If one is constantly confronted with his skin color, its eventually determines his identity. For many people I will never truly belong to them, its frustrating. I never choose to be a quadroon, I would change it if I could, but I cant. I can try as hard as possible to fit in but in the end I'm just another nigger in many peoples view. Why do you hate people like me pol? I never did anything bad in my live.
If one is constantly confronted with his skin color, its eventually determines his identity...
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Yeah. Fuck you, nigger
Perfect example of why you shouldn't race mix. Whites view your mutt children as black, blacks view your mutt children as white.
Bait and gay
its no bait
or you accept me just as a human and not see me just as a color.
Look at the bright side, in another generation all of Germany will be mullatos and you will finally have a homeland.
Ok nigger
Well personally I judge people by the content of their character.
You're not as hated as much as your host country hates its own people, otherwise you probably wouldn't even be there.
Seems like what's happening to white people now. We were born being evil racists and now we are becoming mini Hitler's. This is the future you chose user.
Ps sage
Of course we see you as a human but we also see you as non white. Sup Forums doesn’t hate you, calm your tits.
We dont hate you. We hate race mixing because it creates poor people like you with no nation.i actually feel for you, hate you parents to have prefered their interest over yours. And hate jews to have pushed for that. Nothing can be fixed. Thats why it shouldnt happen.
Meh. In most places, if you don't act like a nigger, people won't see you as one.
Blacks are, on average, inferior to whites in terms of intelligence. Whites are more civil, whereas blacks tend to act like fools. Blacks are extremely violent. Even if it's the poor environment most are raised in, they are still violent. I don't want to hang around violent fools, whether black or any other color.
If you could change what would you choose?
>lets other peoples views dictate the way he sees himself
America is so funny with its systemic racism. It's like watching a Stone Age social system at work.
The white man really did win the civil rights struggle of the 60s, and now the cause is devoluted to BLM and other police-related violence. The injustice in voting, legal processing and infrastructure spending for black people is still in effect, such that a character like Donald Trump succeeds the very first black president.
The majority doesn't hate you, but what they do hate is the fact their race's annihilation, which doesn't sound nice, does it? But we do nothing of significance to stop this, so you shouldn't feel so bad!
Race mixing is indeed an issue, as quite a lot of mutts end up with other shit skins or blacks, which means the 3rd and 4th generation revert back to niggers. If ya could somehow reduce your races birth rate lower than the whites Heck, I'd be OK with you guys, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. So until then fuck off and go back to your origin and improve that place instead of benefitting yourself from us.
In the USA, the stated goals of the government encourage racism.
I'm not saying that the government is systematically racist, but rather that the emphasis put on race not being a problem has made it a problem.
If we could have a countrywide reform, aiming for an education centralized government, I am sure all these problem (even those beyond racism) will be much less of a problem.
If you acknowledge something bad, you bring attention to it however necessary. However, if you constantly pester about something, you will bring about a resentment to it.
Racism is no longer that big a deal, but treating it like it is makes it increasingly worse.
Aww another inferiority complex ridden negro, the world doesnt care , nature doesnt care!
Look in the mirror and realize the only person whos opinion matters is yours!
join AFD
>So until then fuck off and go back to your origin
i dont even know my origin since my mother who his half african got raised up in a german family and she never meet her real parents.
was for you
I'd rather be a nig than a gypo so count yourself lucky.
I dont dictate anyone, i just say how i feel.
>Its another halfy/black guy that wants to get spit on thread
Grow some fucking balls you baby.
Who was the black activist in the 1800's who said something along he lines of... "America for the Americans, Europe for the Europeans, why not Africa for the Africans?"
Why is this pathetic thread posted every fucking minute? It's not funny anymore.
its first time i posted this, you must confuse me with someone else.
how black are you?
is your hair straight or curly?
I think you could pass for spanish/portugese if you tried. Find a white wife, the kids will be basically south European. Don't be depressed, you could be for example Swedish. Now that would be embarrassing...
That most suck. If I was you I'd try finding out. But if you truly have no clue then so be it. Just remember although there exists good in some small pockets here and there, they count to insignificance in the grand scale of things. We just want the best for our survival, not because we care for ourselves as individuals, well we do, but that's not why we're so against you, rather that we look into the present and past and come to the conclusion that those who are of similar origin have performed far better or worse compared to everyone else, and those who have copied us have also fared better. Also, stay a hermit if you want to benefit the continued survival of our societies. You might be useful, but there is no saying about your offspring which will eventually drift to other nig nogs.
If you're not a nigger, why worry about being part black? Just don't be a nigger, user, and you're cool. Also, try not to be a faggot, or a Jew.
Many white liberals attempt this.
A problem your children will have is that other blacks will always see you for what you are.
Whites seem to be the only race that even tries to look at the world colorblind.
