European art?

European art?

Other urls found in this thread: Wahlbom




I don't have it sorted geographically, but I'll post solid art I have.

i cri evertiem


i got u senpai




>Sup Forums reveals its plebeian spirit







Ghiberti’s Gates of Paradise in Florence.




eh, it conveys terror, every corner of that painting is pure terror and despair, romanticized. i fucking love it

Obligatory. Reminder that ISIS would destroy this.



its even better when you can zoom in on a high def scan of it: Wahlbom





The detail on this is beautiful.



Hades' hand on Persephone's torso and leg, the depression created by his hand on her body, has always been fascinating to me.











vancouver bc

love how every pic in this thread is low res. go to a national museum you dumb fucks, this is depressing.


That is actually really impressive.






Thread theme:





reminds me of France

because you have never held a woman





the life of robert mugabe.

under rated

here, for u polska

Got a non book form picture of this or know the name? I cant make out what it says.

there are actually more lithuanians and czech in this pics the Poles, And the polish knigh is using a training lance, to not offend his german sponsors. But thanks user

this is the spiritus of polandland.

t. butthurt baltic slave
znaj miejsce, chlopie


the balts or lithuanians to be more exact subjagated only the more eastern Rus slavs, they did two huge invasions in to Pole controled land when it was in it warrning state period, but were never able to conquer land. funny enough it was the Poles who invited the Teutonic order to deal with balts in to the region.



One of the best, Gerhard Richter's portrait of his daughter. (super realist )












except for dutch commissions, enlightnment artworks are so much propaganda. baroque music is far better.








This is still Sup Forums


I like these threads, they make a change from all the blacked threads.

