Listen to me white people

Do you really believe it is a coincidence that, over the last few decades, as they've consolidated their control over your politicians, your banks, and your media, they increasingly thrive while your long-term viability plummets?

A coincidence that while you stood by silently and watched as your borders became little more than lines on old maps, their borders transformed into impenetrable barriers?

That even now, as they take strong anti-dysgenic actions, they fight fiercely to keep the gates open to the flood of drifting third-world garbage that inundates your countries?

If so then you have so little understanding of history, and so little regard for the warnings of your forefathers, that you deserve to perish in the hellish wasteland of your own creation.

Puny, puny men you will be remembered as, that I promise you.

Other urls found in this thread:

>that you deserve to perish in the hellish wasteland of your own creation.
>Puny, puny men you will be remembered as, that I promise you.

Absolutely true. Every word. Sup Forums and white men will die screaming at everyone and everything as the last vestiges of white safe spaces are destroyed and their lazy, idiotic strategies prove ineffective. Strategies such as: flooding into powerless trade jobs, "muh guns", "muh innawoods" etc.

The irony of it all will be that white men will thrash about, refusing to accept any blame, spouting that they were never warned about the coming doom, when in fact they've had 600 years of warning from leaders who've told them repeatedly what must be done and what enemies to vanquish, and yet, here in the end, they still act like petulant children, immune to truth and the deliverance of real knowledge.

It is truly the future they chose

good input user

Thank you. My conscious is clean.

bumping this thread. This is a high intelligence thread which is why it is so quiet in here.

It will get worse before it gets better, but make no mistake, the world will tremble before us once again.

>Do you really believe it is a coincidence that, over the last few decades, as they've consolidated their control over your politicians, your banks, and your media, they increasingly thrive while your long-term viability plummets?
>A coincidence that while you stood by silently and watched as your borders became little more than lines on old maps, their borders transformed into impenetrable barriers?
>That even now, as they take strong anti-dysgenic actions, they fight fiercely to keep the gates open to the flood of drifting third-world garbage that inundates your countries?
>If so then you have so little understanding of history, and so little regard for the warnings of your forefathers, that you deserve to perish in the hellish wasteland of your own creation.
>Puny, puny men you will be remembered as, that I promise you.

We need to kick the civil war off already

Why not puddi puddi men?

what or who will create the spark?

Donald Trump.

It's painful to watch what is happening as you describe it this is truly what is happening.
The No.1 name for newborn babies in Holland for last two years in a row was Mohammed.

i have decided to stop fighting and since I have never tried heroin before I will go to Saigon and buy heroin, get an addict to train me on how to inject it, try it a few times to see if it snaps me out of my objective, and then inject the known overdose amount. I have heard this is the best way. I will not stay and fight for losers. And I will not stay to watch them let this happen to us. I am 42, highly educated, three degrees, patents, could be millionaire and I chose death rather than to watch this happen that is happening.

get a hold of yourself

That we could so easily defeat them if our people were not in this zombie trance. It's like watching 2000 years of wars lost in the end was all for nothing for us white man.

How about you stop being a faggot.
You would be an embarrassment to the Reich
It's this "well there's nothing we can do now" philosophy that got us here in the first place. What do you think happened when the shitskins invaded iberia? They didn't say "well I might as well be a faggot and die." They drove them out just like the crusades.

It's not going to magically happen over night user, but soon. More and more people are waking up to the wrong doings done to us and eventually the tide will shift in our favor.

>age 42 on Sup Forums

I'm sorry, but you're a huge fucking loser no matter what.

I have a hold of myself.
I have been thinking about it a long time. It started back in 2006 in Australia when I started showing all my closest friends look at this video, "In Plane SIght" about the 9/11 attacks. And they all said I was crazy, they even tried to organise to have me put in a mental institution because I was saying that this was the CIA not muslims. SO I discarded them all as friends. I went to Brasil. Then in Brasil all I met were people who didn't understand the concept of win-win in business, all of them traitors. Meanwhile watching the movement of the 9/11 Truth Movement, seeing how dumb our people had become,
I fought like a warrior, I sacrificed my name and my life for the Truth. God will judge me for the heroin suicide.
I just can't watch our empire die like this. It is too painful to watch. Even back in 2006 I thought we had lost but I put in a good ten year war. I think it's all lost.

