>anime has a french character
>portrayed as a faggot
Anime has a french character
got a problem frenchie?
Les Parisiens sont effectivement des tarlouzes, par contre.
>be american
>kind of a fag who wears stylish jeans, is pretty skinny, and is generally an insufferable passive-aggressive little cunt with brown hair
>I'm basically european for all intents and purposes
>mfw Americans are represented as confident and beautiful Aryans in anime which makes me feel really good about myself even if I know it's not true
>be american
>blonde haired, blue eyed, decent looks, 6 feet tall, only wear blue jeans and white t-shirts
>near-polar opposite of the typical "traditional" american mentally
I do love my weapons though.
>anime has a lesbian character
>portrayed as a violent, unreasonable dyke who has a free pass to grope every girl
>the girls will never call her out or even really complain about it
Oh I mean I love my weapons too. Hard not to if you have the right to buy them, even if I'm not a real man.
For all it's faults, I'll always be glad the U.S. has weapon ownership as a human right.
Shame they're probably gonna ban lolis pretty soon here though. I'm getting worried. Hillary would have had lolis banned because she would love sucking UN cock, but I'm thinking Trump's gonna ban them because he sucks evangelist cock. It's a lose-lose. Yeah at least we have guns though.
>anime has an Australian character
>no wait no it doesn't anime never has an Australian character
>complaining about realism in anime
Yeah isnt that the point.
I've seen a few anime that have giant spiders.
aren;t guns and lolis basically the same thing?
You better not be calling Polnareff a faggot.
I'm jealous of American weapons and loli rights.
I don't think anyone will make a move on lolis any time soon though.
Well it's true that they both need to be cocked and loaded
In Upotte!!, maybe, and if you're talking subguns.
Pic related, a bottomless loli schoolgirl.
So historically accurate
>loli rights
I don't know about that. I mean if I just keep to myself I'm pretty sure I'd never get prosecuted for some dumb cartoons, but I could probably get myself arrested for having loli stuff if I really wanted to be arrested. I think it just depends on the judge. Many American laws are purposefully vague.
Which countries currently ban loli? How does it even work? Can't you just say that people in the drawings are all 18+?
Depends on your state, just like some states are faggots about guns, some states are faggots on lolis.
Federally, 2D lolis are legal.
Yes, even if the gun laws in my state are garbage, there are fortunately enough faggots like me in my state that I probably wouldn't be pursued by authorities for something as stupid as having cartoon porn. Most people here hate the "libruls" but they do have their perks. My guns aren't as cool as the conservatards' guns, but at least they're cooler than the yuropoors' guns.
Where you at, Mass? Cali? There's options there, even if they're fags about it.
Commiefornia, yeah. I mean the gun laws here aren't that bad, it's pretty easy to get one. They're just really expensive because of background checks and taxes and 10 rounds it the magazine limit which is pretty gay. The restrictions are fairly reasonable when you think about it as long as they don't get harsher. I mean I'm okay with them, but I'm still jealous because people in Arizona next door are fucking buying full auto AR for their 10 year old's birthday. Whatever.
I don't know about reasonable, I think pretty much most laws, federal and state, are pretty unreasonable, but that's me being all MUH ROADS.
Would you ever get waifu grips for a gun?
>german anime character
>portraying germany with the sun in the background
>but I'm still jealous because people in Arizona next door are fucking buying full auto AR for their 10 year old's birthday
I can guarantee you they don't, transferable M16s are like $20000 or $30000 on average, since civilians can't really register new automatic weapons since 1986.
Not right now, I'm fucking poor and I had to drop like $315 just on a stupid 10/22. I'll spend my money on stupid shit some day when I have the money to spend. I can dream.
Nah, but the laws are reasonable. I don't know if you live in a big city, but if you did, you'd understand. In a 10 million person population center where everyone hates each other, you don't want everyone buying full autos and kevlar vests. Lax gun laws work in small states because there population is so sparse. The moral of the story is that large amounts of people ruin everything.
At least Funco-chan is only like $5,000.
