Everyone is biased since as individuals we have our own criteria, making us sometimes act for our own benefit. But beyond that there is actual solidary altruism, the thought that all finishing the race at the same time is better than putting the trip and finishing yourself first. What facade? Can you even understand the concept of altruism you selfish fuck?
Bentley Gutierrez
Leftist "altruism" does not appear to have anything to do with altruism. They are clearly attached to leftist ideology as a way of propping themselves up, it has very little to do with helping anyone else.
They're using it as an ideological crutch to excuse their shitty choices & other short comings.
Sebastian Diaz
Can you understand the concept of other people giving you the trip so they can "win" ? This is the basis of modern politics. Cucks falling for scams by the self interested. The gen pop being pushed to be "alturistic" by big players who intend to exploit that. They are not being self intersted, they are being tools.
Tyler James
>Sluts say they're feminists and are for womens liberation because they care about women, when really they are excusing they feel bad for their choices and dont want to take responsibility for it, so they use feminism as a crutch to try and feel better and get society to normalize their behavior
>Fat people want fat acceptance because they hate their body and don't want to take responsibility and change it, so they again want to normalize it
>Social drop outs want socialism because they are not motivated and they want the free money but they say they want it for everyone to have a social safety net
>Socialist politicians are just socialist politicians because its a good way to bribe the population and gain power
and there are more examples than that. Many people are attracted to altruist ideologies because it makes them feel morally superior and they don't have to do anything of merit to feel that way.
People are being self interested tools.
Levi Evans
scratch "they are excusing", I forgot to edit that out.
Ayden Roberts
I think they can not handle any kind of authority or responsibility, in fact they hate both those things, and so *everything* they believe is either 1) product of academia/reason 2) pure altruistic goodness as decided by theories from 1. It's the same with when they get violent: whenever they viciously attack someone they will 100% ALWAYS first point out how the other person deserves it or attacked (someone) first. They must delegate their conscience and ego to the collective and authorities they trust, since they are not able or willing to defend an act on their own merit. That would be too assertive and masculine etc.
Logan Gomez
>They can not handle any kind of authority or responsibility
That's true, they can't even be responsible for themselves which is why they're attracted to ideas like socialism, which makes the state responsible for them.
This is probably the reason why they resent institutions and people that hold them accountable for their actions as well
>Feminists resent men that hold them accountable for their shitty behavior (e.g being slutty)
>Black people resent the police because they step in when they commit crimes
>Communists resent the meritocracy because they are unproductive and can't be bothered to try and succeed
It just seems like they're all performing mental gymnastics, its similar to slave morality, where they take the things they want but dont have (Purity, money, power, success) and make them sins, and they take the things the do have but dont want and make them virtues
Thomas Flores
What you say is true. I was trying to specifically answer the OP's question and I think it comes from the complete disconnect they feel between their ideology and their assertiveness. Their ideology comes from God, so to speak, and if anybody wants to argue with it (like OP's "you're also biased") then they can take it up with Him. At no point will a leftist take responsibility for a fuck-up, because it wasn't exactly them that fucked up, but God (who of course didn't). Very confusing!
Jaxon Taylor
>altruism Does not exist, if you do something "for free" - you do it for your own pleasure/for reputation. So altruism is selfish too. >as if its wrong to look out for ones self. Try telling a fat female she is fat. Try telling an ugly female she is ugly. Childish brain can't cope with reality. Lefties degenerates are worse than children cause they never grow up.
Ryder Thompson
That is very true. You make a good point.
Eli Thompson
What will it take for lefties to grow up and take responsibility for themselves and realize that they are just as selfish and bias as the people they look down on from their moral high horses?
Asher Harris
Napoleon once said that there are two levers which motivate man: self interest and fear. Often, both are connected but not always. Which one motivates SJWs?
Lucas Ward
Revolution or war. Nothing less. They need to get into the jungle. While supported by goverment and not really struggling to survive, they will still go with their bullshit. But throw them into grinder - they will get smart or get killed. Laws of nature, you know.
Josiah Perez
Self interest and fear of responsibility seems most likely.
You're probably talking to liberals, not actual leftists. Marxists understand self-interest. The whole idea of class warfare hinges upon this concept. Socialism isn't "what if we were all altruistic."
Ryan Gomez
What is it about? About killing everybody who's better than the worst commie, so that retard feels better about himself?