BARRON #2024

It's only just the beginning user. Read mein kampf or my life and push through it.

Nothing is lost until every last one of us is dead. I don't know about you, but I've got 2 little white children to raise at home.

Good work user

>I will go to Saigon and buy heroin

$10 says this dude will most possibly hire two lolis for the evening and totally re-evaluate life, just like black pigeon speaks

What art thou we to do Lord Humungus?

and how old are you, kiddo? lmao/ Sup Forums is over 12 years old now. you're here forever

Sup Forums has unedited uncensored freedom of speech. I was banned from Twitter and Facebook 10 times and now that I have seen veritus project exposing they are collecting even our private messages???? I dont even walk around the city with a fucking phone. I am being tracked everywhere? There is no freedom of speech.
DO you know why the Jews imported negros to the Americas to be slaves? Because the indians would sooner die than be their slaves.

>Do you know why the Jews imported negros to the Americas to be slaves?

because injuns are on a horse and harder to catch?

i'm a fucking loser? I just filed a patent worth billions of dollars.
Ok I am a loser because I dont have a wife and white chidlren or any children. But I just filed a patent worth billions of dollars.
WIth the money I was going to set up an orphanage because my mum was an orphan and I never knew my father, I was a bastard child of an orphan.
But I just filed a patent worth billions of dollarrs.
And I am a loser for what then? FOr suicide or for loving Sup Forums?

Actually an heroing (an heroining)? Is exactly what Hitler would do

I am a fucking loser am I?
Here is me murdering my competition in a 100 billion dollar industry for print-on-demand

I am a fucking loser am I? I just became the KING of Pint-on-Demand Apparel.

But they will kill me. We have no America anymore, its run by the kikes. Its all kikery. Caller it slavery or kikery.

Mr Humungus...where can I get one of those cool face masks?

So I am a fucking loser am I cunt? Filed a billion dollar patent. Call me loser again now cunt.

Sup Forums and Infowars were publicly accused by ONE Hillary Clinton as being the people who got Trump in power.
And I am 42? Yeh mate I am an Australian but my work in 2016 for Trump I am sure got him 10,000 votes. You cunt. Call me a fucking loser. You don't know who the fuck I am man. I am CEO of TRYPTYC

>losing your cool and getting assblasted over a college kid on the internet

No wonder you could never get a woman, you're still at a pre-teen maturity level. This is why you'll die a loser. Nobody cares about the worthless paper you made, the only thing that matters is whether or not you successfully reproduce in the sexual marketplace. This is something any random spic or nigger can do in their teenage years and you couldn't. Keep spending your twilight years on Sup Forums though. I'm sure it will make up for a lifetime of loneliness and loserdom.

If whites refuse to deal with the JQ, we deserve extinction. No other race would tolerate this.

This. For how much Sup Forums talks about being "redpilled", no one here is willing to take action to actually fix the problems that plague their societies. Whites will be replaced, and Sup Forums will be remembered as the men who did nothing but whine about their situation.

Jews are reptillians wake up sheeple were all in a scooby doo episode where someone needs to take off their mask!

Hurry up and kys autist

What actions are necessary then? Wouldnt spreading the "redpill" be more effective than a few autist going full 1488?

I filed a billion dollar patent and begged my brother to take heir to it in case of my death in case they kill me, my brother is a little pussy and won't help me. He is not even my blood-brother anyways, step-brother.
I was born to a fucking war orphan is another reason why the jews piss me off when they get TED TALKS videos and theatre why doesn't my mum get one about how for the first 12 years of her life she was brought up in an orphanage constantly raped and abused and next door ro a mental institution where she could hear people screaming mad all the time for 12 FUCKING YEARS and these cunts get to talk about their little holiday camp called Auschwitz which never feared bombings and here is the true testimonies of Auschwitz -

ANd my "white" brothers are in fucking ZOMBIE LAND all whacked out on SSRIs all smiley and we love the kikes who sent us to war??????

