Why are western men so cucked and feminine these days. Are there any articles or images out there that can be used to redpill normies on how (((they))) are turning men into soy boys? Or even examples of this degeneracy?
Why are western men so cucked and feminine these days...
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Women are a mistake.
They take joy in destroying what men have built.
This only reason women act this way is because they are not being kept in line. Its normal for the weaker sex to try to push the boundaries as far as possible until they are cowed.
Really this is a call to responsibility for all of you within your own dating lives.
You've got Males and Females switching roles. The lines are so blurred you can't tell the difference anymore.
It's not like they can cook, right? So this is a good deal for everyone?
Any photo collages or articles? I want to redpill my normie mates on how cucked men have become. I can't seem to find any good examples except a few tranny kids.
take the tesla pill.
Pic sounds good to me. Where do I sign up?
Because we need a new world war to wake the fuck up. Good times make weak men, weak men make bad times and bad times will make strong men again
We are a bit overdue
Because they forgot who they were and other men are laughing at them, women are like children in our culture how the fuck can they lord of you?
Uh actually women aren't providing for anyone but themselves. They don't have husbands OR children anymore. So not sure what this is referring to
Oh no, I will chill at home all day while my wife works to provide for me. How horrible.
>implying that’s what women want
They’d rather be single and hook up with someone rather than have a subservient husband. Women can’t be with a man that makes less money than them they don’t know how to act. They’ll grow old and childless and Western Countries will pump in more third world immigrants to replace them
And they accuse us of being Russian bots
It's been like this since the warrior was gagged and bound.
Women don't provide or protect. They just consume. Even if they earn money they just ratchet up their consumption.
I think it's a CFNM femdom fetish meme
Honestly surprised it is not a
>1 post by this ID
thread. Shills are getting determined now.
Because if you dont behave like a cuck the white knight police will lock you up. In order to not be a cuck you have to become a degenerate criminal not afraid of doing hard time.
They should really learn to coordinate their attacks so they don't end up looking like retards.
i know u faggots dont realize this, but this is like the best ever, its got to be a meme. why would feminists want to transfer responsibility to women off men? like seriously if some bitch wants to go work 60 hours a week and wage slave to come home to me sitting on fat ass doing nothing and wanting sex like women have for the past 100 years like sign me the fuck up. sit home, play video games, and turn on the vaccuum 10 minutes before she walks in? Yes please. Be a literal neet except a women feeds you cash instead of the government? Yes please. Like im a construction worker who makes 100k annually and i hate life and work. PLEASE give me a women who makes enough to support all my desires WHILE allowing me to be completely useless at home. please women, save me from work!
Anyone have that pic of the white dude carrying a black chick over his should and basically making fun of black men who said he couldn’t handle her?
Can’t find it anywhere
Can't hear you over the average low IQ of Women nagging at you.
Women won’t want that though that’s why it’s a meme
Just noise, women are claiming many things but they cannot demonstrate he ability to build and maintain a society like men have done. They still require a man for everything, it can be seen in daily life, women cannot manage even the most basic physical tasks and have no bravery or endurance for anything difficult. Propaganda is not enough ladies, show some substance.
white dudes carry black chicks like this
All it would take is one good slap and this smug bitch would be eating dirt. Rape cums next.
Cultural Marxism, gov shools, strayed from God.
my man leaning back like 45 degrees
AHAHAHHAHAHHAAAA yeah no user. Don't be this retarded.
Hey user I got this cool white collar job. What do you mean by automation. No stupid, this only affects blue collar workers.
Women will be the losers of automation. Mark my words.
Not this one, the one that has her ass out over his shoulder giving a big fuck you to everyone.
I’m legit scouring 4plebs in every degenerate thread just to make a shit meme
>women think reversing gender roles is a horrible insult
I'd love nothing more to stay home, cook, take care of the kids, fuck the mailwoman and play vidya all day. Seriously, housekeeping is fucking easy if youre not a complaining, bitchy feminazi.
Even "successful women" dont want to be providers, just attract an even bigger chad with a fatter wallet.
LOL he could at any point rape her to death without breaking a sweat. Stupid whores. Deep down you don't even want the roles reversed, hence why you invite "real men" from shithole countries to set you straight. Stupid cunts.
