Personally, I do not support abortion.
It's a human being from the beginning.
I've never heard a good reason to support abortion.
>Sup Forums: but black people get abortions!
So? Since when do we decide social policy based on what black people do?
Personally, I do not support abortion.
It's a human being from the beginning.
I've never heard a good reason to support abortion.
>Sup Forums: but black people get abortions!
So? Since when do we decide social policy based on what black people do?
You should have been aborted.
Okay want the red pill on abortion?
The real one?
Yep it totally is killing a person.
But that isn't always a bad thing. Life isn't sacred, especially the life of some future delinquent.
If a mother is willing to abort, then what sort of mother would she really make? Do we really want that person breeding?
Abortion is euthanasia of future scum, however it has been marketed is a contraceptive method.
Ideally, there needs to be regulation around who can actually have kids.
Im all for small govt, but since we are way beyond that, might as well have big brother actually try to shape our society for the better.
Generally no, but I exceptional circumstance wherein the child was born with extreme health defects it should be aborted and the parents be held responsible.
Up to week 8 I think it is ok, and the reasons are simple. Before there is a brain, as in with two halves and not just a stem, the human can't be classified as alive. This is, in my opinion, equal to the state of being brain dead. This process begins around week 5.
The first heart beat can be registered in week 8. This is, IMO, the first time that the fetus can be described as an independent being. To me, this is where it is its own life and not just an outgrowth of the mother. Having something that is similar to a brain reinforces this.
The caveat is that I think we should limit the amounts of retards and handicapped, and as long as the society ends up paying for them and don't offer genetic screening for soon to be parents I think abortion of unhealthy kids is acceptable up to week 20, ie the current limit where they can be saved.
This means my default is 21% pro choice and 79% pro life, but for handicapped kids 53% pro choice and 47% pro life.
Depends on the race.
Abortion is self-defense. Giving birth is not a walk in the park; it has a fairly high mortality rate, results in awful pain and months of recovery. If this was an assault I was describing, most Sup Forumsacks would consider use of deadly force acceptable, so what's so special about a fetus that you have to bend over this far? Doesn't matter that they are an innocent unborn human, a threat is a threat. That being said a nth-weeks limit seems reasonable to me but idk which value n should take because ianad
Well, if a woman cant support a baby due to financial issues or underage or not ready yet, it would be better for both of them, the baby and the mother, because the babies life would be shit and the mothers life would be ruined. And plus, abortions are done when the baby isnt conscious yet.
Pic unrelated
Why can't a woman continue a pregnancy and offer it up for adoption? Plenty of men are raising children that are not thiers. Women should show that compassion too.
If I maliciously induced an abortion on a woman who has been desperate for a baby, and yes within the legal abortion period, would I be done for murder? Or the equivalent of clipping her hair off?
I don't care, but if you want an abortion, you pay for the procedure yourself out of pocket. It isn't something that should fall under any insurance.
And if you can't afford it when it isn't being handed to you because you're some welfare state fuckhead, then do it the old fashioned way and fall down some stairs.
sperm is alive - egg is alive.
I am not against abortion, but I think you need a damned good reason to get it perfromed.
The finest legal, philosophical, medical and religious minds have yet to establish a consensus on what defines a new life. So why would a woman chance being a baby murderer?
Of course I do
>Well, if a woman cant support a baby due to financial issues or underage or not ready yet, it would be better for both of them, the baby and the mother, because the babies life would be shit and the mothers life would be ruined.
Aren't you assuming a lot here? How do you know the mother won't be happy she had the child?
>"She doesn't have money!"
Dude. this is America, not a third world country. The child just won't get an iPad for Christmas. So fuckin' what.
>Bundle of cells
>A person
when will this meme end? If i peel off a piece of my skin, did i just kill a human being? Fuck no. How is early stage abortion different?
A new human life begins at conception.
There is no good reason to support abortion. It's a mother paying someone to kill her kid. Why support that?
I don't think fucking is a life necessity, and people should be held responsible for ther actions.
Abortion is only okay to save the life of the mother.
Yes they have. Life starts at conception.
>when will this meme end? If i peel off a piece of my skin, did i just kill a human being? Fuck no. How is early stage abortion different?
That's not accurate. A new human being in the womb possesses a future like ours.
If a being possesses a future like ours, it is wrong to take that from him or her, do you agree?
Fuck you children are exspenisve asf, you’re talking about a 100K eighteen year contract minimum. I get that abortion is degenerate and ethically immoral, but honestly who really gives a shit besides bible thumpers?
You're a bundle of cells.
a piece of skin is not a developmental state of an unique human, that would countinue to develop uninterrupted
Viruses are “alive” too what’s your point?
Abortion is murder. Everyone who supports abortion is an accessory to murder.
Moreover, it isn't just murder, but genocide, a genocide committed against future generations. The elite are artificially lowering the number of young people so that the Boomers can maintain their stranglehold on the world. Since 1975 over one billion abortions have been performed. 24% of all pregnancies end in induced abortion. This is the largest genocide in human history, eclipsing every other genocide combined.