ANd this guy above calls me a fucking loser for being on Sup Forums at 42 years old? Its YOU fucking kids we need to get this info to. Its YOU who are the smart ones, the ones on Sup Forums. YOU are the future.

Cant tell if schizophrenic or mocking the observation that Jewish domination of our media, banks, political system and general society has led to this mess. Either way, sad.

ok lols I am not going to get in an argument with someone who just basically agreed with me.

Biggest sperg-out tonight, wish I had snacks

The "redpill" is only effective if you can actually use it to take political action, but at the rate the demographics are shifting creating an ethnostate without violent revolution is already impossible, and every second Sup Forums waits to get violent it just becomes more and more difficult as the odds stack against them.

>he's defeatist and doesn't believe in people

please bro. i'll singlehandedly make a seismic shift in this whole debacle. especially within australia.

All i know is that i'll act on what's important. it's hard to convince a lot of people to. but i will sure as hell be an example, and constantly try to lead the way.

people don't understand the graveness of these issues. if they did they would be acting, and wouldn't be so easily distracted and diverted. well i will make people understand how grave this all is.

>haha erry 1 besides me is dum

>Reall bad nihlist shilling here

Here we go.

>War against globalism
>Globalized economy
>Nuclear Weapons
>21 Trillion dollar Debt super power
>Demographic changing rapidly
>Race realism affecting IQ

Regardless of whether or not we die, humanity is just gonna get plunged into an insurmountable darkness without God. Period, thats not nihilism thats critical accelerationism, and you're on the wrong fucking board if you think we're here to discuss resisting degeneracy.

Sup Forums has become degenerate to accelerate this shit with subtle gas lighting so we take everyone out with us, its a gambit designed to account for the existence and non existence of a God.

Civilization either restarts, God intervenes or the white man whipes it out.

IN Brasil you know what they do with the pick-pockets when they catch them or the crach dealers? They take them up to a hidden hill and shoot them in the back of the head.
DOn't think population is the problem buddy. Money, intelligence, and education. And finally, nationalism is important. The blacks of America should go back to Africa to help their people. i.e. FUCK OFF.

>Larping as a schizod to discredit Natsocs/those who mention Jews
The Goyim know, JIDF. Show flag.

a lot of ppl are retards here bro. they dont have to stay retards but a lot of ppl really don't get this whole thing. they don't get the truth of it all or what it all means, let alone their crucial duty within in.

for the love of god we have to wake people up. we have to try so hard with all our might to wake people up. we have to convince the sleeping people so reasonably. We have to organize and agree on certain actions we should be taking. we have to take greater responsibility and grow some balls, but most of all grow some goddamn brains.

Muslims are not a problem haha WE wuz the problem homie, now go die "homie"

Lol I don't need redpilling m8 I just think the blackpill mindset of yours is pathetic

Even if all is lost, I'm still gonna watch the show; take part if given the chance

autists can imagine eating popcorn. Is no difference mentally to actually eating popcorn or imaging eating popcorn.


>He STILL doesn't get that demographics are destiny

No, population is the only thing that matters. It doesn't matter if you think money or intelligence are important; they're nice to have but don't matter in the slightest if you're dead, and the people who don't have them aren't.

really activates the almonds

reminder that acting and trying to make a difference is the only route with any dignity. it is the only chance. Please for the love of God remember that.

please for the love of god realize your solemn duty.

put up posters, argue with people, give effective reasoning. spread truth. spread information. change the culture. wake people up.

Muslims are the problem because of THIS:

(((THEY))) making them our problem.

Those anons will have a lot to answer for when they face their forefathers.

relax. you must know by now there are some pieces of shit in this world that wait for you to reveal a small piece of yourself to then shit all over you, to inflict maximum damage. They dont realize however that in doing so they reveal more about themselves in the process.

Sure, I never seen this video either -

Rabbi openly admits DEMOGRAPHICS is their war strategy.
But dumb whites are fucking useless. Antifa for example, DUMB WHITES, they will even kill us whites when they are whites themselves.

