What have you contributed to the world?
What have you contributed to the world?
Other urls found in this thread:
Does he legit have the meme of himself tattooed on himself?
Did my homework, duh..
What do you expect from a 14 yo?
to be toilet trained
i have several patents
I dunno. Honestly that's a little concerning. Dude has some weird tats.
>What have you contributed to the world?
I baked a cake once.
my first thought as well. what the fuck man
That is a pretty baller move right there.
Did black science man spend time in prison? Also, when is #metoo going to hit him?
carbon footprints
literal retards
He has a tattoo of himself?
Is that nigger science man?
I don't need to contribute shit.
Eat pig shit, faggot nigger.
>when is #metoo going to hit him?
It already has several times over the last 10 years or so with the same accusation - luckily his victim has some sort of psychotic diagnosis.
a lot of CO2 and excrements, maybe some skin cells n stuff. thats about it
hey its that guy from Diablo
>Le planetsh on arm
WoW So artistic Much space
Houston, Houston...
Lot of people bring race into the discussion to mask the fact all they do is stalk eclebs no one gives a fuck about a month from now
somehow, i bet that nigger still cant swim.
>be nigger science man
>become nigger science man meme
>get nigger science man meme tattooed on arm
Did those patents bring you any money? You payed to big.guv alright, but did you earn on it a penny?
I've made several scientific discoveries, but they're too radical for my field, so I work on applications instead of paying any respect to retarded and corrupted publications system.
jerking off in a sock to ease cum cleanup is already patented, user.
I translated doujinshi that some of you probably fapped to.
You are welcome.
I was a pioneer in satellite laser communications, built and launched stuff that had never existed before my team made it.
wtf does that work?
Everyone thinks your clothes all smell like cum but are too polite/embarrassed to tell you.
Use some fucking toilet paper.
Anime, hentai, video games, Sup Forums
mostly in vehicle r&d, but I have some ideas for cum cleanup
I'm protecting the spear of Longinus for when the time comes.
>Xs out Pluto
Fuck you. Shit is a planet and only bitches say otherwise
I was not supposed to be born. This world can go fuck itself for all I care.
I created the waffle iron.
Even if bullshit you still actually wish you contributed something - a step above the folks reporting this thread then bumping a YouTube cleb thread.
I reached rank 13 in Hearthstone
I've flipped over 1000 burgers. and dug many ditches
Now you OP!
i brap post alot
Level 12 on Skyrim checking in
I'm more potty trained than your mom.
Shut up baguette!
>I made waffles and was a public douche cuz physics.
3 white children and another on the way
I'm not a nigger, so that's a start.
Various shitposting thats caused a massive controversy and a few others causing friction between a group
The funny thing about people like Black Science Man and Bill Nye is that even liberal normies don't like them. I've listened to a lot of podcasts and read a lot of discussions where liberal millennials say they can't stand either of them, because they're so awkward and preachy.
Some of them even compare Black Science Man's tweets to Jaden Smith's.
Only that far-left SJWs actually like these idiots.
Neil deGrasse Tyson's wife is white he is living the meme of everything this board is against. Pretty based human.
Scientists also hate them
if I had my tweets compared to Jaden Smith I would an hero
The same thing the person in the picture has.
Talking about things does not = contributing
serious guns on that woman
modern Edison. he didn't even measure pluto.
Terrible shoop, the arms of the swastika are clearly on top of hair in many places
Jesus. Look at the size of mixing bowl.
Was the wheel barrel not available
Nothing. My whole life people have been telling me I'm so clever and creative but I've made and contributed fucking nothing.
I shot a sand nigger then spit on his corpse
I fought a couple niggers, I lost but at least I tried
I dated a stripper and changed her life. She's married and moved to North Carolina and lives the suburban wife (soon to be Mom) life.
Currently working on a career, in tech school for process technology
you could have just said nothing like the rest of us
I like to think my shitposts on Sup Forums are like drops of water being sent into the meme ocean where our inevitable tidal wave destroys all.
no last paragraph is just a troll to make you look like an autismo
Well I tried
I build the internet you use.
thats not untrue. been teaching people about the jews and 9/11 for 15 years. this shit is going to come to a head at some point.
this man understands.
>look at girl's butt
>get caught
>get confronted
>don't say anything
>mutter about "muh sets"
seems fucking retarded and autistic, but then look where we are, so who knows
I have increased white population by 1 and decreased Black population by 1.
>larping as that faggot
I made this. I think it's what started the whole retarded trole face wave. Feels good, man.
People just jelly. I mean these guys accepted that they won't do anything ground breaking in the field so they focus on explaining in easier ways what has been done in the hopes they may inspire the next great mind.
Interesting, however not incorrect way to describe being a bell installer kek
Yeah it works but if she's mad you have to play it off like you're actually angry or disgusted. Her being almost naked in public is more weird than you looking.
If she catches you and she smiles you're already in.
>being this autistic
He's saying he'll talk to her after he's done, meaning she's not worth talking to immediately.
It's to further damage her self worth.
so you have 3 children?
3 children - 2 parents = +1 population
Nothing yet but I have so many talents its just impossible for a Leaf to do something other than pipefitting or mechanics. I haven't contibuted anything to the world, but I live comfortably on my own, but one day I want to give back to this country, but I dunno how when we're more Pakistan than canada now
Do you go around smelling peoples socks or what?
I convinced over a hundred niggers to get vasectomies covered by an obscure clause of my company’s medical coverage. I’ve single handedly killed more nigger children (de-facto) than anyone in this board besides Ben Garrison.
parents dont die thhe moment kiids are born yyou know. I have 1 child and I am responsible for the death of one nigger..
Pick one
slavs ARE white
I can just imagine many Anons getting kicked out of the gym for doing this this because they made it real weird or took the neg too far
People really shouldn't follow advice from 4chins
muslim bodycount
I made a few memes that went viral
What tattoos?
which ones pleb
>tattoo of yourself on your arm
Tax dollars, i used to do a job where we would make giant concrete walls for new buildings being built. I carry myself with manners, respect, and integrity. Other than that I don't really give a shit about society because in my experience, i can't relate to most people or they're just garbage people.
is that angry grandpa
Honesty? In addition to being a fine citizen, I've contributed a lot of ideas and advice. I know it's changed people and it has greatly helped people.
The chances of me NOT imparting genuinely life changing wisdom upon you in conversation is extremely low, I think. I don't say this out of arrogance, but out of the kind of confidence that comes from a lot of experience.
It's a talent I have and the main thing I've contributed thus far.
Casca will find it again eventually