Why do you still believe in religion even though science has already proven it to be false?
Why do you still believe in religion even though science has already proven it to be false?
Science hasn't proven shit about religion, nigger.
Science is jewish, nigger.
>He still lives in modernity
Man I miss being 8
OP is a faggot
>when you realize (((science))) is a religion that picture makes more sense
That isn’t how umbrellas work.
Why are atheists so retarded?
The Global Warming Goyim. Have you and your country paid their carbon tax to (((us))) yet? Why do you pay to (((us)))? Because we own the world of course.
It doesn't really matter whether or not God is real when it comes to worship, it's more about seeing the world through God to try to help you live a better life and make better choices. The stories are filled with insight, the likes of which I have yet to see, and the culture is rich.
Science didn't disprove religion; it debunked alot of myths brought by religion in order to explain reality in a more empirical way. Science is a more reliable way of explaining the ''how'', but it still lacks the capability to explain the ''why'', hence why religion is still relevant and compatible, in a way, with the scientific theories.
>drenched in existential crisis'
Science is as much bullshit as religion.
I believe in the void.
Religion keeps my country strong
There is no "why", reality doesn't need a reason to exist. That's just anthropomorphism.
The fact is, every time religions tried to explain something it was wrong, every single time. Belief that it's somehow correct about metaphysics when it was totally wrong about physics is just baffling.
honestly I'm just going along with it because it's the culture i grew up in and am surrounded by
I would like to hope there's a god but if there is he made me real cynical for the whole blind faith thing
It's not the religion most believe in, rather something greater than themselves...
>That isn’t how umbrellas work.
>Why are atheists so retarded?
Looks like a metahpor to me, dumbass. Perhaps meaning that the shit falling on you is because of the umbrella (religion).
God doesn't exist check and mate fags
>quietly believes in cryptocurrency
I'm an atheist by I like a lot of religious art & architecture, that's why Varg is a faggot for burning down those churches.
Me and my friends have this joke, we ask "When muslims take over the west, what is it going to look like?" Answer "Just some guys fucking eachothers assholes." xDdd
Science has never proven anything.
Even suggesting it makes you look like an uneducated idiot.
Science and religion/philosophy are chasing answers for 2 different worlds and can never answer the others questions.
AIDs or God? Hardest question of 2018.
Religion isn't like science, you don't prove it to be fake or real. There may be certain aspects or religious stories proven false but that doesn't mean that religion was debunked.
>gays spit on God
not big surprise
be honest:
do you really want to go on the lower levels (the hell) of this reality?
Nobody knows how they work.
Modern science is a fraudulent institution full of luciferian freemasons and kikes.
Science now is the new religion.
Science didn't proven nonexistence of God, and will never could do it. We will never discover origin of life during existence of humanity.
>not opening an umbrella of science/knowledge to protect from the reign of ignorance instead
It’s like denial of reality is built into your psyche
Once you've eliminate the question of 'how', which science basically does though obviously we don't know just how much we can reveal empirically, the 'why' is left only as a concept in our minds. There is no 'why', it is purely a creation of our minds as an extension of our enhanced societal cognition from our primate background and sentience or self awareness. Primates see their 'self' as a reflection of their societal interactions, humans have become self aware so that we realise all our actions in the physical reality define ourselves and we expect to see ourselves reflected in all things even if they aren't living or are concepts like time. It is partly why the most happy people are those who live in close networks of people and who are defined purely by their societal interactions.
>ain soph
are you jewish?
answer me you fuckers
do you really want to go in hell?
>magnets make you retarded
Kinda neat.
when somebody hugs you and you feel better does it objectively change anything about your life (other than your feelings)?
Feeling the rain for what it is is suddenly bad
All full of delusional pedophiles, the closeted self centrist that brainwashed themselves to think they matter.
Stop using this word. They are satanic (adversarial) not light-bringers
Science doesn't prove anything dumbass.... you and you sciencetards and your proof....
They are doomed, they carry viruses and poop in their genitals, there is no real redemption from that. They spit in the face of Allah, and this is their fate.
Implying that science brings no spooky shit like the double-slit experiment that fuck our understanding of time and realty.
It does if you contract a fatal illness from the contact.
>"science has proven it to be false"
>not understanding poor experiment design and publish-or-perish acedemia
I am an atheist who pretends to be religious because the type of social atheist circles are degenerate.
I'd rather have a society of religious people with morality than atheist people who argue about "what is morality" and then masturbate to mlp porn.
God save their souls!
I'm not really religious, but I believe in the spirituality of beings
have you ever?
even if it was a lie do you really thing you will lead a bit life without your religion?
>fag flag
o I see the kind of degenerate that would sell his soul just to suck shit of his boyfriends cock.
Don't be a faggot leaf, we had to suffer through a decade of fedora memes because of insufferable faggots and people who shitpost like you
>1 post by this ID
so is each and erry manner of monotheism
so there's that
I'm an atheist and I love science but we must admit that we still don't know shit about how exactly everything came to be. Read up on the "God Particle".