YOU, Sir, are WRONG. It is more than DEMOGRAPHICS. But yes I will not have non-white babies. If I raise children they will be white and they will have my whole library of books to grow up with.

sage blackpill threads. you're not geniuses. your political analysis is not above Jared Taylor's on this issue. and he is definitely not blackpilled anymore

fuck yeah bro. you get it. you are a true person. you understand the answer. not enough people do. but that is why people like you and I must lead. people are so bogged down. they've seemingly lost hope or have lost sight of what we must do.

t = 3:50*

>double zero's of death
*tugs at collar nervously*

i would rather stay optimistic and try as hard as i can to make a change than to resign myself to premature defeat. The bleak future you are illustrating must not be a resignation but instead an example of what happens when we do not act.


In henry miller nexus sexus plexus trilogy of books, as he describes his woeful life as a postman clerk, and his fucking experiences, he writes something like, "Nothing is better an a lie. You can tell more truth from lie than from the truth"

indeed they will. what did they do? they gave up before the fight was over. They didn't realize their power. We have so much power, guys. You have to start realizing this.

thanks dude
But it is 10 years of cyber-war now. And I am getting tired. I am happy though to see new generation we have enlightended (pilled) to the truth and they have the fighting spirit to continue. I need retire or ((they))) will kill me.

Guy like that call me a loser could be shilling. But still my witness is God, I am a Christian and I only care what HE knows and sees of how I lived my life.

a bit of a black pill. however, I think that there are quite a lot of people who are not lemmings who are repressed through apathy or degeneracy

What do you suggest we do OP? Unless we somehow come into place of political importance; not really much we can do but vote for a government with strict immigration policies. I totally understand your point OP, but what are we gonna do? Just go out into the streets and start killing sand niggers?

The problem is that literally everyone here is waiting for other people to start shooting first. They're waiting for a "day of the rope" that they themselves are not willing to start. It's true that Sup Forums gives you insights into the nature of the world, and we call that being "redpilled", but being "blackpilled" means understanding the nature of Sup Forums. We sit, we complain, and we do nothing.

What do?

we will take the reigns and with pride. With so much tenacity new folks will take over.

I believe in us so much. Our power is real, but yet to be actualized. I will convince as many people as possible to act. I will wake as many people as possible who are asleep.

this is the only way. To make as big a difference as one is possibly capable of.

yeah ur right. i believe in those ppl and i have sympathy for those people. god knows i am also one of those people. it doesn't mean im not gonna put posters up on the 21st tho. it doesn't mean im gonna forget my duty or give up my will to action. This is why we must be strong and improve ourselves. then we may be capable of fulfilling our duty.

Pic related does a much better job of showing war.

It is no coincidence. It's us against the world and the future looks bleak.

*watching now.

btw we can all be stronger and we can all do more. these are things we cannot help but strive for. There simply isn't a choice anymore.

>us against the world

we are strong and there are many of us. we can win. don't let the bleakness discourage you from action. demoralization is what the enemy thrives on.

Where's the template for the posters? Wnt to print n post.

im not trying to overly pressure people tho. it is an organic process. just do as much as you can.

Coordination problem. If you start shooting and everyone else lags behind or chickens out you're so fucked and have only made it harder to fight back in the future.

The thing is there's no solution to this coordination problem, if there was humanity wouldn't need saving to begin with.

Well maybe if you wait long enough your enemies will force you to fight back, hopefully they're stupid about it.

fuck they deleted the domain. its not up anymore. da fuk? they coudl've left it up a little longer. you'll be able to get it if you look around a bit and ask people.

but honestly you can very easily make your own posters and say whatever you think is convincing and will influence ppl to wake up.

>you did this
>it's your fault
>you deserve it

Funny how you sound exactly like a liberal telling me to pay reperations.

I was born into this world only some 20 odd years ago. I never had a chance to fight, vote, or enlighten before the slide already began. I do not deserve to be punished or tortured because of things that happened before I was born. This is a rigged game.

