What’s the point in getting in a traditional woman if women are incapable of love?
What’s the point in getting in a traditional woman if women are incapable of love?
Women are disgusting
You could try being the girl...i guess?
Women are capable of love, but their love is different from a man's love. Accept inequality, and you will live a better life.
We need to bring back chastity belts. The female cannot be trusted and they know they can't trust themselves.
Just give your woman of choice no viable alternative. Treat her like your favourite dog.
No such thing as "traditional women" in modern times
It's inhumane to treat dogs like women. Sicko.
Did your mom love you?
Throughout much of ancient western civilization, it has always been understood that woman are for having children, and men are for love.
Love has always been transactional with women. If you're no longer useful to women, women will often Monkey branch to another man, mostly a backup they've been keeping in contact. It's why divorce rates quadruple for middle age retired men or men who lose their jobs. Women can never understand unconditional/non transactional love towards those who aren't their children . True love has only come from platonic male friendships. It's (((Hollywood's))) fault for brainwashing a generation of men to expect a lot from transactional "romantic" love.
All married men must live with the knowledge that they are just one wrong move, or a job loss from being replaced by their wives backup plan.
Women only love their Children unconditionally. Men are disposable. In the Old Days Children were disposable. If something happened to one, you made more and life went on. Now, with children and grown children (((women))) controlling society, men are disposable sperm donors/ meal tickets
me on the right desu
what do you mean by that?
And the great thing about legalising Gay marriage is that now, we can look at the hard data comparing men and women in relationships. I've noticed gay couples, after having their fun in their youth, tend to stay together much longer than lesbian couples. They Also tend to have more fulfilling stable relationships. Lesbians have the least stable relationships, and this could suggest women, not men, destabilise marriage, since they cannot love like men. Many gay guys I know actually feel sorry for straight men. Women are a curse, and straight men are evolutions sacrificial lambs. If it weren't for all the STDs, I'm willing to bet gay men would live longer than straight men since we aren't constantly stressed trying to please some shedevil.
based fag, drop more red pills .
>if it weren’t for the fact we’re STD riddled degenerates we’d live longer
t.roastie afraid of gay men outing women as parasites
Definitely pol as we are all trying to find a good woman
Modern women are incapable of love.
Your conservative views blind you to manipulated developement and evolution.
We must preserve our genetic legacy through these dark generations, but this is not enough. We must understand human biology and the physical stimuli needed to goad evolution of our people in the most desirable direction.
If we want feminine, loyal, loving women, we must create an environment where desirable virtues are rewarded and their antithesis ostracized and flushed from the gene pool.
Fighting demons or whatever semantics you prefer, this is the only path to saving your people and ensuring love is maintained and tended through future generations of your species.
It takes a lot of effort to fight decline and absence of desirable virtues. Your lazieness is your species downfall.
>Love has always been transactional with women. If you're no longer useful to women, women will often Monkey branch to another man, mostly a backup they've been keeping in contact. It's why divorce rates quadruple for middle age retired men or men who lose their jobs. Women can never understand unconditional/non transactional love towards those who aren't their children
If you're a man and you can't provide for your family, then you have failed as a man and a husband. Do you seriously expect the woman to stick around while she watches her kids starve and live in squalor? Imagine that your wife suddenly stopped with her wifely duties. She would stop having sex with you, she wouldn't take care of the kids or would refuse to have any, she would stop cooking and cleaning, and so on. For the sake of argument let's pretend that your wife can't do any of this because of a serious illness (more comparable because it's possible to lose a job through no fault of your own). Would it be possible for you to still love her? Would you stick around, love her, and spend time and money on her, even though you get nothing in return?
>women are incapable of love
>women are disgusting
>we should unironically beat women
>were really going to stick it to that girl in high school who dumped me with artificial wombs
>sex dolls will have a positive impact on relationships
All of you are absolutely pathetic and should seriously consider blowing your brains out.
Women love men, men love women
Women are not equal to men, but this doesn't make them inferior, were complimentary creatures
Good women may be uncommon, but they're out there, and you can control a woman if you're a chad about it, I've red pilled latina girls enough to make them wish they were white.
Stop being complete incels and go to SIG/, its these type of threads that make me think this hard right resurgence is ultimately doomed.
Women are capable of love, you just need to light the way.
They only can love men they perceive as alpha. So in your case I guess there is no point, you're right.
This is the only good post in this thread besides mine.
Idiot. Women leave men, especially those who do provide for the family. Fucking contrarian faggot.
Women leave their men for losers because they know the state will force the ex-husband/dad/taxpayer to handle it
So you can touch females without being called a rapist
This is the simple truth.
All the lies and fake blackpills in this thead, all this demoralizing. Shaking my fucking head.
>Women leave their men for losers because they know the state will force the ex-husband/dad/taxpayer to handle it
My country is being flooded by criminal shitskin and the police can do nothing to stop it, and the same is happening in your country. In fact, our politicians are very eager to protect the criminal darkies at any cost. Having a responsible beta male as a husband is the best choice in a civilized world, but we don't live in a civilized world any more. If the police won't protect you, then you need a man who can. It makes perfect sense from a evolution and survival perspective.
>if women are incapable of love
t. has never met a real non brainwashed female.
Do you have mother issues?
Females are the most sensitive/emotional of the 2 sexes. Left in their natural habitat (free from jewish corruption), they are the most loving individuals
don't listen to mgtow shills
They aren't incapable of love. MGTOW is a jewish movement meant to cause enmity between white men and women. It is the flip side of feminism. It trains heterosexual white men to think like GAY men. GAY men hate women. The reason woman suck today is because they have incrementally been trained and conditioned to suck using the media, education system, etc. They are a PRODUCT of a deliberate system of behavior modification and brain washing. Yet, it IS necessary to always be on guard and extremely skeptical towards them. Be open mindedly skeptical though, not close mindedly skeptical.
Women are capable of loving their children, who are a reflection.
Women could complain that men are rarely faithful as well. Just try your best to find a good woman and accept the risk that she might not be faithful just as much as she accepts the risk that you might not be faithful.
>Females are the most sensitive/emotional of the 2 sexes. Left in their natural habitat (free from jewish corruption), they are the most loving individuals
I absolutely agree with you!
Not talking about tinder-using basic bitches. There are still real women out there. The problem is, that they're hard to find, since they loyally stick to the very first guy they were in a relationship with.
Women naturally strive to find the better/best mate. Men need to strive to be the best mate possible. That's just how it is.
>since they loyally stick to the very first guy they were in a relationship with.
Hypergamy user, anything but loyal.