A question to Europeans

As a proud citizen of a country that refused these immigrants you guys pay thousands of dollars to let in, why do you allow your government to use your tax money to impoverish you?

Look what we have done here in Qatar, we have taken in thousands of loo poos and pinays, and we have made them productive threatening them with expulsion if they fuck up. Our migrant outweigh our own population, but they will never get our passports, unlike your own. They work for us, get paid betyer than they would back home, then leave our stay bound to companies that thrive here. So why are you continuing to promote the dussolution of your racial beauty and continued waste of tax dollars?

We have ethiopian and loopoo and pinay restaurants here, but these are pwople who are working to stay in our paradise. Why not do the same?

We have less terrorism than Europe, yet we are closest to ISIS, why submit to these rent seekers and make it easy to kick the bad ones out?

Also i will enjoy traveling more when you institute sharia law, inshallah brothers the caliphate advances!

Also I would lile to know why you promote this lgbt culture when creating relationships where fuckin eachothers assholes only speeds up your replacement.

Can't you see how you would benefit without Jews, like we are?

A righteous bump

Because we are the west
The world leaders, the super powers, the economic powerhouses, the avant garde. not some pos temporary oil state that wont exsist in 50 years
Idiot camel rider, with the flip of a switch Iran will turn ur country back into a desert faggot

I just reread ur post

"as a proud citizen of a country"
Location: Qatar

i'm estimating a butthurt of over 9000. good job qatar


I am guaranteeing that i make more than you do, i don't even have to watch jamal so much as ogle my sister because then he will be deported.

You ogle (and rape) your sister yourself

Look Uruguay every country can pretend to love diversity and immigration and say all the shit that needs to be said to make the Americans happy. I even have my main nigger who trains me to have big bicep like him at the end of the day, but at the end of his day, he does not get any Qatari women because of his strength, because then he would have to go back to his shithole, at the very least.

Niggers get to feel like they are allstars here but they stay in line and maybe fuck the western flight attendants or their own women. Or maybe get their ass pounded by some rich Sheik who has this as their fantasy.

Camel riding intensifies

You don't make more than I do I have tens of millions in a family trust fund earned by my intelligent father by being smart in the western world, not setting in a tent farting and getting gas money

And your whole protectorate of a country bends over and kiss our westren feet and pay Jizyah and let us put our military bases in the middle of ur protectorate that you like to think is a country

That or Iran rape ur mum, camel rider

yeah see you in 100 years when your oil runs out
and evolution and natural selection make us taller, stronger, smarter than you
Free society, free flow of genes, the best wins

literally advancing by the generation while u regress, dumbass

You do not hve american military bases set up in your country? You do not participate in every american military conflict to say "notice me senpai" to the USA and not be invaded by muslim brothers to the north? You are probably what they call "lebbo" or "wog" down there anyway, Allah will not have mercy on you when the islanders of the north come.

Sorry Shlomo, UR lies don't get swallowed on 4 chan.

Try CNN or FOX or MSNBC, they'll be glad to eat your crap.

I don't think you understand, you think we are all poor or living in some terrible state of collapse? Most of our countrymen were trained in your top schools and all were educated in America get paid by the government to understand your way of life, you who does not even understand what privilege is yet claim to have it.

I think the lack of diversity is already evidant in Qatar, tribal rubbish society

Obesity, stupid, ugly

really stupid, ins't ur first lady name bannana and you have a sheikh called fart

We don't care how inbred you are, we suck u dry of resources to advance our societies permanently and u get to enjoy 20 years of prosperity that wont last forever

If all the west leave Qatar whos gonna run the country? stupid Qataris that are obsessed with who fucks thier sister? lol

And don't forget Iran, ur gonna get raped boi

shut up u Indian mutt

cause they are brainwashed sheep
so dumb that even after seeing these atrocities like rapes of children they still stay in denial

or get mad only at migrants instead of the government that brings these migrants in while prosecuting native people for even complaining. sheep

Western dog, you have no idea about the beauty of our women, nor could you even afford one if they let you.

You know nothing so you call us Indian, when we keep indians as servants. You can't see our women so you assume the worst, what jealousy you hold for us.

Indian and dune coon mutts

a free man treats others good, because hes a free man

a sand camel rider with a bit of gas money, enslave other camel riders blacks Indians pakies etc buys a lambo, goes on vacation to the west

u can do whatever u want at the end of the day, u r still a 5ft5 short qatari who looks like indian and black mutt, with a unibrow obese and stupid

Fart selling protectorate that will only exist for 70 years until the glorious west is done using u and throwing u away

>trained in your top schools

Whats wrong with your shit tier schools?

u cant assemble a football team for ur national team

u wont be able to run the country without the westren ppl who live there now, and the westren money that we allow to flow to ur shitty protectorate

I'm also 100% convinced Indians and blacks fuck ur women behind ur back, ur that incompetent so it must happen u dont even know about it

ur micro dick cant peak out of the fat rolls of ur obese short qatari body

they dont get trained, they are stupid they come spend money and go back dumber than they came

seen them by the droves here to study engineering, cannot even recite the alphabet

unis here just say sure thing Hammod ibn sabah pay 1million + living expenses and we will "train you"

its a REALLY long fucking story

You're a fucken fellow yeah nah cunt transferring through dog cunt Doha airport. Respect for the Sheila shitpost though you dreamin cunt.

