Pic related is ethnic Pakistani. He is whiter than many people in Southern Europe. Why do you call him shitskin?
Give me one reason why Pakistanis are not considered white
Give me one reason why Zimbabweans are not considered white
Pic related is ethnic Zimbabwean. He is whiter than many people in Southern Europe. Why do you call him shitskin?
Well because they are covered in la mierda of the abundant animals that they rape.
Pakistanitos under 8 years of age are considered animals and are putitos all dia until they grew into full pakistanoides and keep the never ending cicle of gaping anos.
Because they're not white.
Also, Day of the Rope for all shitposters like OP.
Soon, faggot, soon.
Pakistan is a nationality -- not an ethnic group. Punjabis (i.e. the main ethnic group in Pakistan) sure as shit aren't white.
Some Pashtuns might look 'white' but genetically they're not European. Sindhi's also aren't white and are just Islamic dotheads like the Punjabis in Pakistan.
>Some Pashtuns might look 'white' but genetically they're not European.
They are R1a1. The same as slavs. Why are they not white? Many Punjabis are also R1a.
They're an East Iranian people who mostly live in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Sorry, but they're not 'white' my friend, even if a few of them do have a European-esque phenotype.
>Speaking spanglish like a CHI
R1a1 is Eurasian, probably spread by Scythian
kek fuck off paki
>that disgusting low-iq spanglish
go back to whatever spic nation you come from
'White' means you are of Anglo/Saxon decent.
It has nothing to do with the colour of your skin, otherwise albino niggers would be 'white'
Because he is a muslim.
You could be fucking German, directly descended from the purest of Aryan blood, but if you convert to Islam, then you are lower than the most decrepit of niggers.
Some are. But it’s a nationality and not an ethnicity
Your inherited y-halpogroup plays a minuscule part in your whole genetic makeup. The R1a halpogroup originated 22,000 years ago.
22,000 years/29 years per generation = 759 generations since the origin of R1a.
This means someone with the R1a halpogroup could in theory only carry:
100% genome/ 2^759 = 3.298e-227%, which is effectivley 0% of the genes from the original R1a ancestor. Granted, there is always going to be mixing down the line with others who have similar genomes and halpogroup but in the case of the R1a carriers who migrated to north India from the caucuses, they also mixed with local populations which were already existing there which were definitely not white ie. Dravidians.
>tldr; halpogroup does not determine race.
Sup Forums is retarded and think religion = race
they forget that Muslims were Hitler's allies and had their own SS divisons
That guy is not representative of the average Paki. There are Georgians in northern Iran who have fair skin, blue eyes, and light hair. Does that mean all Iranians have those features? No, fuck off, this thread is stupid
Paki here. I'm from the same region as the nigger in your picture. There are dozens of ethnic groups in pakistan. There is no "ethinic pakistani".
Some are light skinned, some are straight up nigger tier. Intelligence also varies along a spectrum. Those that own the land tend to be more intelligent than the niggers that work it.
Think again mohamed.
most Italians are a cunt hair away from being niggers.
Yeah I got told a joke by an Italian once
What's the difference between a Sicilian and a nigger? About 250 miles.
Hahahahaha didn't know that the French have holiday homes in Pakistan
That was just mixing the two languages. Spanglish is a bit different.
After the second one a normal person would have sat down and thought things through before having the third and fourth.
All of the guys I killed in Afghanistan were Pakistani...
Rape baby of Aleksandar Makedonski
Baitalian's thread
Move along people, nothing to see here.
he is not ethnic paki. this is a descendant of macedonians who conquered india about 500 years ago. they have a bunch of tribes there who are still white and look like macedonians
could it be that race is not just...skin color deep???
cause they're subhuman turds like all middle easterners
Shut up Mohammed.
kys proxyfag
>ethnic pakistani
Hardly. You're cherrypicking the extremely minor enclaves of indo-greeks who have been in the region since Alexander's conquests and kingdoms such as Bactria. There are barely any of these people left
Because they worship the pig rapist.
Wtf the fuck is an ethnic Pakistani, you pasta ignorant?
I really like that pic
Haplopoops are for fucking morons.
What the hell man, are you sure you're not a poo in loo immigrant?
shut up leaf, deus vult!
Sure, and you're 100% white right?
And yet we Sicilians are the ones not cucked.
is there any doubt?
Pookistanis are obsessed with whiteness. They literally use tons of filters on their facebook photos to look whiter, just go to any pookistani profile and see for yourself. But truth is that they are just muslim poo in loos.
That's pathetic.