I am a gay person.... exactly... a person.
Why do you hate me for something I have no control over?
I am a gay person.... exactly... a person.
Why do you hate me for something I have no control over?
Other urls found in this thread:
I am a pedo person... exactly... a person.
Why do you hate me for something I have no control over?
I just hate pride parades and open displays of degeneracy. I don't emulate vaginal sex in public so why do fags feel the need to emulate sodomy in public?
But fucking is a western tradition since the greeks , no one hates you for that , as long as you not become a attention seeking faggot there is no problem.
But those gays that want attention and do shit like inviting kebab refugees should be hated , they are a bunch of suicidal retards
I am a homophobe person.... exactly... a person.
Why do you hate me for something I have no control over?
Why would you care what a bunch of people you will never meet think of you?
Stop telling everyone you're gay and we will all stop talking about you.
>how about that
I don't hate you. What you do in the bedroom is your business alone.
I am a thief person.... exactly... a person.
Why do you hate me for something I have no control over?
Because you put things in your ass, faggot.
I often wonder how much of the gay bashing comes from closeted gays themselves
I reckon it's a lot
I think a lot of people slinging anti-gay shit have skeletons in their closets, too
Lots of pedosexuals here, too. They wouldn't have any compunctions about hating gays since their sexuality is hated, and thus fair game to hate other sexualities.
Parades are meant to raise awareness
I like this board... I want to be one of you guys but everytime I see someone calling gay people faggots and twinks it makes me sad
90% dont irl and wouldnt say shit, personally I dont like how you fucks parade that shit like its something to be proud of.
I couldmt give a flying fuck if 2 guys wanna suck dicks and live degenerate lives but when you start shoving it in my face saying I have to accept it and that IM a bigot for being intolerant as a 300lb man in chains and leather sucks dildos in a fucking rainbow float as it drives down a main fucking street while police officers provide "free" (not free my taxes paid for that shit) security to your parade then have the audacity to disinvite the police from your government subsidized day of degeneracy. Thats when something close to hate begins to fester in a country against a group
Because you're a subhuman freak. You straight up admit this in your comment. You have no control. No control over what? Yourself. Guess what the most important value of being a human is? Self-control. If you were actually a human being you could decide to be straight and actually be straight. Alas, you will always be inferior.
you have control over your behavior and the fags dont control themselves they are just gross faggots. thats why everyone hates you.
I haven't had a dick in my ass yet, I must have some control over it
Gay, Gay, trans, Gay, nigger, whatever.
It's all we read and hear in the MSM.
Fuck off and read a copy of Vogue, faggot.
Sup Forums is a cis white male image board.
Do yo suck cock in public? If yes, I m calling the death squad. If no and you do it in your home, then no fucks given.
pic not realated
I honestly don't care what you do in private. As long as you don't try to destroy cake shops. And waving your dick around talking about Pride. Pride of what? Liking the feel of poop on your penis? That's what your proud about in your life? Stop prancing around like a faggot. Do what you will behind doors. And did I say, leave the FN CAKE OUT OF IT!!!
Nobody should give a fuck so long as you're not a socialist.
Gays are typically overly emotional and feminine, and adopt third world niggers since they can't give birth through their assholes.
Grow a pair, this site is not for snowflakes, if can't stand being called a faggot, you should leave.
Most people here do not hate you, unless you start posting stupid shit like "why everybody hates me"
So many racists comments unfortunately....
Thankfully for every one of them there are two that are quite reasonable.
Why would I hate you as long as you don't act like an attention whore? Homosexuality have existed for ever, but never ever did a person aimed to change his sex before degenerates discovered philosophy and chosed the baddest one: existentialism. You can be whatever you are, but you can't be whatever you want.
no one hates you lol you are not that important buddy basically no one in here has a issue with people being gay. But forcing people to dance around and pander is another thing enterily.
