>krauticucks and snowniggers believe they were relevant in building the foundation of western civilization in the sweltering mediterranean heat
meds and arabs built this world, not you. you were the equivilant of todays bush bush tribes living in the jungle, you are nothing. no i know what you are thinking, having blonde hair and blue eyes will not make up for the emberassment your ancestors are
Krauticucks and snowniggers believe they were relevant in building the foundation of western civilization in the...
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We'll just wear a shirt ya fuckin nigger.
that's a brutal sun burn
that guy musta been on some serious drugs to get himself that burnt
a sun burn is actually a radiation burn. your cells committed suicide because their RNA was damaged by radiation. the cells that failed to commit suicide will turn into tumors.
Do you really think that people worked at noon under the scorching sun? They began work at 5 a.m.
Go ahead and call me a spic, whatever blah blah blah.
But even so, my skin was always whiter then all the white people in my school.
And it always baffled me when we had a field trip and half of them would end up with those bubbles.
I felt so bad.
I would drain the huge bubbles for some of them but it didn’t make sense.
They used sunscreen too.
I never got sunburn, even being lighter than them.
The reason he's so burned to shit is because he's a ginger, look at his beard
dark skin people get sunburns too you fool
>diaspora muslim post
this was someone with bad genes
This is bait
ya. they come from a cloudy cool environment.
dark skinned people often feel depressed in those environments due to lack of vitamin d.
You have to get sunburned if you're that white. Even if it's just red coloration.
If you don't get sunburned, you get browned.
triggered finngol how does it feel being subhuman?
Meds haven't been relevant since the 30 Years War.
The UK, US, and Germany built the majority of modern inventions in the 19th and 20th centuries.
I’m actually genuinely concerned about people getting burns like this.
People need to wear sunscreen. I don’t think it’s a race thing either, once Time a black guy had this huge patch on his cheek and randomly we all asked what happened, he said it Swam at a lake in son family party and it was all day. He got a huge sun burn that got infected and left a scar.
you tried. but good explanation of apoptosis, regardless.
>arabs built this world
>He's not a retro virus.
What are you, a poof?
Sorry snowniggers but your recessive deformities are just that, deformities.
Brown haired brown eyed Europeans created western civilization. You just use our inventions like niggers use iPhones.
You have to go back.
>t. morroco shitskin enjoying white people's hard work in the form of welfare while telling us we're subhumans
at least he is not a commie faggot. kys asshole
but not as much.
this is why they make good labourers.
He's a redhead, redheads don't do well in the sun and burn much easier than normal white folk.
t. Redhead
Yeah I guess slightly pink cheeks on my face but never so bad.
I feel like it was because this would happen on field trips where we would all be out for like 12 hours.
Usually no one would be in the sun that long and no one should.
im not morrocan or arab or muslim
>too dumb to wear a shirt because waah waah muh heat
>pasty white nerdshit who never goes outside suddenly has to deal with a day of sun
Who is this cringeworthy fuck, he must be a snownigger. Didn't have parents raising him properly or else he would know to put on sunscreen if he's such a pasty white fuck.
That being said, you're a retarded fuck too OP. People build resistance to these things. The only reason anyone is this white is because they don't ever experience sun.
Shut up, kaaskopp nigger
Lol fuck off, we came from out of space there's no way we're from this planet, get sunburned in the snow
Note how all the ruling class wore clothing in ancient Egypt, including elaborate head coverings.
It was the slaves that walked around shirtless under the sun wearing nothing but a loincloth.
You wish ahmed, only meds.
redheads also have higher pain tolerance.
So close, but then you failed.
but some other nafri cunt. or some other shit skin.
interesting fact. being out in the wind and cold gives you a similar burn (not talking about frost bite)
How does dark skin deal with that type of conditions
Try being European in ‘Straya. If you don’t have at least 5 deadly skin cancers by adulthood you’re a shut-in
In Cali when everyone would go snowboarding, black guys and chicks would have the same thing happen. Their skin would peel off just like anyone else.
The snow sucks sometimes.
Also notice how Tutankhamen's DNA analysis revealed he is related more closely to Brits than to Egyptians.
What the fuck did this guy do? Roll around in lime juice first? I used to work landscaping as my first job, spent days in the baking summer heat maintaining the grounds of the local country club, never got a burn that bad.
Results of inbreeding?
Aussies are whites being forced to evolve at high speeds
I don't get what this has to do with anything. Egyptians weren't black. Egyptians also had a pretty great society 4k-3k years ago.
You arabs are subhuman vermin. I vastly prefer north euros to you.
t. Med
Or, by looking at his beard, just a ginger.
Also obligatory pot black kettle.
Mediterraneans did not arabs. I'd give Krauts and snow niggers more credit then arabs
i'm very white. i never get sun burned and always get a nice natural tan during summer. I hardly ever use sun screen unless I'm going to the beach. I'm slavic. Why is this?
climate was more temperate in egypt at that time.
you'll have trouble making that argument because arabs literally created a lot of shit we use today to find the truth about things
Yeah thats why whites invented clothes .
You said it yourself, you are no snownigger.
