This makes me sad, is America irreversibly damaged? could we ever improve our situation?

This makes me sad, is America irreversibly damaged? could we ever improve our situation?

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>fag flag
I hope this is the last (you) you get

Remember that this is a cuckold normalization-demoralization shill thread. Avoid all threads with cuck op pics.


Why can't they just call em mexicans god dammit

>cuckold normalization-demoralization shill thread
Its not, the image is just clickbait. thanks for the bump though.

your just jealous no one would fuck you, except your Jewish dad

I fucking wish my dad was jewish so fucking people over silently and behind the shadows so-to-speak was basically in my blood.

oh vey

No. Earth belongs to niggers now but there is a future for the white man.

it was inevitable.
the founding fathers were clever and maybe had an reasonable idea of a "white" america but even they had no idea what to do about niggers and pushed the problem down to road.

Just saw this fucking shit on my phone

Could you imagine the shitshow that would ensue if a white man said this?

Hurr durr one picture rules reality hdrd

Interracial porn studios cast interracial characters?! Ethno state btfo.

Was Muhammad Ali redpilled?


Where the video? Need evidence.

Its in the OP, do you see the "Embed" ? unless you are talking about the image in which case i could never find the source.

Can't remember source but it shouldn't be too hard to find, the black guy is a regular in the black/white scene and is featured in many videos.

All these BLACKED threads are fucking retarded.

And Jared Taylor is a dumbfuck. White people never had nationalism because their respective cultures/countries were too busy warring w/eachother.


white women who hook up with black men are either fat, ugly and no white man wants them, or they are gold diggers after wealthy black guys in sports. you don't want these women anyway.

these mixed kids will make slaves of all the other blacks. Look at the blacks in media, they are all part white and they don't give a shit about their poor fellow blacks.

Half-white Obama was their savior and he made their lives worse.

No blacks in show biz or sports go back to the hood, less then.01 every do anything for black people. Same with white liberals, they make tons of money off poor blacks and whites then leave them suffering.

The one thing you do have to worry about with blacks is Islam, but they want their own country inside the US, so maybe it's not so bad.

none the less time to raise money and move to the ethnostate. pick any norther state and start a homestead.

They did , many of the founder fathers were also presidents of liberia which was as nigger deportation colony.

Founders made them 1/5 human that's how they dealt with race. They knew blacks would out breed them.

If Lincoln lived he would have shipped more than half of them back to free Liberia.


I highly doubt it

This should make you sad to :)

she forgot her tits in the other swimsuit

natural selection reeee

All about that ass for me, flat chested girls are fine so long as they have that ass.

Been thinking. What if BM WF is due to the fact they need (((diversity))) and two most represented demographics in both acting and modeling are BM and WF?

didnt work did it

lincoln admitted it was impossible

no. the political climate and peer pressure made him cosign with racists.
i read in one of his interviews, that
in the beginning of his career he used to date white girls but felt uncomfortable with them in public because white people and sistas were throwing shades at him.

when Ali became more succesfull the nation of islam came after him and gave him a good brainwashing.

he said all those things because racist blacks and whites agreed with him. also paid him good money for trashing interracial couples.

all in all. muhhamad ali was a racemixer wo didn't racemix.
look at all his wives. he started off with a real black woman and then his wives became more and more mixed - racially ambiguous.
finaly muhammad ali's interracial lust manifested in two of his daughters, Rasheda Ali and Jamillah Ali. both married to white men.

You don't go to war without nationalism retard.

Those are fighting words.

Don't worry, faggy, as soon as genetic therapies are widely available (pretty soon, btw) all the bad genes will be wiped out of population.