Honestly who cares if men are more submissive? This is 2018, we are civilised and aren't violent cavemen anymore, we need people to have skills like emotional intelligence rather than brute force. Men's bodies and brains have been outmoded by technology. We no longer need men to hunt food, the supermarkets do it for us. We no longer need men to protect us from enemy tribes, because they don't exist and the police do it. Men's primal drives are what start wars when humanity should be uniting to tackle problems like climate change and poverty.
Theres estrogen in water and dairy products. Men older than 30 should start taking DHEA.
Research it.
>This is your brain on tea and biscuits.
You mean evolved?
Do you think they would consider this pic as rayciss if it was a black man instead of a white one?
I'm reading all Bongcuck posts with Stepfather's voice.
>so it's war then
Gender War
Females to the concentration camps
>Top politicians
>Merkel and that clown that Sweden has
Yeah, no.
such a woman post
>Honestly who cares if men are more submissive? This is 2018, we are civilised and aren't violent cavemen anymore, we need people to have skills like emotional intelligence rather than brute force. Men's bodies and brains have been outmoded by technology. We no longer need men to hunt food, the supermarkets do it for us. We no longer need men to protect us from enemy tribes, because they don't exist and the police do it. Men's primal drives are what start wars when humanity should be uniting to tackle problems like climate change and poverty.
Fresh pasta right here boys, come and get it!! Just cooked! Nice and fresh!!
Women aren't getting married or having kids...
So who exactly are they providing for? Their cats?
Because they worship the pussy, they treat women like they're fucking mythical creatures. Women are human beings just like you.
Kys namefag. Also, implying that your culture is still somolian and not American shows that you didn't really come here to contribute to our society and country. It shows that you came to see how much our country can contribute to you.
Besides tripfags and namefags get the bullet.
>be househusband
>NEET but you have to clean more
What a time to be alive!
>This is 2018, we are civilised and aren't violent cavemen anymore
user i...
Holy fucking cottage cheese legs, Batman.
>This is 2018, we are civilised and aren't violent cavemen anymore,
Ugg off, shortspear!
>because they don't exist
Go and watch Bear Grylls s2 ep1 all women on the island. They start off all "we wont just survive we will thrive" and "girl power" then they proceed to sit on the beach on day one and talk girly shit and it doent dawn on them to start working on a fire until the sun is going down at 7pm. NOW they start working on a fire and of course it takes them unfil midnight to start one. Basically they are all starving and dehydrated and soaked though after 4 days and half of them have to be helicoptered to safety. What a joke. So funny to watch. Those evil men. Patriarchy. Yes the one that creted helicopters and internal combustion etc etc. They dont need men as long as we create a nice friendly and comfortable world for them. Then they dont need us anymore. Ha what a complete joke. Just watch it and laugh your ass off. Thats what i did. Now it is so clear that this is just more anti white male bullshit pushed by (((you know who )))
This. If they really want to be ''on top'', they should also bear the burden of being at the top. kek
>Why are western men so cucked and feminine
Because they're white.
Whites are a naturally feminine people. Everything about them is feminine from their looks to their behaviour.
The Big Black Mandingos will conquer them and breed them out.
White people btfo'd the entire rest of the world, feminine my ass. WHat it is is that white men are complete pussies about their women, the Natives noticed this when we first came
>Uses a reaction image of a manga where a small girl teases a lanky nu-male who cower like a faggot, trying to mock woman superiority
If only you could appreciate the irony of your post.
When men have a good job they use that money to find a wife, buy a house, and start a family.
When women have a good job they spend the money on clothes, phones, jewelry, and vacations; then they wonder where all the good men are who can support them.
What do you mean?
>women can't be with a man who makes less money
This is very true, and shows a serious flaw in hiring women for good jobs.
Every good job that a woman gets is a good job that a man doesn't get, and it makes it that much harder for men and women to pair off
This is some walking giant gumdrop’s sjw wet dream
What i just said, white men have all these retarded romantic notions about women. Look at the history of romantic poetry in Europe.
These ideas, chivalry in general, and modern ideas of romantic love, are completely detached from the reality of how men and women actually are
whores are LARPing as fuck
who they fuck are they providing for and who the fuck are they protecting??
this is really retarded. bitches can't even take care of themselves without government helping them out literally every step of the way
I would love to have been a fly on the wall during the planning of this
>what do we do then?
