How is it possible that so many people like Game of Thrones? I can understand that visually it's attractive because of the deaths, some tits and such. But I mean, their motivations and "ideologies" are pure shit. The only thing they claim in order to have the power is the right of blood, the circlejerk that all the monarchies have been doing forever, that's all. How could be so many normies attracted by it? I mean it's so plain and there is basically zero ideology.
How is it possible that so many people like Game of Thrones...
It romanticizes feudalism.
Protip: all clinton voters like game of thrones but a.majority of the audience voted for bernie
>most Democrats love the show
>good guys have a massive wall
you can't make this shit up
Same reason people in Roman times loved gladitorial fights, people love violence and blood. Game of thrones is shit though once you actually try to follow the story it falls apart.
The leftists likes it because it's on their side. They circulate lists of safe space approved HBO series and hollywood movies that are propaganda for their cause.
The right likes it because knights and dragons, etc.
The lack of objective morality is what makes it much less interesting than LotR. Nothing really matters in GoT.
After season 3, I've only been in it for the titties, and even that's been on the decline.
But the show clearly contradicts their ideology like said and yet people still love it, normies are such plebs and so unaware, incredible.
I liked game of thrones around the time the blond girl went Super Dragon Slut God Saiyan Brown Ascended
It's really gone to shit not that it was ever that great to begin with. Shallow as a puddle and character development is almost non-existent.
Also this, I'm not a huge fan of "everything's a gray area!"
Part of watching fantasy is not having to pick between two equally shitty politicians to root for.
user, most of these leftists are parrots with no set ideology, they just go along with whatever is percieved as popular. Therefore it isn't contradictory to them.
It's easy to understand. Easily digestible. Simple black and white choices for who to support.
The manlet writer claims that the books are extremely deep and political, but they're not. They're just deep enough to satisfy the pseudo-intellectuals and make them all feel smart.
The author made fun of Tolkien pointing out that the kings in his books didn't have a tax plan, but what is the tax plan of Daeneris Tangerine? What the fuck does she do outside of ''muh slavery is bad, muh throne?''
It's not hard if you sit down and think about it. Firstly it had a built-in fanbase for the books, which is practically a requirement in today's media to get popular (see comic books movies and movies based on YA novels). It appeals to men with the T&A and violence, and it appeals to women with the political backstabbery and female power-fantasy characters like Daenarys. You mix all those together and you get a perfect storm for normies which don't really care much about quality in the first places as long as their base requirements are met.
the malazan book of the fallen is miles ahead of game of thrones, even though you could argue that it is more postmodern and steven erikson seems like quite the lefty himself..
i'm finishing book three now, so can't speak for the whole series, but it's only getting better while ASOIAF started declining noticably in book 3
I watch it because it's a good show
I watch it because I read the books and wanted to see them adapted. Great for the first 3 seasons. Gradually went to shit. Picked back up for season 6 a little bit. 7 is the low point. Ironically the shit quality of the show and the normie love of this shit has almost destroyed my interest in the books. Not even sure if I'll bother to read Winds of Winter if it's released.
It's basically a numale version of the accursed kings books.
>bring white walker to cercei to show her they exist
>walker escapes and charges cercei
>gets within 3 feet of her
>mountain stands there with his undead dick in his hand
GoT jumped the shark. It's petfood for normies.
It was great until last season. Seriously what thes fuck happened?
GoT doesn't even have subjective morality. It's all black and white.
Some characters are purely evil, but then they start doing purely good things. That doesn't mean they're in the grey, it's just the writer being a faggot thinking he is being deep by having a character do a 180.
All characters in GoT are either purely unlikable evil guys (white power walkers, the cannibals, the bitch queen, the mountain etc) or they're the good guys with muh flaws (good man but his balls got cut off, good man but his hand got cut off, good man but he is a dwarf, good woman but she's in love with someone she shouldn't be etc)
It's as fucking black and white as Lord of the Rings.
You have to understand that the writers are making the show appeal to the base public. These are people who think theyre smart but in reality are uneducated, and they feel smarter for watching this show. They appeal to the masses with pornographic scenes, to reel in the dumb men who like tits and ass--this cheapens the show's little integrity it tried to have.
It also hit in the perfect youtube era with reaction videos. One of the biggest reason it succeeded was because soyboys on youtube wanted to see people react to deaths in the show.
>How could be so many normies attracted by it?
The same reason Walking Dead grew amongst normal people. DRAMA.
I think the last season showed the more "serious" GoT fans that the writers are complete shit without the book as back-up. I mean.. nothing made sense last season, people flew around the world in one episode, fan service 24/7, etc etc.
The only reason more lore loving fans are still watching this show is simply because they want to see the ending, because they have already watched for 8 fucking seasons.