Arabs were not relevant until like the 8th century LOL.
You mean cotton pickers, right??
im baptized and have done my holy communion, i have nothing to do with the middle east
Le 56% face confirmed
i love white skin but u anglos need to stay away from the sun its not your thing, you guys just turn pink ..
Don't lie, nigger
Alright give us the list of discoveries that predates Islam or were made by the forcefully converted Christians in the centers of academic learning of the Ancient world that were later purged and destroyed by Muslim Lords.
or for dragging big rocks around
whatever. anything that pale skinned people are not as well suited for. they are very cheap
You do realise that you can be fully European AND have brown hair and brown eyes, right? I wouldn’t exist otherwise.
I am a ginger nigger and my arms and shoulders full of freckles.
Feels good living in snownigeria. We have like one sunny month in a year in Sankt Peterburg, so its fine.
The problem is that ginger niggers moved from their original places to beaner shit like usa where always sunny. Then got skin cancer and die.
Hate us because they ain't us.
Morrocan and Turkish untermenschen with an inferiority complex.
You're the last one to talk
Thank fuck my ancestors pilfered genes from the natives.
Im a mednigger, same shit happend to me for being under the sun to long.
Going for 0-100 in one day will cause that, gotta take babysteps and gradually tan
And "whites" have the nerve to call others Redskin LMAO
I've seen brown dudes turn orange from sun burn
admittedly it takes allot of effort
this too
must be proud of being a chimp
did you guys fail biology?
I can relate OP, I get the same sunburns that's why I'll never go to a pool again
Whites give orders from the shade with tea in hand, shitkins lift the bricks & mortar.
This is how its always been.
I used to get those when i was a kid
then I just never left my room again and problem solved
the literally covered all of there skin in ever depiction of any body of nobility. they didn't wear cut offs you fuckin melanzane
roach spotted, stay in turkey you stinkey ape
But you are a Moroccan or Turk shitskin darling as European
they didn't even build arab countries, they had to hire in Europeans to do it for them.
Liar, if you were you wouldn't be on here shilling for shekels.
Clearly a ginger. Not wearing a full shirt when out in the sun.
Kinda why we invented clothes, dude.
Gets too hot? Wear a shirt.
Gets too cold? Wear a jacket.
Going under water? Wear a SCUBA.
Going into Space? Wear a spacesuit.
Going into battle? Wear armor.
Niggers: "LOLZ, we don't sunburn like stoopid whitey!!"
If only you faggots were resistant to burning tires, huh?
Or rope.
>Sorry snowniggers but your recessive deformities are just that, deformities.
You've got it all wrong friend, pale skin is an advantageous adaptation to maximise vitamin D conversion, it's far SUPERIOR at doing this that darker skin, which is ineffective and INFERIOR at this function, so you see, pale people are just perfectly suited to the cloud covered northern European environment they evolved in, perfectly in harmony with nature.
Is that why Muslims go crazy for children in England? Miss the nostalgia of home and try to fight it by going back to old habits.
Lmao and you're currently living in their country. Enjoying the luxury that the 'krauticucks and snowniggers' built. How embarrassed must your ancestors be?
Leave if you have any sense of self-worth left, or have you reconciled with you being a useless leech on a superior society?
dit land is echt gewoon gaar, ik wil hier zo snel mogelijk weg. the mensen zijn achterbaks, de natuur is waardeloos en het zalvoor eeuwig irrelevant blijven
Waar wacht je op?
Als je 18+ bent heb je geen goed excuus om niet al weg te zijn.
That’s a load of bullshit, I’ve gone shirtless in winter when it was sub 20 degrees for over an hour while jogging.
My skin was fine.
GR8 B8 M8.
However, I will respond. Huwhite people are not supposed to live in the open sun. That is why we have white skin - because we are supposed to live in forests and up north where there is little sunlight. White skin will absorb more light for Vitamin D production than brown or black skin. Also, who said the quality of a race depends on how much technology you can create?
Lol. And who the fuck are you? What impact has your shithole country had on the world. At least our flags are known Colgate. You could vanish tomorrow and nobody would notice.
The modern lifestyle disrupts the natural darkening and lightening cycle of White people. Their skin is supposed to change colour like an arctic fox changes the colour of its coat in winter. The modern lifestyle keeps people indoors and stops Whites from naturally tanning in the spring when the Sun is starting to get more intense. So when summer comes around they are still pale from winter and burn easily.
>be me
>pale as hell
>can stand out in the sun all day with no effect
Niggers on suicide watch?
Bs its an adaption for living in areas with lack of sun without getting lack of Vitamin D. Dark skinned people are ill equipped for living in the north
Gingers are perfect in every cell. We are godchosen snowflakes.
So you're a nog.
If you keep living in the north you'll get ostheoporosis and cancer. Back to the equator with you for your own good
Topest Kek
daily reminder
>Also, who said the quality of a race depends on how much technology you can create?
guess niggers are alright then
not to mention that civilization isn't exclusively technology, technology is only a byproduct of civilization
and regarding quality, western europe and scandinavia have zero
hell, they don't even have an identity