Only 1% of abortions are conducted out of medical concerns. The remaining 99% are for convenience. Imagine murdering someone simply because they are inconvenient. Imagine the other things that someone with that kind of power goes on to do.
Abortion has destroyed marriage and the family.
Getting, performing, or supporting morally or materially abortion is a mortal sin and destroyed your relationship with God and casts your soul into Hell upon death unless repented.
Abortion is industrialized child sacrifice to Satan.
Any society that allows this horrible practice is evil and deserves its fate, whatever it may be.
I give a shit. So there's one. My ex aborted my child even though I pleaded with her not too. She didnt want 'saggy tits' or responsibility.
Everything that is not dead is living.
Before a certain number of weeks how can you say "this baby is not living."
It wont end so long as conservacucks continue to parrot their Jewish agenda
I'm for abortions in the UK if either or both of parents are Muslims or pajeets or pakis or Polish.
>Do we really want that person breeding?
Human personalities are quite a bit more complex than a train of fruit flies.
You should listen to some abortion suvivors. Yes it is a thing, when a botched saline injection doesn't kill the baby inside a mom, and hospital staff is forced to keep it in alive as it is already outside of a vagina, just mangled a bit.
>kills something with a different genetic code.
Sorry to hear that user, truly I am.
Sorry your ex was a piece of shit, sounds like you dodged a bullet if you ask me
>Human being created
So it isn't a person yet. You wouldn't say i cut down a tree if i smash an acorn.
>Pocesses a future
Could i make the same argument about using birth control, condoms, or pulling out? You internally prevented a person from being born.
I don't consider anything a person without a nervous system. Until then, it's irrelevant.
>money is more important than life
fuck off back to the scummy hole you came out of cunt
>saggy tits
Her body, her choice.
At 8 weeks it has 2 arms with ten fingers and two legs with then toes. It has eyes and ears and a nose.
It’s own heart has beat over 3 million times.
Were you aware of this, or did some dyke tell you it was “just a clump of cells”?
>money is more important than life
refugees are human benis
Depends how you define tree. If you mean the organism then yes by destroying a germinating accorn you would destroy that creature. It didn't destroy something "shaped like a full grown tree".
>birth control, condoms, or pulling out
gametes are fundamentaly different from a fertilised developing zygote
mostly libtards decide to have an abortion. less liberal kids = less leftists. christians and conservatives do not stoop to doing this sort of things, so its a win-win situation. i'm anti-abortion, but pro-choice. let liberals to slaughter themselves demographically/genetically.
>valuing your vanity more than your child
truly satanic
"We're having a [fetus]!"
"OH! HONEY! The [lump of cells] just kicked!"
"The woman is with [non-person]."
"Look at the sonogram. [My body] is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. We're going to make [it] the happiest [parasite] in the world. I'm so happy."
Said no one fucking ever.
I'd like to say she was a piece of shit, but she was actually really great. She came from a rough family and abortion was twice yearly event for them in one way or another. She was surrounded by family, friends and advice groups that told her it'll all be fine.
About 5 years ago she was struggling with IVF treatment with her partner. He is financially very well off but childless and a lot older. I might check out what happened. She may very well be baron.
I agree that abortion is technically murder, but I'm okay with. I value quality of life over quantity.
Though, if you are against it because you think it's murder, where do you draw the line? Is masturbating murder? Is using contraception murder? Think about all those dead sperm that could have been people...
youre a bundle of cells yourself, so kys. end the meme yourself. kill all bundles of cells.
Copied. Cheers bro.
the absolute state of a modern woman, accept my condolences, user.
Because it concerns mainly subhumans and shitskins. We don't need any more of them. I am for mandatory abortion and sterilization of Africa in general.
I don't get how you can be a right-winger and a nationalist, and not support abortion.
A sperm cell does not have a human genome. Neither does an egg. we really need to have “the talk”?
But they could, and by not taking the necessary steps, you've ended a potential human life, haven't you?
So you acknowledge it is murder and are okay with your child being murdered. Would you be okay if I maliciously enduced an abortion on your partner or can only you carry out the murder?
We should be able to abort children up to the age of 12
she might have been an okay person in a day-to-day existence, but anyone who kills their child without a shadow of a doubt with a view of maintaining corporeal fitness is a piece of shit to some extent.
>caring about wedge issues
I don't fall for jewish tricks
I do not find it difficult to avoid unwanted pregnancy
Only the mother can abort the child, obviously. I'm not sure what you're getting at.
>bundle of cells
and if my grandma was yellow she would be a tram
they are what they are: gametes
Fuck off, everyone can do what ever they want with their bodies. Also enough people as it is...
No they aren't you fucking mong.
>be me
>do No fap
>baby grows and balls explode
Don’t fall for no fap boys
I suddenly have more respect for the Japanese...
lol saggy tits
Life = self replicating organism. Viruses fit this criteria, as well as bacteria, Jews, and the animals you enslave as part of your lifestyle. Are you a vegan now?
