A Hell's Angels gang in Dublin have taken to beating several shades of shite out of the ringleaders of an African gang who are terrorising locals in their community while the Irish police force admit they are unable to uphold the law as the African scummers have no respect for them.
A small bit of good news from Ireland
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next they should be impeaching the authorities that enable this to happen
if the state cant fulfill its duty of protecting the people - its a failed state
Bout fucking time. The fire rises. BUMP
In France they have this shit because a lot of people moved from their former colonies.
In Ireland you had the IRA kick the British out, and then through Sinn Fein proceed to support immigration from shitholes.
>several shades of shite
kekd. Awesome.
>” but cops risk setting off “a mini riot” every time they decide to nab one of the youths.
this bullshit excuse again, same as in UK - police deliberately allows ethnic migrant gangs to terrorize and rape natives
Hell's Angles are based
It’s the latest 50 shades of grey novel, for the German fetish market only.
>when an outlaw motorcycle gang does a better job at upholding what it means to be a civilized society than the police you know your govt has shit the bed
>A Hell's Angels gang in Dublin have taken to beating several shades of shite out of the ringleaders of an African gang who are terrorising locals in their community while the Irish police force admit they are unable to uphold the law as the African scummers have no respect for them.
I would rather have they start beating/killing politicans responsible that these criminal cunts are even here.
In the absence of law and order, vigilantism is inevitable. Good job, Irish HA.
hear hear
Ireland is the new Brazil.
>the gang, with African origins, are being “left to run amok” by gardai because they don’t have the resources to deal with them.
Too busy looking for racism on Twitter.
When the government won't do shit they leave you with no other option then to take matters into your own hands.
stop projecting you disgusting hun
got to put one fire out at a time..... can beat the african gangs and the politicians out of office at the same time....
got to stop for gas and grab a bite to eat in between
wtf does that mean?
>Irish police force admit they are unable to uphold the law as the African scummers have no respect for them.
wtf European police not even niggers in Toronto feel they can get away with shit like that
No come on, say what you mean.
Are 1% motorcycle clubs degenerate?
I hear they're responsible for a lot of drug production/trafficking but I'm not sure if that's actually true.
>police caring if lawbreakers have any respect for them
What the fuck,the police is not supposed to be polite fucktards going "Hey ya better respect muh authority mate im serious mate im not fucking around you in for deep shit"the police has to be strong and act with swift fury and justice,what the fuck happened to law enforcement?
do you understand the concept of projection?
They're often these kind of white supremacist adjacent groups which is nice, but they are also rapey, drug dealing, murderous scum which is not. So you know, mixed bag.
no never heard of it.
they are degenerate this is a power grab you idiot.
>blacks beating up blacks
what's the news?
transference, you faggot armchair psychologist
whats the difference between a harley and a hoover? where u put the dirtbag.
>re 1% motorcycle clubs degenerate?
In the US? Yes
support your local 81 !
psychiatrist actually but close enough.
no not transference, projection specifically
Go Ireland!!!
your link doesn't work
Transference (German: Übertragung) is a theoretical phenomenon characterized by unconscious redirection of the feelings a person has about a second person to feelings the first person has about a third person.
none of these things relate? idk what you people are even on about.
Have you heard someone else say it & it sounded cute?
>Descending into mad max levels of public order
Might as well implement the NAP and finally allow people to defend themselves.
shortened version worked for me
the Irish fella is right you UK soy-boys let the muslims rape your kids and police your internet activity lol
a fucking comedian is on trial for making his dog do the Nazi salute and a 22 year old white British girl who supported Hezbollah walks free lol
UK is a fucking disgrace
good thing we get to hear the opinion of the irrelevant antipodes
>the unconscious transfer of one's desires or emotions to another person.
Are you suggesting I want to be a copper looking at twitter all day? its not a bad job.
bump for vigilante justice
Thats as maybe, but I don't have to hide my identity on here.
Take off the mask show yourself.
yea, it's a proper shithole
i actually can't tell if you're trolling or not now
does for me but here's an archive
when we had the Snady Hook shooting (Adam Lanza killed 26 children and teachers) in Connecticut, the Bridgeport HA chapter and the Nomads (a mobile HA group), volunteered night and day to keep media away from the families and during funerals.
)))Hezbollah((( is good you Jewish shill. Anything that opposes the Jews is good, unless it also opposes whites and Hezbollah does not oppose whites.
Heroic human beings
no ones perfect
Nice one Mohammed
lolol so v. funny.
fuck me make some new jokes or I'll leave this site.
german hells angel leader wrote an open new years letter on facebook and was pissed (in great detail) about current the state of germany, let's see where this goes
Long live 81.
Hezbollah/Hamas did nothing wrong you filthy kike.
H A wont fuck with you if you dont fuck with them . niggers , not so much
>tfw Ireland is the country that started the race war
I'm sure you'll be missed
AK 81 (support group for HA) are looking for members in Denmark. No motorcycle needed.
you bet your spotty arse I will.
Lol im a dreamer cant i dream?
who are you to cock block my cockshine?
fucking rainy pissy UK Fags
#not all
>while the Irish police force admit they are unable to uphold the law
so it's anarchy?
Wow Murica youve no right to talk with your BLM riots pussy hats and other psychotic shit.
atleast BLM got laughed at in Britain.
in your country they give em a goddamn platform holy smokes
you're a nazi, lol.
nice one, why aren't you out gassing jews instead of wasting time on here?
Car you fucking stooge
Red and White out of sight
and so it begins
we had a massive brawl the other day where pissed germans tryed to fuck up a group of migrants, it was in the Bild zeitung , i guess a slow uncucking might happening, if ireland is ground zero i don't mind:)
So a comedian cracking a joke vs a woman supporting a terrorist organization?
whatever your stance is doesnt matter. She openly supported an organization that kills people?
the point is the fucking comedian shouldnt be on trial for a year
holy smokes you are retarded
>on facebook
>let's see where this goes
he ends up arrested for h8 speech
It's because every faggot with a mobile phone and a liberal worldview makes it impossible for police to act like police used to; ride in and flog the fuck out of everyone that didn't immediately run for the hills.
Naked force is the only language niggers understand. Concepts like Rule of Law or Social Contract are beyond them, so they cannot be policed with modern policing methods.
It's like Demolition Man out there.
Damn how do I join in
nah #All
Muslims are United against Non-muslims if you don't know or accept this you are an absolute retard
youre here forever faggot
Who says im not multitasking?
Screen Cap this ,
Share Blue fag beatings and rope coming
They were warned few times in past weeks,
Beware the coming spring SHARE BLUE FAGGOTS, you thought it was a larp.
It's not.
Rolling Thunder has been green lighted by most LE , and those not on board would NEVER attempt to detain thousands of Black leather clad MEN on motorcycles.
That sound you Share Blue, & Antifa,Faggots hear coming is DESTINY.
When the season changes and weather warms EXPECT payback for you treasonous actions.
Fucking Germany is ruining its native population in favor of the invaders.
Don't mention Sandy Hook, you'll summon them
Seriously Mohammed just get out already
nice spacing, reddit.
its anarcho-totalitarianism
let one group break the law and seed chaos while prosecuting citizens for smaller crimes
Show me one actual dead child from sandy hook.
Now the trick is to unite HA, Outlaws, Diablos, Chingalings, Mongols, etc. I have been waiting for them to get along for decades.
Sandy hook
Sandy hook
Sandy hoo-
Sinn Fein are a buncha commies ofc they support mass immigration
It's a fool proof strategy, import shitskins who want gibs
They vote for gibs parties
Easy elections
is that an irish goat enjoying slam poetry?