole that everybody is as lazy and shallow as me here *Tips unused Dawkins book*
How about when you realize Jesus was the literal king of the Jews. How about when you bend knee to a Jew king?
One tour in the army; I was no longer a believer.
He also cuts my lawn ever week.
Also spends a lot of time in prison.
>Yahweh is just a word that means God.
Except Yahweh isn't a god - Yahweh is a fantasy world for losers who like feeling important through rape, plunder, vandalism, murder and other savagery.
Blasphemy is possible for anyone to do - no gods are going to go out of their way to save or protect an impious mortal.
For 2500 years all Yahweh followers have done is sit there, deny reality, and murder people, generation after generation after generation. Their book hasn't changed so there once were people on this Earth capable of transcribing perfectly 1000 pages of the "word of God" but there hasn't been a single mortal who speaks or works for God since and if anyone claims to work for God, you should murder them because that's what Yahweh says to do.
And that's why Yahweh worshipers have a huge chance of going to hell and an almost certain chance of having their soul destroyed.
The word “Yahweh” triggers your schizophrenia doesn’t it?
Now that I think about it a lot of schizophrenics talk about Yahweh a lot.
>how come there are no accounts of Jesus when he lived...
pretty much self explanatory to all who can read at a 3rd grade level. and, as already pointed out in this thread, there are no sources
Translate it from what language? This is literally a bold-faced lie that is easily destroyed with a 10 second google search. I'm actually shocked. You Jews are typically more subtle.
So I gave you a source of Jesus being mention outside of the Bible you faggot.
>The word “Yahweh” triggers your schizophrenia doesn’t it?
Insults - you claim to be the servant of an intergalactic superhuman being and all you can come up with in discussing your "god" is insults?
Kings across this planet from ancient South America to ancient Egypt to ancient China and ancient Japan have claimed to be gods.
We're all schizo but the people who read the story about the genocidal talking burning bush are totally on the level.
>when he lived
you illiterate dicksucker
Hey juden Schweine kys faggot, odin is our god and no kike on earth shall ever convert us, so go fuck yourself and your false deity. I pray to odin that you will hang yourself so that you may meet our maker, the all Father who art in heaven (valhalla).
>t. Obvious Jew worshiping shill
Odin is too busy extracting semen from dead corpses with his mouth....
You didn’t fucking say that faggot. There are none because he never existed. But that’s my opinion. I have no sources for that. So don’t ask.
Anyone who prays to any God is a cuck beta faggot. Enjoy!
go eat cum like odin faggot
I think I want my girl to role play as oden now.
it is in the OP
i spoon fed you here and i spoonfed you yet again here you are a detriment to this board, your flag and your race. refrain from posting on public message boards until you can read above the level of an 8 year old child
there are tacitus and josephus
The OP said outside of the Bible, not while Jeusis was still alive.
By the way what race am I?
I’m well above average in reading ability, so no worries there.
The word for God in Hebrew is El, the plural being Elohim, you shitstained, lying Jewbeast. There is no scholarly consensus as to the etymology of Yahweh, but no one proposes what you've claimed. You're uneducated or lying. Either way you ought to STFU.
Jesus is Lord ! The only way.
Believe and you will be saved.
Have a pleasent and productive day !
>aside from this evidence, there is no evidence
the bible isn't one book, it's a collection of writings.
Jesus is mentioned in multiple epistles and multiple gospels.
Stop using google translate. Yahweh is also a word for God. Use a real, historical dictionary.
You don’t have to be upset because I’m right. I don’t even believe in God.
BUT until I was fucking 17 I was drug into the synagogue. I had to listen to all of that nonsense.
I started reading the bible. I'm up too the book of numbers. *spoiler alert* I think god is about to wipe out the cannites. anyway can any Christian tell me why good is obsessed with blood? seriously half this book is straight up bloody sacificie (unto the lord) I have lost count of the number of bulloks and she goats and he goats and she lambs and doves and turles god as demanded be drain of blood and burnt (as a sweet saviour unto the lord) before the tabernacle. This book is nothing like what i expected.
Yahweh is a NAME for God. It's not a word that means God you insufferable shitwit. Do you even know what the word "etymology" MEANS? Literally kill yourself. I've almost never seen someone that was so stupid in such an easily verifiable way that was so confident at the same time. Your position is indefensible.
>I was drug into the synagogue
A schizophrenic Kike, no fucking wonder.
>not while Jeusis was still alive.
ha ha - you kant evun krrecktlee spel "Jesus". and your reading comprehension is still below a 3rd grader.
>By the way what race am I?
doesn't matter. whatever race you are you have repeatedly proven to be the weakest link. you are now trying to save face in face of repeatedly proving yourself to be a mentally deficient retard. accept the fact that you are wrong and that i am right and abandon this thread. every post you continue to make solidifies the fact that you are an illiterate faggot
Yahweh isn't the God Most High. He's an evil being that created the material world as a prison for souls.
NO it is a word that means God, Lord, the one and only, God and Lord, Jahova (sp?). So no it’s not a name for God. It means God, God the Lord and this concept of God being all.
Get educated then let’s talk.