Isaiah Garcia
Having spent time as part of Australian socialist and Communist groups I can tell you that "actual leftists" are just as bad as every other kind of leftist I've met. In fact Marxists are the worst, everyone I've met who was a Marxist and wanted revolution expected to be a card holding party member and were essentially motivated by the intellectual and moral superiority marxism made them feel, they also so marxism as essentially the only chance they had at having power, so they adopted marxism completely out of self interest, because assisted them in their will to power.
Marxists are my least favorite kind of leftist.
Jaxon Flores
Yes. That's exactly what it's about, pidor.
Henry Gomez
saw* not so
Eli Thomas
>Having spent time as part of Australian socialist and Communist groups AKA "as somebody who has never done any of this shit and doesn't even know what he's talking about"
I'm not dignifying your LARP with an actual response. Try to fish for somebody else's attention.
Jackson Martin
pidor is your mum, you filthy dishonest disgusting kike
James Lewis
>meme flag of meme ideology that never worked as intendet accuses someone in fishing attention Wew m8, go for a helicopter ride.
Connor Collins
>Can't deal with the truth so dismisses it
Wew lad, typical communist.
Josiah Green
>They hide behind a mask of altruism, they're happy to pretend they do everything for everyone else and never think of themselves.
and then of course what they actually do 99.9% of the time is the most self-centered shit imaginable
"oh yes we should accept refugees...but not me haha...oh I uh just don't have any room sweetie, but they can stay in your house!"
Dominic Kelly
I find the "why do right wingers vote against their self interest" pasta threads particularly funny.
Benjamin Jackson
Or how about the classic
>Socialism is good! >Well of course I wouldn't pay for it, people richer than me would :)
Oliver Garcia
>doesn't understand that his ideology is incompatible with reality >doesn't think that the failure of every Socialist/Communist government in history is evidence >thinks his weak ass won't be killed off in the first conflict
There's only one person LARPING here
Asher Evans
Though you will never admit it, your ideology and your positioning of yourself is about your own failure not the worlds. If you were truly an able, talented intelligent person you would be pursuing your own goals in life but as you have realised that you are an unworthy and mediocre person and that you will never really amount to much you have decided to externalise your own self loathing in the vain hope that blaming the world for your own inadequacies will somehow magically transform your own sense of self worth, this is clearly wrong. Think about it, there is almost definitely a better way for you to live your life, a way in which your contribution to society can be much more positive.
Mason Kelly
When a leftist says "why dont you vote for your self interest" what they really mean is "why dont you vote for MY self interest"
Parker Torres
The postmodern nightmare reality mate. No such thing as facts, no such thing as morals, no such thing as truth. It’s everyone vs everyone else. Where you are purely based on your race or gender or class. Cultural Marxism at its peak, and it must be destroyed.
Jace Jenkins
Leftism is a very complicated phenomenon and most explanations of it are too reductive. There are at least a few central processes going on-
1. It is a social coordination mechanism of the kind that religious cults use- the holiness spiral. This means that a lot of it is posturing, and absurd posturing at that, because the more absurd the proclamation the more holiness points it nets.
2. It is an actual pseudo-religion that emerged out of the ashes of Christianity and Judaism. Specifically it adopts the ideas of the equality of all men and the deification of the self from Christ, and the elite vanguard who will bring heaven to earth from Judaism. This lends it its messianic quality as well as the intensity of emotion it induces in some of its followers.
3. It is a means of controlling the state. Masquerading as an Enlightenment ideology based on 'reason' and 'science' it infected academia, the civil service, the public education system, the media, etc. Its main form of corruption is simply the creation of jobs and a flow of money to Progressives, on the back of the taxpayer. This is the origin of the gargantuan bureaucracy that has emerged in the past 100 years.
It did this by a sort of coalition of two segments of society- an elite academic group composed of Jews and Protestants, and an underclass composed of various sorts of ethnic minorities and generally disliked groups. The latter are a stick with which the former beat the middle class, occasionally literally, but mostly in more 'democratic' forms.
4. Finally it is a kind of psychological pathology, along the lines of what the Unabomber wrote of 'oversocialization' as well as that article by Anonymous Conservative about the amygdala of the Liberal. These people retain a very childlike emotional state, never far from hysteria, rage, panic attacks, ecstatic excesses, etc. Their view of the world is such that unpleasant thoughts are never directly confronted, but mediated by fantasy.
Nicholas Richardson
If you point out that the average world wage today would be something like 10k a year(it's impossible to actually get a real figure on this) their response usually hinges on one thing- that they would be ok with this as long as everyone else did it. Ie. what truly bothers them is that people have more than them, envy.