Then again so is the semi-auto version. For roughly the same reason. Fuck import restrictions. At least I have my WASR.
Just get a bumpfire stock. Full auto M16 platforms aren't as great as they seem.
>tfw live in Texas and have not only $2,500 arsenal of various funs but living on the outskirts of the capitol gives me a very nice mix of conservatardist freedom fetism and liberalism that affords you the ability to love both guns and animu openly
Sure you'll get looks and judged by the hardliners on both sides but the general consensus is 'you do you, man. 'snot my place to judge.'
Must be nice living in America. In my country, it's hard to get gun. I need to do background check, also medical check and gun license for every 4 or 5 years.
But hey at least, my government care jack shit of my loli and incest porn collections.
>you do you, man. 'snot my place to judge
I wish more people were that wise. Maybe I oughta check out Texas some day.
We should make a rule where if you start one of these threads and you can't name three that meets your own criteria, you get banned.
It's getting pretty bad, California escapees are growing in population and the entirety of west Texas is Mexico at this point.
Just be advised to stay on the OUTSKIRTS of Austin. Too far in and one day you'll be trapping on a camsite for money, too far out and you'll just be in the middle of nowhere farmland. Oh, and I hope you're willing to drive a way to get to any range that's not ARC.
Speak for yourself.
Yeah but a lot of them have horrible wear and shot out bores.
There was a company which would refurbish transferable FNCs, semi-auto FNCs and transferabe auto-sears, but I don't know if they're still around
The Ruger AC556 and AC556k are in a similar price range, but Ruger stopped servicing them like a decade ago, and spare parts isn't really a thing.
Yeah but old authentic CAR15s are just so cool!
It's not easy where I am either, self-defense is basically illegal here, and the EU decided on a bunch of anti-freedom shit recently.
Meh, I mean everywhere in the SW is Mexico though. Of course I could go North, but it's too cold there. Or I could go to the South, but I prefer Mexicans over black people. The only true escape is improving my nihongo.
Nips hate guns and whitu piggu baka gaijins though.
then why do they fly to hawaii to shoot guns
I should correct myself, Nip government hates guns and make sure to do their damndest to not let citizens have them
This is why ARs and serialized DIAS are so sought after and expensive. All you have to do is keep the bit with the serial number on it and you can just take off and replace anything that gets worn. You can totally disassemble that transferrable lower and build all new shit on top of it, even a new auto FCG parts kit. With the DIAS you can just put it into another gun. Everything else... is generally going to be shot to fuck if you can't buy parts kits for it out of magazines anymore or replace the barrel without cutting.
Asians in general are gigantic firearms fetishists, man. Get one out of their country and one of the first things they'll ask is "can we go shoot a gun?" Nips in particular have huge firearms communities, but they (paradoxically) agree it would be bad to loosen Japanese gun laws. They will however get giddy as shit at the prospect of visiting a gun range overseas as a tourist, even if it's an Australian range where they weld a bolt to the frame of the pistol with chains attached to it so it can only point downrange.
I think some people would rather live around a community that protects itself and hates outsiders than a community that invites everyone in and squashes their own culture and tradition. Different for everyone I guess, though.
It just kills me that knowing Spanish is growing more and more important in the oil industry. Pisses me right off seeing all these companies hire people who can't even interact with other companies unless they have a bilingual representative, especially for important joint operations.
>protecting themselves
A substantial part of their skyhigh suicide rates is more than likely murders, Jap cops collude with organized crime all the time and it's even expected.
>tfw live in a state with minimum wage tied for first place in US.
Feels Good Man b
>Macron wins
Well, Japan isn't wrong then.
The real problem is if you ever get investigated for anything that allows them to seize your computer, and they can't find whatever they were orginally after (real CP, terrorist plots or whatever), they will most likely end up charging you for anything they can so they won't look bad for wasting resources on an innocent citizen.
>Anime has a Japanese character
>Portrayed as lactose intolerant
Second highest. DC is highest.
Explain, I don't really care about politics, but what does Macron means for my loli manga?
He means French are fags.
Persona 3.