Kokoa was made with genetic material from Tatsuya, she's a female clone of sorts.
She's the first test subject in an illegal magician weapons development project and is actually 4 years old and had her development sped up by many years.
Her Elemental Sight is strong enough to the point that she can see into the future by a few days.
After escaping the military facility she predicts that a meteor will fall in Okinawa, destroying all life and bring alien thought-based lifeforms to earth.
Tatsuya succeeds in breaking up the meteor with MB averting the catastrophe and becomes a hero, but the alien lifeforms still make it to earth. They take over the bodies of human magicians, among others Lina and wreak havoc.
In a final attack against the aliens several of the characters die, Miyuki is killed as Tatsuya fights Para-Lina. Tatsuya loses it and starts going out of control. In a final desperate attempt to save everyone Kokoa expends her entire lifeforce to reset time to several days before they met her using a massive regrowth spell and alters the trajectory of the meteor by breaking off a large piece of it using decomposition.
Back to the present, Kokoa collapses and dies in her room. The experiment is deemed a failure and permanently shelved. Few days later Tatsuya is informed of a rogue magician lab being taken down via Major Kazama, hinting that whatever they were doing failed and the operation was closed down, with those caught being the scapegoats. He has a brief sense of deja vu, but his contemplation is broken by Miyuki who brings a tray with coffee.
She asks him what's the matter, but he handwaves the incident and makes small talk instead. The vacation ends, and as Miyuki and Tatsuya leave the island, a lone girl is seen standing on a cliff, smiling. She disappears. The end.
Mahouka Movie
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Why is Saber everywhere?
Stop posting fanfiction.
This is absolutely fucking retarded.
>In a final desperate attempt to save everyone Kokoa expends her entire lifeforce to reset time to several days before they met her using a massive regrowth spell and alters the trajectory of the meteor by breaking off a large piece of it using decomposition.
Then what's the fucking point of even doing this movie? If they were so desperate to milk Mahouka, they could have just made a movie out of the Chink-Commie invasion.
It's not true mate, this faggot has been posting his fanfic on every thread, absolutely no confirmation of what movie is about except what's known from the 3 released PVs
Heh, I thought it was Lina.
Jesus vs Ayy Lmaos
I don't care if this is headcanon bullshit, it would be funny as hell to watch.
Sounds awful. Better not be true. In news of other awful things -- I just finished reading up to V18. Are the others translated and if so anyone got em?
V18 sucked which was a shame cause V17 was pretty good.
V19 is still being translated, V20 was just started. What didn't you like about 18? Thought it was pretty funny.
Because characters started getting passed the idiot ball.
Erika's cop brother and Fujibayashi are discussing headaches and whatnot after visiting a necromancer expy to see if the dude has been brainwashed. They never ask about his partner even after the partner complains about the things they were talking about right that second. It seems like the only way for Satou to have a threatening villain he needs to make his heroes idiots. That's bad writing.
Don't want to spoil it for you but Erika's brother and his partner aren't major characters and they are pretty expendable.
I agree they aren't but it still reeks of incompetence.
The USNA is also there to be fuckups like usual. The whole thing for the STARS guy to be there for is to assassinate Gu Jie. He not only knows where the man is at all times, but hinders anyone else killing him. This is despite the fact that the whole reason the USNA doesn't want the guy captured is to eliminate the links that the explosives came from the USNA. Explosives that were already used.
I think Toshi has always been the dumb cop character from the start, the police are comically bad too, and I think Satou does it on purpose, because the 10 MC have to end up doing everything.
USNA is acting like a quasi-bad guy in this arc. You'll see more next volume of their stupidity or desperation to cover their tracks. I stopped taking USNA seriously when they sent a blonde bimbo high commander to investigate and she ended up getting her panties wet for Tatsuya.
Is that Saber
Murrican Saber with drills. Her name is Lina.
Satou seems to have a real hate boner for the USA, police, the military, the media, and politicians. On the other hand he has a real hard on for public transportation, clothing, and making tea. He goes into way too much detail for all of these things. Well, at least this arc has been better than the ancient magician arc.
So who's working on the translation now that BT is not? Is it just Jew press?
Onii-sama TL
Thanks, mate.
I want to give him a hug and protect his innocence.
I want her to be happy.
