This is considered attractive by incel Trumpfags.
I’m so glad I lost my virginity in High School. It seems like those that don’t are destined for a sad existence.
This is considered attractive by incel Trumpfags.
I’m so glad I lost my virginity in High School. It seems like those that don’t are destined for a sad existence.
>not posting the original
majority of american flags are mexicans so take what you see here with a grain of salt
>t. sad angry roastie
>t. sad angry virgin
Have you seen the average woman without make up? I'm not sure what you think they look like but your post makes it look like you are a basement dweller still proud of the few times you had sex in high school instead of getting out there.
Yeah, so ugly.
Lost my virginity at age 23 and I'm now almost 36. OP's post has been pretty accurate.
>incel Trumpfags
You said Trumpfags twice.
I'd hit that.
Though at any moment, I'd expect her to proclaim me the champion and follow me around everywhere.
I'd put a baby in it. Noses aren't important to beauty at all and other than her nose she's pretty. Also anyone can have a bad picture, you shouldn't judge people based on just one.
Wow clever shoop. Just altered enough to make her look hideous but not totally obviously shooped.
I want to fuck the Asian out of ther
Yeah but losing your virginity at a Podeata Pool Party really shouldn't count.
>not posting the real original
alt right
the future of america
fighting back by posting on imageboards
"autism is out greatest weapon" says one of the alt-righter
we are based noncucked alpha males
actually yes, Roaming Millennial is ugly.
>Actually believing makeapp
That's the same as believing makeup
Mud face
Roaming millennial is a so fucking annoying IMO. Is she pretty? Yes, is she a good political commentator? Fuck no. I saw her on Matt Christianson's Youtube Channel....She has a patreon account and gets almost 30x the donations as Matt, and her site says "donate money and I will write a song making fun of the Left"..... And neckbeards hand their money over hook line and sinker.
roastie please
>I've never touched a girl before