>then you can start yelling while she plays the violin
>what are you going to do?
>gonna show everyone my clam to fight patriarchy
Through innovations and bad gynocentric policies we've made masculinity obsolete in the decedent West.
But good times make soft men and soft men make hard times. The return of masculinity is around the corner.
lol yeah - thats feminist women-think
Violin + yelling + clam = better than the Mona Lisa and will BTFO men
They aren’t men still run everything aside form what they allow women to run.
Men are cucked in media and reddit, and lefty fag places like some colleges and Brooklyn but not in the rest of the world.
Even in most colleges fraternity men are still getting laid every night and athletes are still the celebrities of college
In politics men still hold most positions
In buisness male ceos outnumber female ceo’s 10-1
Men outside of nyc and San Francisco are still mining and farming and building and getting married and having kids
The demise of men has been greatly exaggerated
lol I would dominate her in a second
I want a gf who is also a mummy
I have no problem with this change except for one tiny little thing: these women who are indeed more successful than me don't want supportive men. This is unfortunate because it hurts women and men equally.
There's only one problem with that theory. Capitalistic women don't come home, they travel and fuck around. Lets face it, USA today has no jobs without traveling, especially high-pay jobs, you have to travel, such nonsense as they display in magazine is fiction. Business women don't come home, they sleep in hotels. This was even myth in 70ies, since the only men who came home to family were farmers, never big city businessmen.
I wouldn't mind to have a millionaire waifu because I'm piss poor myself
Ohhh jesus that is rich. Soooo many of these cunts are gonna wake up at age 50 and realize they wasted their entire lives on pride and missed every possible chance for a full, loving, family filled life.
And a lot of you faggots on Sup Forums are going to take them in at that point because youre fucking laughably weak faggots
Can't this be a good thing? Won't dads staying home and raising their kids assure that children don't become commie tumblr-tier xim/xer faggots?
A faggot stay at home dad has nothing to offer children
I'm a guy. I wish I could find a woman who'd make the money and I could just stay home and pursue my own interests.
Fuck working. Work is drudgery and better suited for females. There is no virtue in sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day.
>tfw you cant sit at home every day playing vidya while wife is out there working every day
wtf I love feminism now
>. Its normal for the weaker sex to try to push the boundaries as far as possible until they are cowed.
Daily reminder there are millions of men sitter ng in prison in the US for domestic violence.
You really think she will reserve her heart for you waiting at home while she meets ton of other guys in daily business life? Such fairy tale that is. A rich woman in USA or rich man, they are known, they get attention every minute, you won't last even a month without pulling a shot one. Even poor women start to behave like this in big city.
>I'd hit it
but I'd shame myself for it later
And a sexually liberated, independent "I don't need no man," virtue signaling, "You're playing with dolls? Off come your balls," mother does?
It's the only way that they can vey pussy now a days, is to acting like a weak, beta male.
I'd try to suck money out of her and in such case would get a waifu from Russia or something
I don't actually like working so....
No they don't either but if youre going to be a father you need to have kids with a proper female not a fucking sack of ahit with a face and tits. The mother stays home, the dad goes to work, the kids are raised like normal fucking humans.
Did you know men can't switch things and play women at their own game and simply marry a woman for her money and security because there will always be another guy she would rather be with that has more than what you do. Men have literally become the most oppressed group in society.
so what you are saying is now I can stay a home am much off my partners money while doing absolutely nothing? Oh no what i'm going to do? so incredibly horrible...
Is it wrong that the pic turns me on? i love to dominate my gf, but I also love it when she takes the lead in bed.
If i was you i would rather invest money into sex robot industry than wait to find happiness with rich American woman. First of all you have to be kind of Jewish to even become rich in USA, those people have no sense of loyalty or love.
> Men outside of nyc and San Francisco
> getting married and having kids
I grew up in hickville of hickvilles and no male I grew up around ever got married within my lifetime to this day, myself included
Wouldn’t even care?
But I’m not going to praise her for it
no, but neither do most of other women, loyalty is dead might as well suck every living cent out of the a rich cunt instead of the opposite.
men can't compete with womens pay. Women are paid less so positions would go to those who are willing to accept less pay for the same work - ie. women.
Because the gender pay gap is real, right?