How likely is this and how can this happen?
Do you think the second civil war and the disintegration of the US can begin?
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but i'll ask, how likely is it to happen to you?
I unironically pray for it every single day.
The destruction of this unholy "Union" can't come soon enough.
Not very likely. Everyone is to pacified by technology, and weath. The overwhelming majority of Americans don't have to truly struggle for food or entertainment. As long as food and entertainment are readily available, nothing will happen.
tl;dr Aldous Huxley was right.
>implying you need a majority
>The overwhelming majority of Americans don't have to truly struggle for food or entertainment.
The Jews came within a cunt hair of bringing it all down in 2007. And think about the Us military. The motivation to fight used to be conquest, women, and loot. That's all gone. Not only that, but the government and society have made it clear they despise Whites. What sane white man with decent prospects would go into the military? you can see West Point is down something like 30 in liberal arts, even though it's free. There's going to be no White military or police and lots of angry, armed White Vets with special forces skills and arms. something has to give. whether it will succeed, I don't know but it's almost a law of nature now that something has to give, the center cannot hold.
And are not you afraid that your country is turning into sodom and gomorrah, run by the left and the Jews?
I've spent my past 2 days listening to Gibon's "Rise and Fall" on audio and the parallels with Rome are amazing. If anything, I'd say Rome had a lesser chance of falling, since the society was far more coherent and less self-hating (though lacking technology). It's close to the end, one way or another. I wish I could get my hands on a cyanide capsule because any other way other than a 40 story leap, you risk surviving and slowly and painfully starving to death while still conscious but blind and paralyzed.
And what about your right to revolt against tyranny? After all, this is one of the reasons why you have legalized the weapon.
>your right to revolt
quote from the TD: "Don't they understand that the Jews have taken over the country, fair and square, under the constitution? People had their shot at "self-rule," and they blew it.
Also, it's not really a "right" or the South would have been allowed its freedom. It's the same reason Augustus called himself "first citizen" rather than "emperor" under his rule.
I wish it would. I really wanna kill commies.
But in all honesty it probably won't. Too many blue-pilled idiots.
50-50, but it's a sure thing that nationalists will lose, if it happens. The Day of the Rope is a cool idea to strive though, even if it has become unachievable for a long time now.
>but it's a sure thing that nationalists will los
>sure thing
Nothing is sure
that pic, the south didn't have bullets?
So that's why they lost.
>it's a sure thing that nationalists will lose
Look at the fucking FBI. A cuckold texting his jewess mistress on an unencrypted communication talking about trying to bring down Trump. Are these the people you think are going to fight and die for ZOG? As soon as treason becomes unprofitable, you'll see them start to switch sides.
Go to 3:59 and listen to the part about barbarians in the Roman army:
Don't ever make a thread again.
Yes, it is possible but I believe it is extremely unlikely
>the south didn't have bullets?
they had very little industrial production and ZOg blockaded their ports. If England had come in on the side of the South, almost surely WW 1 would have ended in stalemate, no Balfour declaration, no WW 2, the Czar may have survived and we'd both be still White and happy now.
>The Jews came within a cunt hair of bringing it all down in 2007.
What are you referring to?
> What sane white man with decent prospects would go into the military? you can see West Point is down something like 30 in liberal arts, even though it's free. There's going to be no White military or police and lots of angry, armed White Vets with special forces skills and arms. something has to give. whether it will succeed, I don't know but it's almost a law of nature now that something has to give, the center cannot hold.
My uncle did 20 years in the US Army as an officer and has consistently said it was in far worse when he left in 2007 than when he joined in 1986. (before Obama became president) and that he would trade everything for the force he had back then, even if it meant fighting with obsolete weaponry,
>The Jews came within a cunt hair of bringing it all down in 2007.
What are you referring to?
> What sane white man with decent prospects would go into the military? you can see West Point is down something like 30 in liberal arts, even though it's free. There's going to be no White military or police and lots of angry, armed White Vets with special forces skills and arms. something has to give. whether it will succeed, I don't know but it's almost a law of nature now that something has to give, the center cannot hold.
My uncle did 20 years in the US Army as an officer and has consistently said it was in far worse when he left in 2007 than when he joined in 1986. (before Obama became president) and that he would trade everything for the force he had back then, even if it meant fighting with obsolete weaponry,
>What are you referring to?
The crash of 07-08 when the Jew Dick Fold at Lehman and his Jew buddies came quite close to bringing down the entire western economic system, and he walked away with $500 million dollars.
Well given that political discourse has continued to declined, it looks like they only delayed inevitable.
Remember, the US economy was booming prior to the first war and it still wasn't enough.
Guy who runs antiwar thinks it has already started. They aren't a shit, tawdry site either, and they are correct far more often than not:
antiwar is unironically one of the few news sites I still have some degree of trust in these days desu.
Ironically, the more right-wing I've become, the more I find myself agreeing with a lot of what they say on foreign policy. I'm not sure how to feel about that sometimes.
just make south carolina pissed off and bam civil war
they don't print Dr. schemer anymore after they lost Jew money, but they linked to Giraldi the other day which was good. supposedly Raimondo is queer and I assume he's always out sick bc he has the AiDS, but it's genuinely the only reliable site left.
>Dr. schemer
Very likely for racial and political reasons.
Balkanisation within the next decade. The signs are already there.
Whites are a minority by birthrate in the US since 2013 and will be by total population(
The civil war has already begun. Basically it's the Jews, Libtards, gays and everyone on welfare against the people who work for a living.
