*saves the White race*
She has done more to save the White race than 99% of White nationalists and the (((alt right)))
*saves the White race*
She has done more to save the White race than 99% of White nationalists and the (((alt right)))
good luck to them and all that but who are they? and why is it important?
Elsa Jean you must have seen the memes...
She's not even white to begin with.
>that nose
God I love her nails! So hot. I think I'll have my trap gf get her nails done that way.
You aren't wrong, the majority of users on this board are pathetic autistic manchildren.
after getting blacked
she is half hispanic
> only one child
> having a girl
> father has tattoos
Although I wish them luck, low class people having one kid doesn't save the white race. They need at least 4 to make up for their debt to society, and most if not all of them should be boys.
>father has tattoos
Only autistic neckbeards get upset about tattoos
Great you had children. Now how are you going to keep them away from corruption and degeneracy? Judging by the father's tattoos it's not going to be very long. Also it's a daughter and you just know the mother is going to stop there because muh youth. So in actuality they haven't done anything.
into the gas chamber
You probably have tattoos. You are on the same level as an attention whore.
Her mother is an actual BLACKED porn star in case you haven't read the rest of the thread yet, there's already no hope for her.
Jfc I thought they were kidding.
Are you surprised? Nobody hates blacks more than white porn girls who have to deal with them. They just do it because they know it pays extra because it's a disgusting fetish like scat or BDSM.
>By honey Im going to work and getting plugged by LaShawn
When even a half white is appealing and worth paying to see fucked. The absolute state of the world.
The real women of the alt right that we should hold up as paragons are not rent seeking roasties like lauren southern. They are the women you never hear from. They are the women who are too busy taking care of their white families
That's her brother and her niece you faggot. She does not have a child. If she would, it would be a half mullato piece of shit with no father
>Boys who will marry whatever chingchong least reminds them of mommy.
White trash dregs having trashy damaged kids isn't going to save white people.
Nope, which goes to show how fucked up things really are. People like to think that women like her will get what they deserve when they are older and are lonely except for a house full of cats, but we see here that no matter what there will always be some dumb cuck willing to marry a woman and breed with her no matter what. They rarely do have to face consequences of their youth.
you think he watches her porn?
>one daughter
Not enough even for population maintenance. 2 parents having 1 offspring = population decline.
Also, daughters (women) are more likely to be influenced by (((leftist))) bullshit, and if the parents are lefty it'll be even worse. It would actually be better if they didn't breed, because it would mean one less anti-white agent in the future.
No, that would be nice if it was true but it's not.
Alt-righters fuck 3rd world Asian girls
1 white daughter is more then enough
For what? She's just gonna be raised to vote for leftist open borders policies and get BLACKED, so there's no point in her existence.
>alt-righters think having hafu shits is saving the white race but having a white kid isnt
>being a dumb nigger and not understanding context
I'm saying that leftist degenerate whites having 1 kid and claiming to be "saving the white race" means nothing. On the other hand, if some racist WASPs or Varg types have 4 or more kids, and raise them to be Hoppeans or NatSocs, it'll be a different situation.
>says im not understanding context while not even addressing the main criticism of the irony
holy fuck
What are you all? Retarded?
This is a 21 y.o porn star with a pug for her family.
What daughter lol??!?!!??
Fun Fact: Elsa is quarter black
okay nigger with tats