the original soyboy lmao
The original soyboy lmao
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So now you become Alpha with Soy? Make up your minds
Real question: is there anything legitimately wrong with Soy? i don't remember hearing this meme at all in 2015/2016 or even early 2017. where did it come from?
Big if true
>the virgin fuhrer
HItler was a vegeterian at the end of his life, so I'm not surprised-
>Hitler Youth
it's fucking ancient, phytoestrogens have been scary stuff for ages
I remember people decrying soy as if it was the fucking devil on T-nation at least a decade ago
Uh oh, looks like Hitler did something wrong!
I cut soy out of my diet and my tits went away. Being an adult male, I was very pleased.
Try to avoid it for a week. It's in everything. "Vegetable oil" is usually just soy, "Lecithin" is almost always soy, and even meats are being fed/fortified with soy additives. It's basically just cheap garbage that can be added to most foods for superficial benefits. Cutting soy is a rewarding challenge.
Well, it seems like many of you retards especially Nordicucks think Shitler was based
but in fact he did not care about the White/European race, but rather cared about his fictional "Aryan" race which includes Iranians (sandniggers)
Visit for more (Most autistic site ever)
Are you Aryans or not, anons?
Hitler was vegeterian , so according to Sup Forums logic he is a numale
Some studies suggested it increased estrogen in the human body,other studies found that the effect is not statistically significant or at least smaller than the estrogen increasing effect of cow milk. Conflicting studies means either someone fucked up big time or the effect, if existing at all, must be rather small.
Soy is rather guilty by association, since it is mainly consumed by hipsters and vegans who are often insufferable faggots and leftists.
>I cut soy out of my diet and my tits went away. Being an adult male, I was very pleased.
It seems very fucking difficult to accomplish, its in a lot of stuff. i wouldn't even know where to start.
Nazi = soybos
Anti-soy is viral marketing by the meat and dairy industry.
>being this much of a brainlet
Hitler's aryanism was in reference to these people:
Cant tell if left or ironic right meme
It's the vegetable that has been the most tampered with. Even if the soyboy meme isn't true, don't eat it, it's not good stuff.
a nigger meme
That website drives me fucking insane
>nazi beans
holy shieet honorary aryan here
soyboy came from the whole cuck/vegan shit late last year and was forced by Sup Forums until they could begin to write history and say its as old as faggot
just in the west because they use chemicals to bleach it in their aluminum tanks. having actual non processed fermented soybeans should be fine.
>being this much of an illiterate kike
I already know iranians are aryans. They are /ourguys/
fuck off boomer
This was 80 years ago and proper research had not been done. That's all there is to it.
He was an autistic weirdo.
>rewriting history so kikelishly
At least post a source Schlomo even a fake one would make sstupid morons believe soy is good for men
my thoughts exactly
posting anti-soy food
Michael Fitzgerald, a professor of child and adolescent psychiatry, published a cornucopia of pathographies of outstanding historical personalities, mostly disclosing that they had Asperger syndrome, which is on the autism spectrum. In his 2004 published anthology Autism and creativity, he classified Hitler as an "autistic psychopath". Autistic psychopathy is a term that the Austrian physician Hans Asperger had coined in 1944 in order to label the clinical picture that was later named after him: Asperger syndrome, which has nothing to do with psychopathy in the sense of an antisocial personality disorder. Fitzgerald appraised many of Hitler’s publicly known traits as autistic, particularly his various obsessions, his lifeless gaze, his social awkwardness, his lack of personal friendships, and his tendency toward monologue-like speeches, which, according to Fitzgerald, resulted from an inability to have real conversations.[78]
reminds me of this
Ties in nicely with the leftcuck meme.
Tu es un cocu pour Hitler et pour l'Allemagne, et un traître, tant à la civilisation française, tant à la race blanche. Connais-tu qu'il était la France qui gardait l'Europe contre le Bolchevisme pendant vingt ans ? Après la paix de 18, quand la France gagna la guerre, elle établit le cordon sanitaire contre l'URSS, et pour vingt ans, les frontières entre la civilisation et le bolchevisme ne bougent pas, pas même un centimètre! Non, ce n'est que jusqu'à Hitler arrive au pouvoir, après sa destruction de ce bouclier de l'Europe, de notre civilisation occidentale contre le bolchevisme, que le bolchevisme envahira l'Occident. Hitler rendra à la France, à la Pologne, leur récompense : des bombes et des obus, et le fin de la civilisation conservatrice occidentale.
