Kosovo Albanians killed Serbian party leader on Kosovo, Kosovska Mitrovica, town on Kosovo is blocked by Kosovo police
Cant find sauce on english, whoever has it, post it
Kosovo Albanians killed Serbian party leader on Kosovo, Kosovska Mitrovica, town on Kosovo is blocked by Kosovo police
Cant find sauce on english, whoever has it, post it
bump for ethnic violence that will never effect me
Here is sauce, his name is Oliver Ivanovic, leader of SDP
good riddance
how do people there feel about this?
seems kinda important
we don't get a lot of actual assassinations
to bad I know absolutely nothing about the regional politics
there were more controversial political assassinations or deaths in the past 10 years and nothing really huge happened because of them, i don't see how this could really start another serb chimpout but it can also escalate. Also people comparing this to events prior to WW1 exaggerate but again, lets wait and see.
>it's happening
it's not really happening is it?
Serbs aren't white. This is a white board.
what are you still doing here then?
So.. WW3 then?
This can easily start war. He was the last uncucked Serbian politician here
mutt calling one of europes oldest nations non-white
what happened to this board?
Balkan War Two Electric Bugaloo???
has the world gone mad?
Traitor pussy mouth satanist faggot Aleksandar Vučić did it.
you fags keep voting him in
us diaspora fags lul every time
Nothing will happen Vucic is a spineless EU cocksucker,who will you guys vote in Belgrade elections?
Vučić got him killed.
Fuck of mutt
I am fan of your work. I didn't know that you are lurker here
Is this going to lead to more Ethnic/Religious conflict?
>Kosovo Albanians killed him
proofs nigger
E dobar si gotivim te
>no proofs, All of them have been erased by Albanian hackers in the service of the Albanian Mafia
Kill yourself as soon as possible newfag
This doesn't concern you
So fellow Monteniggers, Macedonians and Greeks, is this happening finally setting us on the way of forming an alliance and expunging the albozerg into the fucking Ionian Sea? Balkan War #3 & #4 when?
>Kill yourself as soon as possible newfag
>This doesn't concern you
t.Albanian Mafian
Take it easy, my dear.
Zerb is better
>Le Based kebab remover
>Fucking Weeb
Your opinion is discarded by anyone who reads them.
Aaaand out of fucking nowhere albozerg appears
God I fucking hate zergs
More than muslims
God I fucking zergs even more. They don't deserve a place in Europe, they are under nafris in terms of "humaness".
>Your opinion is discarded by anyone who reads them.
Gëzoni këtë ditë të bukur
I'm just here to give Bump on Thread, Albania user.
I really like the history of the Balkans.
>Unironically like Albania
>MFW the serbs itt
At it again, I see.
balkans gonna balkan. literally no one cares
why would vucic want him dead, it doesnt make sense.
Islam is garbage
Ok hama karin
There is no any solid proof that albanians shoot Oliver Ivanović, what's more interesting is that he had a strong dissagreement with the branch of Serbian Progressive Party in northern Kosovo, so it is unlikely that albanians shot him.
Fucking thank you!
Immediately underage larpers began shitposting MUH ZERGS KILLED LE BASED SERB
You know the history of Brazil, you 23% mutt?
Oliver was against SNS and he was attacked by Serbs before
nothing is going to happen, great leader just asked unmik to let serbian police in to assist the investigation, unless he plans on them being killed while assisting I doubt anything happens
WW1 all over again
Are you really Andrej Fajgelj? I really like you work and I am really shocked if you are visiting here.
Over Kosovo? lol no Serbia can have it.
>oldest European nation
>less than 30 yrs old
Kek, kys
>mfw vucic is secretly redpilled
If I did not know, I would not ask for the return of the Monarchy on this Republic of shit we have today
Also, only the South and the Midwest of Brazil are mostly white.
And I'm not Southern.
doubt this will lead to any happening.
We Balkan War now?
The absolute state of burger education.
>he thinks some medieval state has any basis in modernity
Kys you dumb turk
he really is tho
kek u mexicans are stupid af. a nation state is a nation
Sure showed me mutt.
great leader just announced he can't wait to find killers and he bets they're albos, he isn't stupid enough to say a thing like that if he killed him tho, is he?
