Millenials you

Have 10.seconds to explain why youre not a fantastically wealthy billionaire genius like girl steve jobs here

>inb4 shes a fraud

You dont know that. She made BILLIONS how can anyone who made BILLIONS be a fraud?

Other urls found in this thread:

money is a scam

>Have 10.seconds to explain why youre not a fantastically wealthy billionaire genius like girl steve jobs here
coz i'm not a CIA agent put in charge of another corporation with a goal to spy on everyone or enject them with vaccines containing nigger piss


If only Madoff had made BILLIONS.

>how can anyone who made BILLIONS be a fraud


But you could be. Do you think she was a he before she got involved with this?

Does anyone know her story? Where did her wealth come from?

I agree OP, this is an interesting case. Nobody is asking how Jobs, Gates, Buffett, etc made their fortune. But you look at her and it's like...??

She was smart and invented a blood reader thing. She to market and made a billiom dollars. Literally a rags to riches story

Wasn't her entire business a fraud? That's the last I heard about her.

It was media talk like "dumb nice" they called it a "fraud" because it looked fake how legit it was

Yes and the company was only avoiding bankruptcy because of a loan that ends this year.

>how can anyone who made BILLIONS be a fraud?
I certainly hope this is bait.

>how can anyone who made BILLIONS be a fraud

Oh, sweetie.....



She sold C++ compilers in China.


Any truth to the rumor that she prefers turtle necks because they cover her adam's apple?

Jennifer Lawrence

Do they have a product? She can't keep getting investments on the strength of being a young woman, can she?

I dunno. I need a good conspiracy tho. U think she did it?

Billions in fiat money? Good luck with that. If I said you were slow and tried to explain it would already be too late.


Idk she looks real to me. I cant find her mom tho Noel Anne Daoust

The voice though.

Im not disagreeing. Not being able to find a pic of her mom is sus af

>how can anyone who made BILLIONS NOT BE A FRAUD ?

She has said the company is now working on a home testing device instead of the lab service. Maybe she'll be redeemable if it actually works (if it ever gets released), but we'll have to wait and see.

Um hello. Have u heard of hillary rodham clinton?