Fearing she'll end up with the gorilla at this rate, he seems awfully concerned about her in the latest arc and there's been zero progress with Tatsuya.
Tatsuya was never going to end up with anyone but Miyuki. At this point the Honoka thing is just beating a dead horse.
Honoka will end up with Takuma Shippou eventually, it's already been introduced in 17.
That's what I think as well. Though Maki is supposed to make him a movie star in three years.
Yeah, he's friends with Maki but I don't think he'll date her, just star in a movie with her. As for Masaki, pretty sure he'll end up alone and focusing on his clan, career instead.
Magicians must have kids or some such. I can't see the clans letting that fly for him.
Guys, is the novel worth picking up? I have some free time and I want to read some gary stus doing gary stu thing's.
Is onii-sama still telling paramedics how to do their job? If so, I'll read it.
He gets more and more Gary Stu as the story progresses, so you won't be disappointed.
It's hilariously bad. I have mostly enjoyed my time with it.
That has up to 18.
Kyouko and Yuuka are pretty old and still unmarried. There's pressure to marry and have kids for sure. But his clan is pretty laid back and give their children a lot of freedom and choice in what to do. Plus George will marry Akane eventually, there's no way he can say no to her, and that will ease the burden on Masaki.
Mahouka should have ended already. It gets more and more silly as more volumes go by.
I don't see this continuing to college. It will end with highschool graduation.
That's what I'm hoping honestly. Some arcs have felt like a waste of time.
Actually those aliens already appeared during visitor arc, they are basically souls without bodies, they are able to perform flash cast-like speed of thought magic invocation and its hinted they may be also ancestors from all magicians.
>Kokoa was made with genetic material from Tatsuya, she's a female clone of sorts.
Oh god, no.
OP fanatic makes sense because as stated previously in the novel Tatsuya elemental sight is still underdeveloped and the ability of looking at the future is likely to be enabled soon or later, after all MC was born with admin access to the Akashic Records, while most people in his family has just read access to it
Wrong animu bro
Vol 8 says clearly about his family connection with Akashic Records, which shares definition with Information Dimension
I think you mean the spiritual dimension.
>spiritual dimension
No, Information dimension the place with information of every event, thing or even spirits
So Tatsuya is an alien? That makes sense why all those people like Izumi, Akane and Shiina had that reaction to him like he's not quite human.
That's not in Mahouka, quote me the passage where it says that in Volume 8 because I don't recall such a thing.
Not alien int normal sense but his perception of world and mind are inhuman, that's easily understood by reading the LN
Volume 8
Okaa-sama’s specialty magic lies not in perception nor prediction magic, but is a
mental interference magic, and as ‘mental’ magic users are hypothesised to be
closely linked with the ‘Akashic Record’, they possess exceedingly insightful
intuition……although there are exceptions, such as me.
They must have experimented on him with Parasite genome or something because it's also obvious he's not a normal magician and a "sin" of the Yotsuba. Maya only told half the story about his origins.
The novel said that Yotusuba are able to shape the power of their unborn based on their prays and wishes, probably due their link with the information dimension they are able to pull such thing but after birth just Miya was able to change the magic calculation area, the novel states that the whole clan wished for and transcendental being, a god-like savior to be born and that exactly what happened.
>a god-like savior to be born and that exactly what happened.
Then they shunned him. Great idea to make guy that can nuke the planet hate you. Maya's reasoning is better. She truly is best girl.
>visitor arc rip-off
>Then they shunned him
Because they perceived their mistake that's Yotsuba sin they talk the whole time, dreaming about all powerful savior is good and all but, making it real is another story, they were all happy about his birth and all but when the previous clan head that possessed the power to see the magical potential from newborns saw about Tatsuya power they got very scared and shamed, he did just say that Tatsuya had the power to blow up the world by himself, the clan that was created to protect the country had born someone able undo all of their work single handedly.
The only good thing about the visitor arc was Pixie and like everything else she's barely used.
Yeah but that sounds like bs and also Kudou Retsu has mentioned that Tatsuya is the first successful result of that experimentation to Kazama back in Volume 4 where they discuss Tatsuya and Masaki. I don't think we know all about his birth yet, Maya only told half truths.
