Do you prefer anime or manga?
Do you prefer anime or manga?
Manga, by a considerable margin. Though I still like to watch anime now and then and it makes a nice change, but I can't tolerate anything but high tier quality these days and I find that the vast majority of seasonal anime is just crap, not only does it look like eye cancer but I feel like I've either just seen too much of the cliched shit over the years or else as I've gotten older I've come to find it childish. There are still good TV series, but I guess most of what I watch now are OVAs that I haven't seen before and movies. For instance I just got around to watching Bubblegum Crisis after having it in my backlog for fucking years, had to re-download a better quality release since these were ancient .avi.
There's loads of manga that I avoid just the same as TV anime, though. But there's also so much more manga to choose from and as a medium it's not as limited and moulded by commercial pressure as anime so I think it can be more unique, expressive and just generally less confined.
>There's loads of manga that I avoid
How do you decide what to avoid?
Manga by far. I only find about two or three shows to watch each season.
Most of the anime I watch these days are from the 70s/80s/90s desu.
Manga by far for the last few years.
>How do you decide what to avoid?
By trying it, mostly. Although I admit there is plenty of stuff that I just decided not to even bother with after reading the description, some of it I probably ought to try as it might surprise me; I've had that happen before.
The last 4 or 5 years I think I've averaged about that many that I've finished per a whole year. Which kind of sucks but then again nobody really watches stuff they've found they don't like, so there's nothing for it.
Manga. I just like reading better than watching.
manga. but excellent anime tend to make a stronger impression than excellent manga. but as a whole manga is head and shoulders above anime.
>manga or anime op says
>posts gook shit
your average manga is better than your average anime.
I can't watch anime anymore, there's nothing interesting and I drop everything after 1-3 episodes. I watch maybe 3 series fully each year nowadays.
Manga because it's the work of a single person so it feels a lot more personal.
All other factors equal, I like anime more than manga. Unfortunately, anime adapted from manga tend to either miss too much, change too much, and/or are of poor quality.
At the end of the day, I like anime more, but manga is usually better.
>gook shit
Don't use slurs please.
Watching anime stimulates your brain more than reading manga. If you read manga you are legitimately an idiot
I used to have around 50:50 ratio of animu to manga, but for a few years now it's pretty much just mango. Anime is all shit LN adaptations nowadays (or manga I've already read).
Animals because music
shame anime gets 99% more threads
That's chink shit though, but if I remember right it's published in a Jap magazine.
manga, much faster to consume and generally has more time to elaborate on characters and details.
anime in the few rare instances that it's animated well with a good OST and isn't just an advertisement for the LN/manga
There are times I mostly read manga and there are times I mostly watch anime. It depends on my mood.
Manga by a longshot. Cheaper, plentiful, more varied and experimental, easier to find translated and, to make a sweeping generalisation, eith better-looking art on average. That, and the fanbases that surround them feel a lot better to be around.
That being said, I don't mind TV originals, and I'll occasionaly put a series on if I'm with friends or having a meal. I can't really afford to be as open to anime, picking up random series on a whim, as I am with manga, though. Coming across an unsatisfying anime is a lot more frustrating when I have to waste over 24 minutes on it than stumbling across a shitty manga and dropping it in 10.
You can only watch 72 20 minute long episodes of anime in a day
That's way too slow for me unless it's a movie or something
I prefer anime but I read manga more.
Manga of course.
Why the FUCK would you rather read something than watch it? This thread is full of fucking idiots
Manga by a long shot. I only watch comfy anime nowadays to relax while I rely on manga for the legitimate good stories.
Manga. I generally tend to read rather than watch. I read a lot of books as well. I find reading a far more comfortable and entertaining experience. It's also more involving, unlike anime and film.
Yes. I prefer anime and manga to other mediums.
brainlet detected
Burger detected
1 episode of anime: 20m~
1 chapter of manga: 5m~
Why the FUCK would you rather watch something than read it? You are a fucking idiot.
Why would I purposely want shorter content? Again, manga readers are fucking idiots
>being this new
The OP image isn't even manga
Usually manga has some good historical settings like Immortal. These are a rarity in anime and usually filled with lots of "unrealistic" stuff like boobplates and shit.
Shame that those are so rare and hard to come by especially if theyre being published.
Plus manga depicts gore better if the author is any good.
Do you anons mind to share some good manga with historical setting? I know Baltzar is a good one and Historie is back from hiatus
Manga because I was very poor as a kid with limited internet and it was easier to download a full 50 volume series for like 150mb than 60+ episodes for 10GB.
I like them both alot, but I like anime a bit more. I like the collaborative effort and teamwork of a show that's been put together. I like voices and colors and I really like the music.
>this many people saying manga
>Sup Forums is 95% anime
makes you think
It's a problem.
>Sup Forums image and formatting
Makes you think.
>green lex luthor
>Sup Forums
How do we solve the animeonlyfag problem?
It's not moe so it's Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is full of crossboarders and secondaries.
>formatting is board specific
scared little newfags, everyone
Just go back faggot, you're not welcome here.
You go back as well.
leave NOW
>no capitilization or punctuation
Newfaggots, everyone.