It's just a cool show man
I don't think they care or think it is trying to push any kind of ideology. It's popular because millennials are an infantilized generation who grew up playing fantasy video games and D&D and GoT is like an "adult" version of something that is in fact for children. Same reason superhero movies are everywhere these days.
>the right of blood
We wuz
You haven't figured out the formula for all these popular HBO/Showtime shows?
>Boring exposition
>Overly dramatic bullshit
>Rape and/or incest
>Cry about rape
>Big fight
>Mary Sue stops fight
>Maybe some more titties but probably gay weiners instead
>Dramatic stare at sunset
>Roll credits
Leftist women love rape fantasies. Take out the degeneracy and this is just the Bible with harder to remember names, but all these shows follow a basic formula. I liked Dexter, the rest were pretty shit tier imo.
>basically zero ideology.
How much ideology was there in the Middle Ages anyway?
>Implying people discern what is behind any form of expression
You can't do that without criteria.
>Frozen is a movie about a frigid girl who was raped by her lesbian sister
>clap clap clap
>Game of Thrones is a history about how funny is to be almost an animal
>clap clap clap
Nobody is motivated by their desire to uphold morals, though. That's the key difference. If Jamie or dany happen to do something nice, it's not out of benevolence. GoT characters exclusively are only looking out for themselves, except Jon. LotR fellowship was motivated by opposing evil, which is a much more unifying, interesting launch point
That's another funny thing, with the superhero movies. Now everyone watches them although they haven't even read the comics, and they won't even since it's for nerds or whatever. And personally I have never been into superheroes' stories.
Honestly I haven't watched many of these series, I watched 4 seasons of GoT after I got fed up with it. I want to watch the one about the young pope, that one seems more or less interesting.
It's degenerate fantasy porn. Of course that normies will love it.
>Nobody is motivated by their desire to uphold morals,
Jon snow and Daenerys.
>b-but she just wants the throne!!!!
Yeah but she didn't have to liberate the slave cities, that only slowed her down and she did it anyway because muh morals.
You should pirate the newest GoT season just too see the shitshow.
Just watch the entire season 7 and while you are watching it, remember that this is the kind of shit that all those antifa far leftists and commie fucks enjoy.
Essentially this. While they'll never it admit it, rape and death, both of which are abundant in the series, are top normie fetishes.
>it gets blown up
>by an invading evil army
>liberals cheer about how walls dont work
>evil army marches on
Oh the ironing
Bullshit. Dany's liberation of those cities was a plot device and nothing more. There was originally going to be a 5 year or more gap between books 3 and 4. Martin eventually decided against this so to fill up her time he had her fart around in slaver's bay for a while. Otherwise it would have be implausible to have a child successfully ruling a kingdom.
shit compared to witcher, even warcraft makes more sense
Jaime was motivated for wanting to save the people of King's Landing by killing the Mad King. His entire life he wanted to be a force of good and a champion of justice, like those he read in the stories, although it wasn't meant to be as his life took a wrong turn. Rhaegar was motivated entirely by his ambition to save the world and everything he did was with that purpose. Barristan was the ideal knight, as well as Arthur Dayne. Ned Stark wanted to do right by his people. Sure, the books don't have blatant lines between good and evil, but there are plenty of characters who are motivated with the desire to help others.
>And personally I have never been into superheroes' stories.
batman is the only superhero i can put up with.
It gets Antifa faggots hot and bothered, thinking they are GoT bringing freedom 2 duh slaves.
Objective morality exists in GoT you just don't realize it because no character is a paragon of either good or evil, just like in the real world.
Characters that are only good or only evil are more accurately "one-dimensional" than "interesting". Stories with characters like that are for children, and adults that have failed to mature. They're for the absolute dregs of society - those who are both losers (thus the need to escape) and see themselves as infallible (thus the need for a wholly good protagonist so you can insert yourself into the story). LoTR gets a pass as the genre-originator, but nowadays almost all media takes the form of completely good guys triumphing 100% of the time over completely bad guys. It only appeals to the lowest common denominator of people that aren't intelligent or mature enough to see past black and white, or to desire more realistic stories for personal growth since they've already plateaued at their current lowly state or aren't willing to pay the price of pain to progress.
>Tfw normies used to make fun of you for reading ASOIAF now they post memes all over the internet due to GOT
I thought the first season was okay but I don't think the show handles the lore or characters well at all. Dayne best house.
I enjoy the show for the world building elements and subsequent inspiration as that is one of my hobbies. I tried to salvage the story and plot elements in my mind with rationalization but have come to acknowledge the inherent shallow nature. Also honestly I am a sucker for the visuals, costumes and violence.
>inb4 normie degenerate
I know why you don't like