Fuck off, faggot
Don't worry the lgbtq suicide rates are higher than ever, yeah just believe that you were born that way, poor Danish faggot
Meant to raise awareness about you taking it up the hole where you shit? Where you dress in penis costumes and other sick shit in front of children and then call it progress? There is nothing progressive or 'aware' about pride parades.
Why are you crying to us? Go cry to those allies of yours that hate you lmao.
>honestly don't care what you do in private
>is a pedo
Then be a "person". Not a "gay person".
Thanks for AIDS faggot
opinions on this:
Shills hate him so they just.ignore him
This Don't seek for attention, be an user among the anons.
Pic related. Imagine what other people think when seeing that. Yeah. You raise awareness of what ? That you belong to a mental hospital ?
The closet. Stay in it. Keep this out of our sight, we ask for nothing else.
I never saw a problem with gays until they started pushing their propaganda on kids. When I can't even take my daughter to see Beauty and the Beast without gay bullshit being pushed, it's time for fags to get the gas. Starting with you.
In what way do you not control who you have sex with?
I dont have a "problem" with people being gay, i have a problem with gay people victimizing themselves to get farther ahead of their "cisgendered" counter parts.
You dont contribute anything to society. You demonize anyone who doesnt bow down to your rampant degenaracy. Yoi dont respect your surroundings, your culture, your elders, or your parents.
Grow the fuck up, take responsibility. The gay people before you earned respect through contributing to soceity you welfare loving souless commie cucked moron fuck.
the question is, why are you gay¿
We don't hate you, but we're not falling for the myth that you can't control your sexuality. You chose to be gay and therefore need to live with the consequences of that choice.
But I m a "special snowflake", user. How will you know I m more "special" than you, if don't tell you 24/7?
But you do have control over it: pull the trigger
Children need sex. They require release like you do but are denied it with a partner who can teach them and guide them through it lovingly. Many young children masturbate for relief-and what does mom and dad do when they find out? Why, they slap the kids hands and tell them to stop or they will go blind! Once again, this only leads to oppressive, damaging GUILT. By age 11, I was a compulsive masturbator & collected hard-core pornographic magazines like HUSTLER! I was VERY sexual and I was asking for it on a regular basis (and never seemed to get it!) and yet society would have believed I was as innocent as can be. This harmed me. If I had only known a ****phile then, I would have been much happier in my childhood! But then again, if I had decided to have sex with a ****phile adult, they would have been imprisoned and I would have been in therapy for brainwashing to accept my "abuse". But my childhood had a happy ending-fate soon blessed me at 11 and a half with a woman ****phile who sexually educated me! Other kids are more like I was than you maybe would like to admit. Perhaps you were something like this in your own youth and due to guilt you wish not to admit this side of yourself existed. Think back and be honest with yourself-it is ok to be sexual and you are not alone or wrong! Stop feeling guilty about a natural bodily function and do not infect our kids!
He likes to touch balls with other dudes apperently.
Being gay is basically just a fetish yet it's glorified, forced on children, and now they can marry too. Nobody cares if you have sex with men in private but don't pretend it's anything more than that. And this is from a guy who just fapped to anime traps
You're out of your fucking mind
Being gay is gay.
Also its disgusting.
Willingly being a disgusting thing is a mental illnes.
what are you implying about futa
disgusting, I view gay people as people who surrendered to trying to get the other sex, gave up on regular relationships and abandonded themselves to extreme degeneracy
gay or fgt? if the latter please try to keep them urges under control, it is real sickening. if the first, meh i don't care
Correct, also mental.
You should create your own nation where you can freely throw poo at your butthole buddies
Children do many things that are new to them. Sex is one of those things. A child must learn sometime, and "waiting for their wedding" is WAY too late! The sex drive is the most important one in our species besides breathing air and eating! We are made for sex! Children are made to enjoy it too! Repressing these feelings is NOT healthy. It is also unhealthy for kids to deny themselves relief. Sex by itself is NOT damaging to kids. This is a myth designed to attack ****philes and deny kids their rights. In a misguided effort to "protect" kids, society has actually HARMED them by repressing perfectly natural feelings which DEMAND expression. Without it, healthy development and beliefs about sex are problematic. Kids masturbate and climax, and it does NOT "scar" them for life! By itself (remember-it is the guilt not the sex!) having sex with an adult (or another child) will NOT harm a child! It is a normal bodily function. Kids urinate and defecate as you do-they also experience sexual gratification (usually via masturbation) just as you do. A 10 year old boy may not ejaculate semen, but he CAN climax. A 10 year old girl can and often already does masturbate and she climaxes. Society needs to accept that kids are sexual beings.