>It started back in 2006 in Australia when I started showing all my closest friends look at this video, "In Plane Site" about the 9/11 attacks. And they all said I was crazy, they even tried to organize to have me put in a mental institution because I was saying that this was the CIA not muslims
I feel this so hard. People would try to fucking destroy you if you brought up facts they didn't like. Protecting their own brainwashed view of the world is more important to them than your life. Getting absolutely shitted on for trying to spread those documentaries put me in a blackpill coma in 2005 I've never managed to wake up from more than halfway. That was the last time I believed you could make the world better by simply convincing enough people with evidence and arguments. The truth is that 98% of people will never react to a challenge to their brainwashing with anything but hostility and violence. Jews will keep pushing truthers to become incels while encouraging mouthbreathing retards to have 8 babies raised on our tax dollars until there are no bad goys like us left.

Yeah I know. I just want to participate in the campaign. Did IOTBW and loved the feeling of doing something to further the cause an message. I always advocate nd discuss the advantges of homogenous societies now. It's ironically hilarious tht the person I find myself always argueing against to be a jew.

just die already keyboard warrior. I'm sure you'll get a surprise when you go up to see your "god"

once white hegemony has been destroyed the next step is world communism.

fight the good fight.

There is a difference between knowing something is true and truely realizing it is the truth. Im getting close to the latter

>there are many of us. we can win
ah yes. large numbers means we can definitely win. not like those loser Jews who are only 0.2% of the global population and yet control absolutely everything.

Is the coordination problem correlated with the two generals problem?
Wouldn't the blockchain help solve the problem somehow?
Couldn't be there a way to commit without chickening out and thus making it impossible to reverse?
Give blockchain ten years, and it might do this. If you don't, then someone else might.

I might just be talking out of my ass here.

Day of the rope is happening. The laws of this land no long matter beyond what the illegitimate state can physically do to me. No amount of propaganda, no financial loss, and no confiscation of my property or stripping of my rights will shake my iron will. On the day of the rope, all of my rage will be set loose upon those who have mistreated me, my family, and my race all my life. I've been driven to my mental limit by this jewish bullshit, and all I have left is hate. The darkest, deepest hate. I don't want to live past the day of the rope. I want to be gunned down in the heat of battle while I'm soaked in the blood and bits of flesh of my enemies, having reached an ultimate state of catharsis through the slaughter of anything I can get my hands on. These parasites and traitors have no fucking idea what evil is.

OD'ng on opiates is not painless at all. You will suffer terribly

And when will this magical "day of the rope" come, you pathetic keyboard warrior?

I'm actively stockpiling ammunition for all of my firearms. You'll know it's happening when hot lead flies through your neck and you lay there gurgling for help in a pool of your own HIV positive blood, you disgusting faggot.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

ummm... you do realize trump has wiped out the last 18 yrs of their efforts dont you? that will take them a decade to overcome... if they ever get another hillary/obama/bush in the white house.

if trump has another 3 yrs to fight them... they will be so weak in 2020 it will be almost impossible for them to make a comeback. if he seizes their assets? they are done.

he has single hand-idly neutered their deep state media.... everyone laughs at CNN now.. their brand is "Fake News". if you dont get the 4D chess of this move then maybe you should shut up.

It is still not worth it for the average white man to throw it all away to stand up and fight. Either very well respected and intelligent people will need to start speaking out, or conditions will need to get very bad (obvious oppression, economic depression, food shortages, etc). On top of this, there will have to be very direct and clear proof that (((they))) are behind it all.
White people are starting to realize what's going on, many talk about these things in whispers but nobody wants to lose their job, friends, family for something they're not sure about yet.
If whites rise up they will all die quick deaths.

nonconsensual assassination ethereum contract. someone is randomly selected and he is assigned 3 targets. if those three are dead within 90 days then he will receive as bounty a percentage of the ethereum locked into the contract. if any of the targets are still alive after 90 days then he has failed and will be added to the next person's list of 3 targets. the contract continues until all targets in the contract are dead. even nonbelievers may consider participating out of fear of being added to the next person's kill list