Yeah, still a bad idea to piss off the guy that can blow up the world. So it wasn't the power they wanted, it was still a power that would allow their clan to dominate. I'm still unsure what kind of superpower the Yotsuba clan were hoping Tatsuya would be born with - fucking shields? Maybe they were hoping to make him an Innovator.
I was implying that instead of memeing around with non-canon movie that was totally not inspired by the next LN arc, they should've just made S2.
That would have been good as well. But then we would have to go through the reminiscence arc.
Tatsuya was the only and first successful result of that experimentation about artificial magicians, Tatsuya was born in seemingly normal way by Yotusba and already with world shattering powers but not magic by current standards, he was able to wield magic after the successful experiment at age of 6, because of that he has 2 magic calculation areas, one he was born with and the other his mother Miya gave him an sub par fake one.
>Tatsuya is literally born from meme magic
>the jesus memes were correct all along
Fucking 10/10. Thanks anons. Have some more Jesus.
>sub par fake one.
The sub par fake one lets him flash cast and have photographic memory. I'd say that's pretty damn good.
How could you forget China?
Ah shit, you're right but that's just usual Nip hate.
Also the whole artificial magician project was a facade for and attempt to permanently curb Tatsuya power, the plan as to make him more versatile while stopping him from misfiring his magic due any strong emotion triggering it, the novel says that due rage or other strong emotions ones magic may be unwillingly triggered and/or magic power increased above ones capability, they tried to cover such nightmarish scenario.
But the only magician that seems to be the closest with Tatsuya power is the Russian one Igor Andreivitch and the one closest from finding the true identity from Japanese Great Bomber/Maheshvara/Ooguro Yuuya
Man, that was a fun season.
Except that Igor's magic can be easily stopped with good shields.
>Yeah, still a bad idea to piss off the guy that can blow up the world.
Actually their idea was to kill him on the spot, he just lives because previous head clan wanted absolute power to be one of Yotsuba weapons and also because Maya wanted to see the world burn, just those two that saved him his own mother was not against it.
You're forgetting that the 4th lab was previously shut down and belonged to Aoba, we don't know what experiments they did at those times and that was way before Tatsuya was even born.
Yes, saved him and then treated him like garbage. I imagine if he still had his emotions, most of Yotsuba would be Demon Righted.
Well actually Tatsuya had hard time undoing his magic but he did it and several times unlike with Lina magic that was very simple to undo regardless of her speed and Chinese one, well he just blew the fucking up.
>You're forgetting that the 4th lab was previously shut down
Officially yes but not in reality 4th lab is still active
Miyuki a shit
He still stopped it by decomposing one of the elements and next volume he'll figure out chain casting in the first chapter and proceed to created an improved version of it which he'll use for his fusion reactor.
Right I know it's still active albeit clandestine but we don't know what weird shit they did when Aoba was in charge and it was taken away from him.
Igor is going to die next volume or very shortly. Only thing of importance with him are those clones but they'll be killed too.
Is this the show where the MC goes to school and he's completely average but SECRETLY is super powered way more than anyone else?
Yes but he's only average looking.
It was kind of annoying in the anime, does the Manga expand on this a bit and make it seem less like a self-wank over his character? I don't mind being OP but it seemed like every opportunity was taken to shock everyone around him at how great he is when they don't expect it
If anything the LN makes it even more self-wanking, it also gets worse, the guy can practically tell the future and track anyone without limits.
>it seemed like every opportunity was taken to shock everyone around him at how great he is when they don't expect it
That goes away pretty fast. Then it becomes sasuga, onii-sama and him justifying not getting involved even though his involvement would have likely stopped any problems in the first place. I kind of miss it honestly.
This, its fun watching god dick around in mortalland being a royal ass.
Imo it gets pretty boring and the sister does nothing but worship him, she is very dull. The only saving grace of this LN is some of the side characters and the magic politics.
This. It's why I liked the Master Clans Conference part I over part 2.
Never, only when Maya tells her she's engaged to Fumiya.
Is that supposed to be cousin Ayako, Fumiya's sister? She's pretty good.
She liked Tatsuya before anyone else.
Why is she so perfect Sup Forums?
Screwed up emotions.
mock teleport is a pretty shit specialty. Not gonna lie. The brother's specialty seems better.
Where the fuck is the torrent?
>Kokoa was made with genetic material from Tatsuya, she's a female clone of sorts
tfw you will never fuck your own female clone