Go worship your soyboy leader you cuck, national soysocialist.
WW2 was literally the beta uprising of the beta Germany against the chad France and Poland
> Soyboy is about food
It is about the bugmen that grasp onto "enviro-chic" as a cornerstone of their identity because they have been chastised in every other aspect.
i know he's such a loser LMAO
what's the redpill you're going to drop against the fact that Hitler was a soy-eating cuck virgin who lost Eastern Europe to bolshevism and destroyed Western civilization?
Its science user. Mainstream science.
Mein Kampf and the Zweites Buch extensively have him criticizing France’s descent into a mulatto nation.
The problem is that they put it in fucking everything.
If it was rice in everything, we'd be wary of rice. Anything in excess is bad for your health, so avoiding soy is a measure of counterbalance.
what did you expect?
>nazi bean
American education everyone.
Also, do not desecrate our language like that, it is really ugly.
Whatever Hitler did, jews were behind bolchevism, and without the help of US, USSR was lost. You inflicted on us what happens today. Deal with it.
by reading the ingredient list
buy proper cuts of meat, not sandwich meat or sausages or mince.
buy vegetables and fruits.
if you eat bread, buy rye bread as the one that i buy that is rye + barley wheat + wheat gluten with no soy
whereas normal bread, like wholemeal or multigrain, has soy added.
Hitler knew the truth about "race"
Can you imagine how much potential Sup Forumsacks have
implying ((they)) didnt alter hitlers stuff to try and weaken down (their)) biggest enemies
What about the ketogenic diet? After a month of starting it I lost about 10kg and continued losing afterwards. I was barely overweight and paired with exercise I'm beginning to look strong again like when I was younger. I mainly eat things like Chicken thighs, thick back bacon and decent sausages not made from crap and I eat nuts if I feel hungry in between. Carbs seem to be the thing that really fucks with our bodies well mine at least.
Soy fed meet shouldnt effect you tho. Once the soys been processesed as food it just becomes reasembeled as protiens and meat. Even if the cow had higher estrogen, which is highly doubtful, it wouldnt effect the meat. Number one cows raused for slaughter never ungeroe sexual maturity so its not like hormones are gonn taint the meat. And number two no evidence has been found that shiws that neat can transer a hormonal imbalance like high estrogen.
>iran is bad guys
"Lawl fuck off boomer. Iran is BASED becouse they know about le joos."
When will this meme end
but the meme is about soy bi products, actual soy is fine for you LOL you guys are retarded
If you drink soy milk from a young age odds are you will be less masculine with fat tits. Not sure about other soy
t. cocu français
j'avais pensé que le droit français aimerait mieux leur propre pays que l'Allemagne, mais non, tout les Français veulent d'être niqué par quelqu'un, soit un rapefugee, soit un Allemand
Go back to r/dankmemes child. You're not ready to debate politics.
Carbs are tricky, you have your simple carbs, wich are generally bad for you they will make you feel sluggish and provide only the barest of nutrition
Then you have your complex carbs, these is incredibly good and quite important to have a healthy diet
Ketos is a great way to loose weight and will bring about several health benefits, but being in a constant state of ketos is not only hard to achieve but will be harmful to you in the long run
I would recommend periodic fasting as a way to achieve ketos, fasting has tonnes of proven health benefits but it should be done in moderation
I only eat 12 hours per day and fast 12,so if I have my breakfast att 6 in the morning I wont eat anything after 6 oclock in the evening
>natsoc calling it "nazi beans"
Rabbi cant even make proper lies,its well know Nazi is a derrogative to Natsoc,im impressed people here didnt call this shit out
Jewish propaganda.
just like a good muslim in ramadan
says the guy with the soy flag lmao
I'm pretty sure they did NOT call them "nazi" beans, since nazi has always been a derogatory term referring to national socialists.
they NEVER used it to refer to themselves, but somehow americans always get this wrong (see for example "Greater Nazi Reich" in Man in the High Castle).