>their body
>different human genetic code
and a fetus is what it is, a fetus. not yet human.
we would be living in mordor without fucking abortion
No I don't support abortion. I do support free sterilization surgery for ppl who don't want children. Its cheaper on the tax payer in the long run too.
It kills potential degenerates before they're born
"Viruses are not considered "alive" because they lack many of the properties that scientists associate with living organisms. Primarily, they lack the ability to reproduce without the aid of a host cell, and don't use the typical cell- division approach to replication."
And if you are enough of a moral nihilist to equate human and animal life then I have some bad news for you...
>my body my choice
you see, they made the choice when they had a dick entering their vagina
>b-but rape
99% of abortions is uuuguu i dont want to be a mother/father rn
>Do you support abortion?
I do. We are not fucking stone age idiots to hold everything "sacred".
The problem is something else, it is the inequality of decision making power and responsibility between men and women. At the moment a woman can decide by herself to keep the baby, because muuh body, this taking hostage a man's DNA material and turning him into an economic slave for 18 years. If you expect responsibility from both persons involved in making the baby you should also give both of them the power to decide as well. A man should have a say in keeping a baby or not and if a woman decides to have it against the other party's will she should also forfeit all demands for child support.
So are you okay with abortion in cases of rape, as fringe as that situation might be?
It appears to have a human genome, user.
Is a baby not a human because we name it such?
You are playing a stupid word game to avoid facing reality
it is a name for a developemental stage of a human being (it may not be a person but it is a human), while a gamete is not, a gamete is nothing by itself
Stop having this sort of nihilist thought pattern, this is like making an argument for Necrophilia because it hurts nobody or Zoophilia because who gives a shit about animals.
But the problem is not abortion in itself, it's in the nonsensical idea it promotes which is the lack of self-responsibility associated to cheapining human life.
A modern woman possess lots of tools to avoid unwanted pregnancies, at this point having an "unexpected" pregnancy just means that YOU have PERSONALLY fucked up and in a mature society you do not hide your mistakes under the carpet but you own up to them.
No, but sometimes it’s the more humane option.
It fucking enabled female degeneracy you daft cunt
I agree completely. If the woman can kill the child without the mans consent, then the man should just be able to go "fuck this" and walk away if he wants. That's real equality.
Oooh, you might have fucked up...
I am not.
It fucking sucks and the father should be forced to financialy support the woman through her entire life but the sin should not fall on the child who is as much the woman's child as the rapist's
a fetus, an organism, an alien form of life, something in the tummy, a mole, a parasite, an amphibian, a cell, blablabla...
people are so fucking asinine. if you choose to kill your child, own up to it, dont be such a fucking pussy. IT HURTS MY FEELZ, SO SAD! OMFG, I DIDN'T KILL MY CHILD, IT WAS JUST A PROCEDURE! hurr durr
(((Pro life))) is code for pro nigger
the reason it's 56% and not 1% is because of abortion
It keeps the nigger and spic population down
The edgy way to support abortion. I like to believe people do this so they can stoll support abortion without looking like an sjw
Abortion is good and natural. It has always existed. Only low-class people have abortions, and abortion is a prime example of effective eugenics program that doesn't look like eugenics, but as ''women's rights''.
Murder of babies is not wrong if the parents simply don't want to take care of it. Especially if the baby is retarded. Christcuckery ''every life is worth living'' has made the world miserable and full of low-lives that should have never been born.
That's a simplistic view of body limits. The bacteria that lives in your intestines is essential to your survival and it's heritable, but it's not your DNA. Some people are chimera: a part of their body is actually a sibling they accidentally merged with when in the womb; this is more frequent than you think and is another instance of a different genome inside the same body. On the other side, what do you get when an embryo splits? Twins: same DNA, different body. This idea that genome is one-to-one with individuality is a falsehood.
You are comming murder
Okay, now what if it was the incestuous rape of a 14 year old? (don't say that would never happen, it could, and that's the point).
abortion is wrong
but it's not a priority
especially when certain minorities are overrepresented in its use
Lol, what a retard, viruses are NOT alive. They have no metabolism
So, ((they)) brainwash weak women, and your response is who cares? Our culture needs to come back from the ledge of moral degeneracy.
No, and don´t give that bullshit on depends on the race. Blacks shoudn´t even be in white countries to beggin with, it´s a feminized passive agressive stance that hurts everyone
I've already said that I agree that it's murder. It's just murder that I'm okay with.
Imagine if the US got 360,000 more niggers every fucking year? Being pro-life is being a cuckservative.
>wanting degenerates and people too stupid to use birth control to pass on their genes
Same thing?
Two wrongs don't make a right.
A baby is an innocent human, and you can't support killing that baby without being moraly inconsistent.
According to the bible, baby isn't really human until it takes its first breath of air. So killing unborn is acceptable (if you follow the bible).
I'm against Christ-stains too, breh, They're fucking faggots.
But you and I were once fetuses ourselves, weren't you?
I wouldn't have wanted to be killed at the whims of my mother. Why support that?