This girl is 10x smarter, more educated, logical and successful than Sup Forums ever will be, so why didn't she get in the top university?
This girl is 10x smarter, more educated, logical and successful than Sup Forums ever will be, so why didn't she get in the top university?
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because shes white
why is her nose crooked
>more educated
doubt it since i did get my PhD from oxford. slav btfo.
Because we used to call dumb children what they were: dumb. Now we call them "special".
Someone smarter got in instead, r-right?
>Got straight A* on her GCSEs
>Predicted straight A* A level
Being Indoctrinated drivel doesn't equal "More Educated".
>you will never have a gf this pure
>One girl rejected by one college
>OP: OMG it's an epidemic of misogyny!
You forgot to spout the obligatory "Six MilBillions of womyns raped by Trump supporting admissions men before being fed into nuclear furnaces!"
>Typical retarded cunt that thinks degrees matter in life when some smelly low IQ plumber owns 4 mansions, drives a ferrari and still has high socialite friends
This is the fucking truth get a trade
College is for non whites op
women don't belong in college, did a feminazi make this thread? I hope she stays home and becomes a good wife
>some smelly low IQ plumber owns 4 mansions, drives a ferrari and still has high socialite friends
Super Mario is not real.
she looks autistic as fuck
That's a tranny isn't it?
Wtf she's exactly like the girls in Harry Potter's Hogwarts?
I didn't know magical Anglo girls existed.
who cares? she was going to study something useless anyway
>implying that high IQ women going to (((college))), becoming indoctrinated SJWs, not reproducing, and leading to the dysgenics of the white race is a good thing
>women waste their prime breeding years pursuing some degree at universities while taking the spots of men who get stuck with nothing
>duhhh where have all the good provider men gone, I don't want no working-class guy!
Bait is not even worth poaching these days.
>post link
>Sup Forums btfo!!1!
She looks Polish
and you smelly potato niggers get the fuck out of my country and stop stealing all our jobs.
>applying to college as a traditional binary gender
If i was in your country I'd have your flag and you wouldn't know i was Irish.
>blames women
>blames the college educated
>blames the Irish
Wow. You must be a successful "man"
why do people care about this? all they have to do is be born again into wealth and inherit tons of rent generating properties, see beating the game as a neet isn't that hard
They have to fit all the Jewish princesses first.
>high grades equals high intelligence
more often than not, it's just work ethic that gets you high grades
t. in A*AA course filled with idiots that break down if they're left on their own
I would let her polish m sword if you know what i mean.
Doesn't work like that here very few blacks get into oxford compared to say UCL, Imperial or LSE.
Makes her qt as fuck. Would want this autistic waifu.
School doesn’t measure intelligence. Getting good grades just means memorizing shit from overpriced books anyway.
That's Martin Shkreli before its transition.
>gives teenagers advice and "the secret to success"
>is a failure
Is that one of the worst colleges there? Have never heard it it. Certainly not one of the big ones.
If she didn’t go to college she isn’t more educated than me.
A SJW Degree is not actually offered.
Now she can find a good man instead and have children.
I went to Oxford and it was chock full of people like this. Brasenose is massively oversubscribed because you don't have to book in advance to look round it on open days, so all the lazy fuckers end up visiting it, liking it because it has all the same charms as any other college and applying there. Then they get rejected and cry about it in their vlog that nobody watches. At least that's my theory.
>Brasenose is massively oversubscribed because you don't have to book in advance to look round it on open days
I still don't understand your system of A* levels and the like. I do like the idea you can only take the exams in what you want to study. I had a perfect SAT verbal, SAT writing, 790 Literature. I wouldn't have followed my brother to Harvard even if I could have gotten in (could not have dealt with the interview) but maybe princeton. I ended up at Williams, which is sort of the liberal arts version of Harvard here with about the same quality but not a Uni and in a small, beautiful NE town.
Cambridge seemed far nicer when I was visiting brother for his MA at...I think Christchurch or jesus? the entire system there is so different. Also, you only do 3 years and yet to have your own room, which seems nice.
That’s a soyboy, anons.
You don't need to be hot shit to get accepted to oxbridge.
The people at oxbridge who are genuinely hot shit are in the top 30% of their class.
the rest of them are better than average but by smart people's standards still not stand-out.
This isn't true for mathematics at cambridge where everybody but the bottom 40% will be hot shit.
t. average cambridge graduate
Because they already filled their diversity quota of 90% wamen and minorities.
you retarded fucking cracker white women are the biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action.
It's probably more straightforward than it seems, you just pick three or four subjects and do those. Funny you mention Christ Church, that's where I did my undergrad.
yeah but, men don't necessarily need a degree to be successful in life, while womyn without a degree need to work the dancing pole
I'd have been perfect on every standard exam here without maths, which was only 690/800 and killed me. Which really doesn't strike me as fair since I never intended to go near maths in Uni, not my thing and i knew. So in the UK I could have picked...English Hit, History, and writing/English language and done those? Your system makes far more sense. Did you go to a good public school? Bizarre how here the "public" schools are shit and there the public are the good ones.
That's unfortunate man, the US secondary education and university system seems perhaps to be less focused than our system in that you have majors and minors rather than just studying what you're there to study. I imagine the goal is to produce people with a more rounded skillset, but when you have situations like yours where you're forced to take a subject that you're not into and it drags you down, I can definitely see the drawbacks. I went to a grammar school, which is a selective state-run school with an entrance exam.
To be honest with you, I feel like exam results are just a stepping stone and aren't really what's important. What really matters is whether they like you in the interview or not - if you can make the interviewers laugh then you're as good as in. The girl in the video in the OP seems like one of those perfect captain-of-the-everything-team head girl types who probably treated her interview like a job interview, trying to come across as polished as possible but forgot how to just relax and have a good time.
rev up those extra curriculars you boring cunts
>rounded skillset
nope. it’s to fleece taxpayers with (((overeducated))) starbucks lifers and pay for summer homes and sicko trips to thailand for degenerate pedo marxist boomer (((academics))).
> I laugh because an Aussie can shitpost for days
Hey now a ussie shitposter is great when not a plebbiter