>replying to an obvious shitposter
You're also new.
Anime has more potential.
But manga ends up being better, if only because there's more variety of it. Like most of anime honestly is the most manchild stuff possible. I can't get into it unless its the single shoujo of the season and then even then it will probably suck.
manga board
I prefer manga for covinience. I can just full rush chapters faster than marathoning an anime season.
Also, read again specific parts is easier than skimming anime episodes.
I don't watch anime too much because of time. I can have a few minutes and read some manga, for anime I at least have to take 20 min to watch a episode.
Droping a manga is easier than an anime, with anime you have the bad habit of trying at least 5 episode to see if a series is good or manga. With manga you can get a feel of the series in a few chapters.
If you read an already finished series, reading manga is pleasant and you get the conclusion the author originally intended (good or bad)
tl;dr: I prefer manga, is easier to navigate, read and appraise.
Discussions on Sup Forums tends to be about memes, waifus, shipping, or some other faggotry. I don't bother try making manga threads for that reasons.
Manga. I tend to prefer stories made by a single artist or two rather than a committee.
Not to mention the better art, wider range of genres, more daring, less "safe" stories and characters, and the size of its market allows it to reach more people, more niches, which allows smaller, more unique stories to survive.
Anime has the pressure of being a business first and foremost, and a business that serves a very small niche. A niche that must be continuously pandered too to survive. A lot of the time, it ends up having to follow up on trends, going with the "now". And even the few that strays from it are always deconstructions or subversions of that same trend.
/ma/ - Manga
Meme faggotry is one of the worst things to happen in this place.
No, instead we need 50 more Sup Forums boards
Manga threads don't move fast enough except for the super popular ones. Also chill you can make threads no one's stopping you with their memes.
I'm curious about the manga the people in this thread read. I tend to prefer manga, and I feel like I read more manga than I watch anime, but oddly enough, the quantity of anime I've watched is way bigger than the quantity of manga I've read. So what mangos do you like? Everybody loves giving recommendations.
>Everybody loves giving recommendations.
Remind me again why we don't have manga board? because it would be too slow?
I mean there is an option to make threads here but it will probably just die for yet another waifu thread
I prefer translations for this great manga.
Sup Forumsnons hate change and most are anime fags
Sup Forums would take a nose dive in quality if /ma/ was created, do it Hiro you trigger happy board creating faggot, I'd gladly take a board with less anime only fags.
Manga is usually better but anime gets better and more consistent translations so I end up watching more of it
I thought this was going to be the long march thread.
I'd rec you shit, but recs belong on /wsr/
/bant/ is clearly more important.
OP is manhua, not manga.
Anime has more potential as a medium but manga is better 99% of the time. And I don't mean manga is better than its adaptations, I just mean manga in general has a much better hit rate for success.
The phrase itself is a meme, but "late night" manga threads are still a thing, and tend to be very comfy, especially if it's a live translation of something that's not very popular, or a slowburn dump of older works.
Because it would dilute the already-split Sup Forums and /jp/ userbase. The result would be Sup Forums getting even shittier, and /jp/ geting even slower (if it's possible).
Sup Forums is already cancerous enough now, what do you think will happen if you separate mangaposters to another board?
Boku no Manga
I'd have to say manga. You can really take your time to admire the drawings and think about what you're reading anytime you want, whereas you're pretty much bound to take it one episode at a time when it comes to anime. I'm not prone to use the word but manga is definitely the "comfiest" experience.
Anime fans are more...vocal.
How would a manga board affect /jp/?
Who even uses /jp/ still?
Lack of demand. It'd probably end up being filled with generals for the big shounen series and things that aired recently/airing now. Nobody reads manga here anymore.
I don't know why, but this reply is unnervingly cute.
A manga board would probably be dominated by WSJ-reading shipperfaggots, I don't have anything against shonen manga but I do have something against that kind of cancer.
Vagabond if you haven' read it.
Vinland Saga (I guess you'd know about these two).
Koukoku no Shugosha is amazing (weirdly enough, it's from the same author as High School Of The Dead).
I haven't read more historical manga and I feel like I have recommended you very obvious ones, sorry. Let's see if someone can recommend anything more.
I guess I just miss them every time because I never see a manga thread these days.
Stuff like story time/general manga thread are really comfy especially when they are more active.
OPT also doesn't really do the trick as there is zero discussion on it.
Even with WSJ-esque threads it'd be easier to keep smaller manga thread alive.
Is that a one armed futa banging a shapeless homonculous with stubby little legs?
>Everybody loves giving recommendations.
Someone a few days back recommended Beastars, and I ended up really enjoying it. And, since someone mentioned Hiroaki, a small scanlator group picked up Halcyon Lunch, and that's been pretty fun too.
What about a board with manga, LN AND VN? stupid?
>guys please rec me
and they would end up in containment/general threads just like they do here now
yes, stupid
Manga much more so than anime. Usually if I like a show enough to pick up its source material, I'll have only watched a couple of episodes and dropped it to check out the manga or novel.
yes stupid
I hate manga and I hate giving recs.
LN and VN already belong to /jp/ and /vg/ though
But thats because I cant watch shows and movies
We'd get one good board?