I got told to go back to Sup Forums again

I got told to go back to Sup Forums again.

well, since you got here ... fuck off to /r9k/


sorry we're full lad

Sup Forums is a containment board, during the american election it suffered a staggering increase in newfags the majority being "le 56% faces". This caused containment to be breached allowing a group of MLP-loving neo-nazis to spread their particular brand of weaponized autism to other boards with their shit memes.
In the words of their leader "you have to go back"

You're going to regret it lad, leave while you can

Sup Forums is the most highly trafficked board. Sup Forums is Sup Forums. Sup Forums is the internet. You won

Jesus Christ don't be such a pussy. Go back to Sup Forums and just tell them to fuck off to reddit.

Man I feel that Op. I've been told that many times too. Too many normies know about us now. Shit sucks.

Dude it's crazy isn't it? I never ever thought Sup Forums would be surpassed. It was so huge. I mean I've been here since 2005 so ive seen it all, but today's Sup Forums isn't even culturally relevant anymore. It's just really sad now. The cancer really did finally kill Sup Forums.

Go back to redddit you stupid faggot.

You act like that gave Sup Forums or Sup Forums any street cred

>I got told to go back to Sup Forums again.
Were you on Sup Forums at the time ?

it's ok friend, you're safe here

go back to

90% retarded posting pictures of girls you fap to on facebook threads

I usually find boards, threads and generals (v.gr., /fa/) where the need for identity and thus the propensity to fall for kikeries is higher, and stay there as a Jimmy Rustler:
1. Trolling is so much easier and rewarding where people have to save face;
2. You're also redpilling the most blue-pilled groups out there.
Funny huh.

wtf did u just say you normie faggot stay the fuck away from /po/ or ill go full fucking gestapo on ur pooftah ass you weakling aspie mongo

>The cancer really did finally kill Sup Forums.
and then it moved here

lmao you have bigger problems to worry about


lmao so do you
>56% and dropping

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This, I'm pretty much known at work as that crazy Nazi guy

Why are you so fat OP?

Yeah it's fucking sad. Sup Forums used to be amazing. I don't think we will ever see anything like it again. In the old days when camwhores came around for example they got fucking banned. That ship sailed long ago.

Go back to Sup Forums

Audible kek

>I got told to go back to Sup Forums again.


This is a containment board. It's always weird to spend a lot of time here and then go to other boards and see how bluepilled they all are.

>mfw the containment board is bigger than all other boards combined
The containers have become the contained.

>revealing your power level
You have yet to learn the ways of subtle subversion, young one.