You're a person, the gay part is just your shit taste for women that is so bad, they're men.
People that build their whole personalities around this are a bunch of retarded assholes.
I sincerely hope this is some agent fishing for pedos because if that's not the case, you're sick
Kindly hang yourself you fucking subhuman filth. I won't rest until I've seen your kind exterminated from the planet, nay, from the totality of existence.
Russian thundra. Russia about 75% uninhabited.
you were given a cock for survival, not feels. keep rubbing it in turds and aids and telling yourself you are the one who is right. make a gay ethnostate, solve both our problems, wont be any of you left in 100 years.
Give them that chance. Do not deny them the right of sexual free-expression. Children DO intitiate sexual contact with adults and there is nothing wrong with it. Adults can also intiate. We must teach our kids the importance of their right to own themselves. This means they can REFUSE sex with an adult at any time. It also means they can accept an offer and inititiate one themselves! This is the part that society hypocritically refuses to allow. They say kids own themselves, but when that belief is tested, society applies a double-standard and denies kids a right to do as they wish to themselves. Implied in the belief that kids can say no is the acceptance of them saying yes! You cannot have it both ways. Either they own their bodies or they do not. If they can only say "no" according to you, then they do not own themselves in your eyes! ****philes are the opposite of "predators". In fact, they are the ONLY TRUE "child advocates" in this regard on earth, since the take the opinion of the child and his/her wishes into full account! ****philes love children. That is what the word means, (****=child phile=lover) it is not a bad word to describe a monster-except in the eyes of the media which distorts and sadly shapes public opinion against child-loving advocates-i.e. ****philes. It is time for a new opinion about us-a positive one.
nobody cares and that is your real problem
attention whore
Futa is only gay, when the "girls" touch balls, m8.
I don't hate you. Hugs!
Uuum. But ∆Consencual.
do you walk the streets naked or half-naked, or do you drink piss in public or get some whipping?
do you constantly talk with everyone about your sexuality?
if not then I would not even notice that you are gay
you had full control over it faggot, you bought the wussy mollycoddling of progressive culture....hahahah at least you havent chopped your dick off, moron
The problem ****philes have (particularly male ones) is that if ANY adult shows a special excessive interest in kids, that person is immediately suspected of being a ****phile. This leads to ****philes being separated from their outlets & it harms them. It also leads to kids being taken away from people that truly care about them. It is often the case that people who show unusual interest in kids are ****philes but is that a bad thing? ****philes can be a VERY positive force in the life of a child. Society does not think so and wonders why ****philes must add the sexual element. They ask why we cannot always be happy just doing things with them that are non-sexual. The reason is that is one very important aspect of life and one that is something we find very pleasurable when it is with the people we like and love. It is no different than you! If I have sex with an 11 year old girl I love and care about, why do you care if she is willing and loves me too? The trouble is, society assumes that she is incapable of loving, or understanding it. She IS capable-she loves her parents, which is one kind of love. I am only showing her another kind that she is gladly and voluntarily experiencing with me. You must accept that she IS capable of wanting sex and relief, and feeling LOVE for me-her ****phile. You can bet that if I were in such a situation, I would love her-not just use her. It is not merely sexual. I prefer young girls. I do not cruise the streets looking for them to molest! If it happens it does and that is fine.
stupid faggot
Because it's 75% uninhabitable
Here's a good candidate for the rope.