He was anti-EU and had a lot of progressive enemies in Serbia. He created rivals both in Kosovo and Serbia so he was a pawn that had to be taken out. His security was weak and his support was failing. I am not one to talk but the truth is Serbian politics revolve more around EU and licking German ass than gaining support for Kosovo. Also, there is no way his assassination could trigger a Balkan war, most sides were alright with him being dead.
Great rebuttal mehmet.
I don’t expect anymore from a Turk.
Americans are low-key butthurt that their nation was founded by some European Freemasons, so they tell everyone they are older than Europe itself.
Finally, Balkan happenings are best happenings. The rest of the world would be so boring without Balkan and their bants
I keep hearing It's a false flag?
thanks paco.
Read what the Greek wrote
Don't expect anything when you start running your filthy uneducated mouth. You entered the discussion by polluting it so expect only what you give.
He probably has nothing going for him other than his nationality. There are decent Americans here.
>a nation that’s never won a war against anyone but themselves thinks they are relevant
Cry more
Prove me wrong that Serbia is in fact older than 30 years, historical Serbia’s don’t count unless you’re ready to admit Croatia is the oldest nation between you cucks and you’re all actually Croats.
Prove me wrong that you aren't a filthy uneducated mutt with no redeeming qualities.
you fuckers never destroyed europe, hans rekt it like 4-5 times, you lost to some rice farmers they lost against the entire world
kek u idiots falling for a jew shill trying to subvert
Could be.
At least I’m not living in a nation going to war for the financial interests of some hook-nosed, circumcised (((greatest allies))). Defend them, but even they will laugh at you.
Thanks for proving me right turk :).
>you lost to some rice farmers
>as he got rekt by mountain goat farmers and lost 4 wars in a decade
kek new world record
No you’re right, (((Germoney))) totally got rid of their Jews and aren’t cucked at all which is why you can talk about the holocaust not being real. Right?
>cant find sauce
wew lad
I just came here to say - fuck Serbia.
We need to have a border with Albania, Croatia and Belgrade should be the border town between the 3 countries.
Cъpбe нa въpбe!
all over the TV so sauce was provided later, this is not best korea, TV is pretty reliable.
oh this is a croat diaspora holy kek lmao
da fuk u doing in murica u shitskin cunt
>he thinks I’m a Croat because of the argument I’m making
Kys mehmet.
fuck of half-slav race traitor go convert to Islam if you love sucking off Muhammad so much
>Using emoticons on Sup Forums.
Now we know who we are dealing with.
Hah, shkijet jane te afte me e vra njeri tjetrin.
Shiko lufterat balkanike. Do te jete qesharake reagimi tyre
Serbshits BTFO.
Someone that BTFO so bad that you have to resort to attacking my emoticons instead of my argument. Turklogic.
He didn't bet they were albanians. He just said that whoever killed Oliver planned the killing and did it against us.
But how will the Great Leader (PBUH) now sell off Kosovo like he's wanted for so long?
lol shartmarts get so butt hurt about this meme
you have no arguments, retarded diaspora
Now it's just getting sad man.
Reevaluate your life.
Are we fucked? Should i pack my stuff and leave?
You have a better chance of getting killed by your own, just like Oliver was, God rest his soul.
don't make me do it mutt. you ain't either
Stop shilling. We don't know what happened yet.
Living with your kind is like living with in a den of snakes.
Oliver found the hard way what its like to live with your kind.
Serbia is less than 30 years old was my argument. Your turk brain must have forgot already but that’s okay because I’m here to remind you.
>he actually posts source relating his people to Turks
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA now your proving me right with your own sources lol.
Nice one mehmet.
Please be like the archduke ww1 incident.
>ameritard reading comprehension
i'm out
The archduke was an important character, not some worthless balkan crrature.
Maybe serbia invades north of kosovo know because of the false flag, but if that happens, the situation will be hilarious.
>le reading comprehension
Is this what turks resort to when you call them on their retardation? That source is also directed at your people, Turk.