Why is australia one of the best countries out there even with all its problems?
I love australia and australian people.
Why is australia one of the best countries out there even with all its problems?
I love australia and australian people.
cheers cunt
you still can't come here, we're full
I will not join or make a gang and terrorize your people.
Please let me in.
Sorry cunt
we dont need another wog
Stop trying to blow smoke up our arse wog.
I hate italians. i will assimilate. pls let me in
Ozzies are all talk. Total pussies.
I've never seen or met an ozzie that can throw or take a punch. Their military is joke as well, may as well wear skirts.
There is nothing good about australia.
Just go there noodle nigger. They can't stop the fags or muzzies, what make you think they can stop the Italians?
Department of immigration will be on my ass in no time.
Probably gonna come soon with a student visa.
why you faggot always check poor bastards like me from europe but let the chinks and niggers go freely? FUCK
Well there ya go, I hope all goes as you wish. As an aside, it rains spiders in Australia, so have fun with that.
Come here and work hard. All these other cunts in this thread are just jobless fucks.
onya mario
waddaya want mate?
If you can speak English you're already miles ahead of the Sudanese and other reffos they're letting in. If you're young and have a decent skill or trade you should be able to walk in.
Thanks m8, i will.
I want to live in australia or asia in general m8. you got it good over there.
Pic very related is what’s going to be showing up in Oz
Jersey shore up in Sydney
I can speak english.
What do you mean with trade?
As an Australian i welcome you
Trade like carpentry or plumbing etc
>tfw one of the chinese i met in brisbane got her passport a week ago
Hero my friend.
Always wondered if plumbing is hard. looks like pigs and dogs can do it too
Italy looks way better, what's the problem you wog?
Are you a alps blonde Italian or a southern mecca Italian?
we've got enough wogs, sorry m8
Shitty when you start but there is really good money in it if you work in AUS
someone get this cunt the webm or youtube video of those blonde aussie cunts beating the shit out of those blacks trying to start a fight out the front of a bar.
i like Australia too
I heard you guys need more africans
Shits great in Oz. Sorry you have to live in Shitaly
Would you let a self employed white British lad in your country? This nigger loving Britain is too much for me now.
I love aussies they are anglos without humor less crab mentality(brits)
Country though suck its hot and to many big bugs, immigrate here you cunts.
As long as you aren't a fuckin whinger like all the old britbong poms I've met, sure.
mate this place is full of poms, hell even my father is one, you will fit right in.
I wouldn't mind moving to Norway, what do you think my chances of succeeding there are? Will Norwegian women like me? I look like the stereotypical Australian surfer (dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, 6 foot 2, athletic)
Italy looks way better?
M8 i have been in aus for a year and believe me. Thee is no comparison.
Im well off in italy. But would rather be under someone else in australia than being a self employed nigger here in pastaland.
Thats how bad shit is here.
Im from Rome.
Please m8 i hate wogs. Thats why i want to leave this shithole. Fucking wogs.
Thats what i heard too. Is it hard to find a job and stay there working as a plumber and shit? How do i find a plumbing job?
scarnon cunt
The rules state that you'll have to kill another italian who already resides here so you can take his place in the population. If you do that then you're in
It isn't. The average Australian is an apathetic piece of shit who looks at the problems this country has an consciously decides they cannot be fucked doing even the most minimal shit to fix it. They can't even be fucked voting for someone other than the two major parties.
We have a society openly advocating for slow creep communism in the country. Not cultural marxists pushing shit because they're retards, but actual communists pushing Marxist shit because they intend to turn this country into a Communist dictatorship. Their Coat of Arms is literally a Wolf in Sheeps clothing.
And these cunts aren't some tiny Illuminati type thing, we've had four fucking Prime Ministers who were members since the 80's. They openly state on the website that they want to implement Socialism by suberting democracy. And you know what? The average Australian doesn't give a fuck. And that's why this country is totally fucked. Shit people, shit country.
I am not a Plumber or a tradie but i do have friends who are. Basically if you go through school, Tafe (university for trades), then there is a placement program when you get paid shit all to do hard yakka. But it's allot about doing your time and then you can make big bucks.
Because we're lucky.
We've been skating by on luck and mineral wealth for too long. A storm is coming.
Yeah, but it could have been a lot better.
We could have been a true first world country, one of the best, if not the best, in the world. But with the incompetency of a federal government and the lack of a political party that actually understands how the economy works, we're sort of stuck here in mediocrity overshadowed by yanks and overrun with liberals.
Its not hopeless by any means, but we've got a lot of work to do to set things they way they should be.
Cheers cunt. I love Pizza and Pasta.
Australia is a pretty neat country
w8 m8 so i can just come in a student visa and join a tafe?
I’m booking me flight in summer, let’s ave it.
see you around then cunt. stay out of Smelbourne if ya know whats good for ya
you can come in since we already have heaps of italians as long as you bring good pasta and pizza
fuck off cunt i will bottle the fuck out of you
pommy cunts fuck off
Good because Australians realllll have a thing for shit posting on italians here and in real life.. lol
Come but stop being a self hating cunt please... european self hate is the reason we are in this mess....
Despite our complaining we have less problems than almost everyone else.
Come here
Vote far-right (One Nation, UPF, Aussie Conservatives, Bob Katter's party or Lambie Network)
Glass sudos on weekends
We're happy to have you
Student or 457 visas are the easiest way in
Don’t worry nobhead, you’ll love me.
We do have less problems. Biggest issues we have are
>Housing crisis
>Chinese influence in our politics and generally just too many chinese
>Sudanese gangs
>Meth problems
>Complete nanny state
Those things are pretty mild compared to European countries and America.
>Student or 457 visas are the easiest way in
From there what then?
What should i do to stay there with a permanent permit?
This is still the queens land, lad. You should be able to get a work visa ezy peezy and just never leave.
That’s abit of me that.
Australia, let’s have ya.
yep, lots of people do.
the current scam is to enroll a shit ton of pajeets into a online tafe course or some such which gives them a work/lean visa and then they shove them by the hundreds into trolley return work or petrol counters.
Trolly boys used to be a good job for teens, but I suppose the fucking boomers don't give a shit about that.
Are you a doctor? Well over half the fucking team at my hospital are poms or potato-niggers. I'm walking around with a half-chub all day from their posh oxbridge accnts.
There's plenty of pathways from there especially if you learn some useful skills during your student period or are willing to head out into some rural beachside town. Iirc you can apply for permanence within 2y in a rural area.
Fuck our pro-immigration gov but it'd be nice to have a white using their pathways instead of a curry.
If you're a pale pommy the sun will roast ya, so be sure to wear a hat and suncreen or you'll get cancer and die.
I’m a joiner lad.
Kek will do
>tfw the shoebox across the street just sold for 1.5 million
Who here /nevermovingout/?
we already have that on the gold coast
except it's fucking kiwis not wogs
fuckers even made a show about it
in immigration detention while their deportation is processed, yes
I met a banladesh that is doing what youre talking about right now. But working 2 years in rural places doesnt fit me. Im a city piece of shit kind of guy.
Any other way?
Then you can fuck right off you're not wanted or needed.
>republic movement
Imperial restoration and ethnic cleansing quite literally fucking when already
Nah m8. i can just learn a trade job and im set. I met another wop who did that in brisbane city.
Enjoy your niggers faggot.
Im coming faggot.
Welcome to Australia!
They are the best because the are the Official Oven Managers in California. 10/10 would support in a war.
>wanting the cunt who stood idly by and let her capital city be overrun with shitskins have even MORE power over us
the chinese are going to make me criminally insane
>waiting for woolies to open so they can snatch up all the a2 formula