>collapsing galaxies
>imploding stars forming new elements
>blackholes pulling photons
>numales arguing about soy not being estrogenic
unironically sounds about right
>atheists are disabled
how will they ever recover from this
>admits he dosnt know shit.
>still claims he's an atheist.
replace atheism with race and you've got yourself an explanation faggot.
>being smart enough to accept the benefits of having a strong faith, protecting you from eventually going into an exestential crisis at some point in life
behave and thik good - you'll go to upper levels (7 levels of heaven)
behave and think bad - you will go down
in the horiible plases of suffer
now choose
kill yourself
The existential snowball is a mother fucker if you let it start rolling
What the fuck are you talking about?
>Moor colony
My mistake, I'll give a second chance to explain.
Nice try
indoctrination as its finest.
science is going to lead all of you straight to hell . say hi to the fallen angels for me
>1 post by this ID
the way people perceive the worth of truth in terms of immediacy
>literal half anglo bong colony
live and let live is akin to saying race doesn't exist, it's a way of avoiding the truth faggot, except there's actually some worth in having people think about race
Assuming you are not in some sort of crazy sect abandoning religion feels more like taking the redpill in the Matrix. Sure you feel free for awhile but you also become miserable knowing that your existence doesn't have any higher meaning. It also means that when life punches you in the gut you're all alone dealing with your problems. Morality too becomes a much more subjective thing which can lead you to doing degenerate stuff like gay sex since "it doesn't hurt anybody and makes me feel good, how is it bad?".
Sure it's probably better to look at reality but there is a reason why religion is such a fundamental part of mankind since the very beginning.
yeah , i am the moron because i havent accepted the jewish goyim education . on the other hand your country is completely controlled by them you fags cant even have guns and get forced vaccinations . wake up stupid straya
Fucking magnets, how do they work?
>Being anti-religion
What is this? 2007?
>implying saying live and let live about the religions your people follow is also applicable to ethnic homogeneity itself
>why am I so alone in my time of need?
>no shop yet
there you go
Motherfuckers lying and getting me pissed!
Perhaps i should have said "agnostic" but I dislike the term. I don't believe in God but I will with irrefutable proof.
the day of the rope is coming for your kind you faggot
or perhaps you'd like to get the bullet? one way express elevator? pelted?
>Throw off any hint of responsibility, you'll thank me for it!
>proceeds directly to nihilistic despair
>embraces hedonism to compensate and feel even worse than before
I am atheist, so don't say I'm brainwashed or shit.
Science has not proven religion to be false. It would most likely be impossible to do so. Religion is set up in a way that it cannot be disproven, only disregarded.
There are too many things we simply don't know. The origin of the universe? The Big Bang, which is a theory, is our best guess. How did it happen? We haven't the slightest idea.
There is too much we don't know for us to definitively disprove or prove religion. For now, we only have what we gain as knowledge. Whether we choose to apply that knowledge to religious topics or not is up to every individual.
Religion has evolved. Latching on to each new discovery that they can get away with, and ignoring those they cannot.
I'm short, there is too much we don't know to prove or otherwise disprove religious beliefs. Most religions have brought good morals, so i don't think they should be disregarded. I simply choose to not believe in a deity because I'm terrified of nonexistence.
So a faggot with no morals tells me I shouldn’t be religious? Been there done that, it only sucked the life out of me and was my darkest days. Thankfully I regained my faith and put back faith in the savior. As for you gay boy, burn in hell.
You should kys for being a faggot.
what is dynamic IP?
Bc you cant handle being gay and allowing the water of life to flow over you. You feel a need to be perfect so you have cut yourself off from what you see as judgement. The truth is that you have cut yourself off from spiritual nourishment. Christ loves you even if you are gay. Accept him into your heart op.
I believe in religion because faggots like op exist it shows me that if you stray from the path you can become a total genetic deadend fuckup like op. Millions of years of evolution and you are the one that ends the line because you like dick. You cant even call yourself a man of science at this point all your ancestors weep because of you.
Did you purposefully jump in that shitty bait puddle?
Agreed. Religious inspired architecture is beautiful and imposing. It captures humanity in a single building.
Science explains the how, religions explains the why.
Why are we here?
>Just to suffer?
>british flag
>edgy as fuck
>picture from Iran
Wew, Muhammed!
I'm guessing the local farmer has decided to keep his goats inside the barn. Is that what got you so heated?
Also, all these edgelords in this thread are tipping harder than any atheist I've seen today. The lack of self-awareness is proof that the vast majority of Sup Forums posters today are all underagefags.
Do some research before you start doing your bullshit. We don't know enough to disprove nor to prove it and we won't in your faggot ass lifetime. Get off of your high horse .
One of the best ways I've seen it worded.
>>collapsing galaxies
>>imploding stars forming new elements
>>blackholes pulling photons
all theoretical science fiction nonsense unobserved or expiremented with.
just because your math equation says science fiction is real to make sense, doesn't mean you're a scientist to be taken seriously
all you guys give me hope in society , the Army of God is Strong. just start following torah and we are all golden
live and let live, so what if i wear a burqa in central london? my daughter is only marrying a hard working, morally outstanding white american badass. see how that's retarded and shitbrain religions like islam have more influence in heuristic?