>How Black are you?
Curly hair yeah and skin color pic related.
Wrong racism against whites is extremely prevalent. White males are discriminated against in college acceptance, for scholarships and employment (see google). Jose what you need to understand is that right now things are ok for normies they can play their vidya and go to their job but this is changing as the racism against whites in the media and every aspect of life becomes obvious. Get ready to run back to Mexico or get the rope.
I worry because of the political climax since the refugee crisis, it changed a lot with the behavior of the people and how they see me.
You are an abomination. Your gassing will be a mercy killing.
Get a job, Hans. You're not fooling anyone.
Its not you we hate. Its those that want to erase us. White women are raped at a staggering rate but we are not allowed to talk about it. Our men our murdered our children are bullied. Yet we are not allowed to represent our own interest and stay in polight society.
You could always come to The States. You'd be pretty typical around where I live. I mean, if it gets too bad there for you.
>I mean, if it gets too bad there for you.
I dont want to make it look like that everyone hates me here, actually most people are okay but im worried since there is ceternly a change and I feel it.
If acceptance from people is what you seek, then you have to do something to make people respect you, since they don't respect your skin color. Idk what that would be in Germany, but in America, joining the military comes to mind.
Well, we can all only ever take life as it comes. Always stand tall, have a firm handshake, and always look them in the eye, and you'll be fine. Represent yourself as a fine man, and they will see you as such, and if they don't, they aren't worth your time.
mixed race mongrels belong in Brazil or Dominican Republic helping their fellow mulattoes to better themselves.
If you stop hanging around on Sup Forums, you'll stop worrying about it so much. The skull-measurers on here are bound to make you feel bad, because they are very interested in racial matters. Most people aren't. Also nigger nigger nigger get out.
thanks for the advice guys, you give me new hope.
>If you stop hanging around on Sup Forums, you'll stop worrying about it so much.
sometimes I think that too, im here since late 2015 or early 2016 and maybe this place affected my view of the real world a bit to much.
Somalis on Sup Forums now? And I thought I'd seen everything.
No prob user. Wish you the best.
Go to Amerimuttistan. You belong there, you mixed race freak
I recognise you from months ago. Doubt that even if racial purity laws were instituted in some as yet unrealised ethnostate or post european conflict that many would care.
Youre more euro than not. Most would be for you staying if thats what you wanted.
Wait a little, genetic therapies are coming your way too.
Don't be a self-hating cuck, just be better than all the niggers out there. While they're out shooting each other or raping women, you should read books and work on yourself in the most efficient way to be the very best you can be. When you become successful, people will notice and judge you accordingly. Set an example for the blacks. Be someone that black kids can look up to so that they realize they can stop being the most useless race in the world if they just reinvent themselves into ambitious, goal-oriented people instead of lazy, entitled subhumans.
We are all over the west why wouldn't we be on a western site like Sup Forums?
All us mongrels can do is just try to be the best people we can be. Work hard to become the kind of person that you have always dreamed of. Sure it sucks because we'll never belong anywhere but you just have to accept it. We can't change that.
Bleaching your kids also helps you to feel better if those other things don't work.
you cant chose your parents, but you can chose to be civilized and non-violent decent human
Ethnostates and segregation is good for all, not just the people initiating it
Funny AND true.
Ideally there would be states where any ethnicity could live as well as well ethnically pure states. The real problem is that countries aren't allowed to retain their ethnic identity if they choose to right now.
I grew up in Toronto, and I'm completely aware that there is no going back for a place like that. There is no 'core ethnicity' of Toronto.
But if Poland wants to remains Polish, it should be allowed to. Similarly if some Canadians want a purely white Anglo or purely white Quebecois city somewhere they should be allowed to create it.
The principle here is essentially the Libertarian idea of freedom of association
Bitch I don't even know you. Imagine the fucking ego it takes to think someone gives a shit one way or another about some random motherfucker on the Internet on the other side of the god damn globe.
I'm a child of the British Empire:
half Hong Kong Cantonese, half Scottish.
I was born and brought up in Hong Kong. I went to school there, speak Cantonese, etc. I was born in 1982.
We came to UK in 1995 to live.
My dad was in the British Army when I was born. After that, he was in the Hong Kong police. He passed away in 2001.
My mum is Hong Kong Chinese. I have British citizenship, am married to a Scottish woman and I live in Scotland.
My mother lives nearby. My sister is in New Zealand and my elder brother in Canada. It's Empire diaspora.
I like having both cultures. I speak with my mum in Cantonese and use it with my kids. It is quite literally my 'mother tongue'.
I go to Hong Kong when I visit my sister in NZ. We meet in Hong Kong and then go to NZ.
There is no crisis of identity. I am who I am. I am mixed race. British/Chinese.
Watching this was really sad for me:
t. Nigger lover