****philes do not talk down to kids & treat them with respect and listen to them. This is not the case with an average adult, and kids see right through it. Kids like ****philes very much, whom they do not see as a heavy-handed authority figure, but rather, as a sort of "older" PEER. That is what confuses the general public about the motivations and methods of ****philes. Society assumes the ****phile views the child as an object, and uses his/her superior smarts/abilities/experience to control the child to extract sex. But ****philes do not do this and never advocate such tactics! It goes against their very nature to do that! The reason society falls for this assumption is it is "transferring" what IT would do if in that situation. Since "regular" adults do not really respect or understand children, they assume the same mindset applies to ****philes-and it does not! A "regular" adult does not understand ****philia or ****philes, & so they assume the ****phile is approaching the situation as a "regular" adult with a perverted streak in them-bent on taking advantage of children-since that is what the average "regular" adult could see himself/herself doing if they were sex maniacs looking for an easy outlet to prey on. But ****philes are not this way-we are not predators looking for targets! Being a ****phile is a way of life-not a sick perversion.
Somebody unironically doxx and report this faggot
The fact that you're living in a fantasy world where abusing children is a-ok because they secretly want it or some bullshit won't save you from me wringing your neck in reality should I ever run into you or one of your filthy subhuman kind.
Bullshit, if man wants, man can do.
We all talk shit about eachother on this board.
Who are you to demand special treatment?
why do you take pride in something you have no control over?
I don't hate gay people I hate degenerates. Most gay people CHOOSE to be degenerates.
My life would be enriched if you were swinging from a rope, instead of swinging with the AIDS. If only I had a say in where my taxes went, it sure as shit would not be going to your sicknesses
I don't think it's that well organized and planned.
It sounds to me more a case of some retarded teacher that came with the idea of "hey! how about we teach the white kids that the world being shit is all their fault? they're all rich, so they will save the world!", and the bunch of as stupid idiots around her loved the idea and they implemented it, which ended as predictably with an insane horrible cult that pressures you into paying for your "original sin" in all ways possible, like cutting your dick off, being gay, race mixing, cucking...
I really don't care about gays. By itself, that's fine. The problem is behavioral.
>The active sexual partner injects infected semen into the anus of the passive partner. These people have sex twenty to thirty times a night. A man comes along and goes from anus to anus and in a single night will act as a mosquito transferring infected cells on his penis. When this is practised for a year, with a man having three thousand sexual intercourses, one can readily understand this massive epidemic that is currently upon us.
>Professor Opendra Narayan
When even INDIANS are troubled by the amount of shit that gays are spreading around, you know there is a real problem. Don't be a disease vector, and you're fine.
le 56% is a fucking reddit tier meme thats why it has "le" in it
get the fuck out of here
There is literally nothing wrong with being a pedophile
We will kill all you pedos. Wait and see.
This is the most roundabout way of avoiding the JQ I've seen tonight
Nice mental gymnastics, dipshit.
Ur a fag
Stop being attention seeking. There's plenty of bentanons on here, we don't all whinge and moan.
So you have no control over putting your benis in others assholes or vice versa? A literal animal devoid of all but the most base instincts to fug everything that walks?
Give me one reason no to shoot you the day after you do 5-25 in prison getting buttfucked by jamal and tyrone?
I was raped as a child.
I enjoyed it.
I am a russophobe... exactly fuck you nigger.
pretty fucking gay user
Accept the fact that you're mentally ill and seek treatments from a licensed medical professional that don't include hormone injections or genital mutilation. Accept that you're better off living a single and asexual life rather than having a dozen men jizz in your ass and spread HIV all over. Don't talk like a retarded woman on helium, don't put rainbows on everything, and don't tell anyone you're a faggot.
Then I won't hate you.
You need to throw yourself off a fucking bridge, you pathetic faggot
I would have zero hesitation in setting you on fire. This is coming from someone who cannot watch niggers getting necklaced. You are like snails in my lettuce. How’s that for your progressive acceptance? I as a progressive liberal, will happily set you on fire, watch you burn, and actively prevent responders from alleviating your pain.