Once the fighting breaks out, it will be over in about 15 minutes.
William Luther Pierce
That was just his pseudonym
Yes. Unless our stunningly incompetent pacific fleet finds a way to initiate a war with China, the show is over.
Extremely unlikely, don't expect it to ever happen.
The point of the mass immigration was to eradicate various European national identity and replace it with a seething mass. To your political elite, you are consumers, and your nations are economies. They just want to farm you for interest payments. They are a criminal class.
the entire premise of this book is dependent on the existence of a large, capable shadow organization. the people and funding required for such a group do not and likely never will exist. you're dreaming if you think a second civil war will look anything like this.
>the existence of a large, capable shadow organization
no one is claiming the TD would take place exactly as in the book. Look what the Iraqis and Afghans did with Korea area weapons and some old 105 shells. And that was ZOG fighting in an area the size of Texas. Now extend that to entire US, and people who have families here.
Where the TD is correct is that they'd be using almost all negro/mexican troops. They've tried to "diversify" both the officer corps and special forces to prevent just such a scenario. They failed.
Also, ZOG infrastructure is so poor. Supposedly the big choke point is in Missouri. You block off there, you split the ZOG forces in 2. I think it's coming, probably in my lifetime.
>You block off there, you split the ZOG forces in 2
Actually you're just fighting a two front war where the enemy has the ability to sail troops to either coast. Combine that with them like receiving assistance from the European Union and Canada, the whites being split in half between fighting for ZOG and fighting for an ethnostate, and fucking robots quickly taking over the military loyal only to the Commander in Chief and our prospects for victory are not looking great.
In the long run I think the united States will hold, the country is very large and rural areas are still in the hands of white people. Well armed white people. Europe I imagine however is a soda can waiting to explode merely because how much smaller and dense it is.
If the war goes on for a decent amount of time and the rural areas all side with the organization, how is ZOg going to feed itself? Forget the EU and canada. the UK army is down to 40k, and most of them are women and queers. the entire UK army has about 5,000 shooters. They're even merging para and their royal marines. Finished. Likewise canada.
If it goes even moderately well, Russia or even China and Iran might come in. Also, what makes you thinks and islamized Europe would fight for the side of Israel in a war?
also, ZOG tried COIN in both Afghanistan and Iraq under a French military theory from Algeria. Even in their own manuals, for COIN to work you need a 10 to 1 advantage. But you aren't talking about a conventional war with landings like Normandy. This would be a civil war, where ZOG would have to feed and keep pacified its negroes and mexicans while suspecting every White of disloyalty, which would only turn the fence sitters against ZOG.
>If the war goes on for a decent amount of time and the rural areas all side with the organization, how is ZOG going to feed itself?
Overseas shipments of food.
>Russia or even China and Iran might come in
Russia and China would side with the government, and even if Iran does side with the rebels they're going to have trouble supplying them with the coasts being controlled by the pro-government side.
>what makes you thinks and islamized Europe would fight for the side of Israel in a war?
By the time Europe becomes Islamized the white population in America will have become so small that successful revolution is impossible.
>Overseas shipments of food.
from who exactly? ZOG hasn't exactly been making many friends. for a time, maybe, but without Whites the navy can't run, and it's already falling apart. It won't be a conventional war in the way you're thinking. It would be asymmetrical, like Northern Ireland. The brits had air superiority, the coasts, the weapons, numbers, couldn't do it. Can't tell a catholic from a protestant on sight. Can't tell organization from ZOG on sight
>Russia and China would side with the government
completely disagree. would watch with interest and make noncommittal statements. the Russians might even send arms and Spetnaz who speak English eventually. Putin has no great love for ZOG. China wants it out of the pacific. would be fine with the organization.
See also: Unintended Consequences by John Ross
A 3rd world black and latino USA is a nation that can't challenge China and USSR sphere of influence, a strong white USA is a nation that maintains its hegemony over the world, so Russia and China are gonna prefer the former to the latter.
And most of the military, including the whites within the military are gonna side with ZOG. We're talking about people who willingly fought for ZOG alongside blacks and latinos, they're not exactly redpilled.
also, the new saudi king is truly asking to be hanged by the Wahabbists. He won't last. A new Saudi regime that wants ZOg out and stops oil flow, they have to invade Saudi arabia and seize the fields. now you have a world war with ZOG against Sunnis while trying to fight a civil war. Also, North Korea sees a chance and makes a run for the south, china for Taiwan. so many variables.
probably around the mid 21st century
>the whites within the military are gonna side with ZOG.
they have families here user. Fight for ZOg overseas? Sure. Cruise missiles onto their own hometowns? not so sure.
Also, completely wrong. So long as the organization made clear it wanted friendly ties with Russia and give the chinks the legroom in the pacific they want, they'd...if not support, either neutrality or go for ZOG.
Putin (and his successors) will have a very long memory of what ZOg did in both Chechnya and Ukraine (to a lesser degree Serbia) and will want payback.
This. I wonder what the exact percentage would be today? Or is 3% of the population the magic numbrer?
>is 3% of the population the magic numbrer?
I think it would more if it broke out today. the colonists were fighting over a fucking tea tax. The next civil war would be for survival. I kind of wish we still had a religion like the dune coons do that promises 72 virgins instantly.
It wouldn't be so much a magic number as how many disillusioned Vets with knowledge of explosives joined and how much of the military refused to attack their own racial countrymen.