Holy fuck. Is this for real
Are H&M /ourguys/?
Holy fuck. Is this for real
Are H&M /ourguys/?
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Nope. That is the future swedish boy. Not sure what rationality is the white boy though
wtf, i thought aussies were good at bantz
I love how he is looking at him with the "around blacks never relax" face
They are but now their shops are in danger
Joke's on the violent assholes. All that shit is insured.
People in South Africa decided to riot and destroy the store because of the shirt the black kid modeled.
well, that's niggers for you
niggers in South Africa destroyed a H&M after the niglet hoodie thing
Do they make these in an adult XL? Asking for a friend.
>get upset by monkey hoodie
>proceed to behave like one
Like pottery
Hence making the monkey meme a reality.
It was negroes, my dude.
Holy shit. If this hits the Twatter, we might get a second chimpout.
>we're not monkeys and we dont live in shitholes
>chimps out and trashes the place
>destroys the store
>didn’t take any clothes
This niggers are dumb
the clothes are waisis
H&M don't stock Jordan's or Fubu
I want that hoodie now, do you deliver pajeet?
>Are H&M /ourguys/?
fuck off shill. I am glad HM stores get destroyed by chimps. its a leftie hipster pandering shit company
Why are you poo people so obsessed with turds? It’s just doesn’t stop.
new meme plz clap
whats the big deal
black people look like monkeys a little bit
not our fault
That is one ugly and fucking stupid looking niglet
Are they fuck.
If they had stood their ground instead of making the usual cheap apology to humor the SJW crowd, then they would be /ourguys/ without question.
But let's face it, it wasn't a political statement, it was just a fuck up in the design department that got out of hand.
tl;dr not /ourguys/, just another bunch of cucks.
End of thread.
Do it, feed the chaos, crash Sweden
Literally 4 u
>Hitler and Mussolini
H&M have some very offensive t-shirts. They should really be more considerate. They'll set off the Muslims next.
I just had to go to hm and buy some jogging pants in honor of this troll campaign
Doing my part
Poo hoody
Couldn't make it up kek
I call all children monkeys. Kids are awesome.
fuckin round necks i hate em all
the deep v will inherit the earth
Yeah, this is sort of the thing. Calling a kid a little monkey is nothing unusual. It's a common thing. But all these people flipped their fucking shit about it. They fucking love racism. They love reinforcing shit so it stays racist forever so they can keep being mad at it.
I'm sick of this shit. I'm sick of this self-perpetuating outrage culture. There is not a fucking thing that could justify people going out and wrecking shit or sending death threats like this. These people should all be locked away in an asylum.
here in Flanders we call children snot-monkeys (snotapen), it's a commonly used term colloquially, can be used in an endearing fashion too
stupid sexy flanders
you cant keep getting away with it
they just needed a flimsy excuse to loot a store I guess
typicall nigger pack behaviour
>nothing at all, nothing at all...
> pajits pretend for YEARS that they're totally not assblasted about being streetshitters
> go back to being assblasted about streetshitting
They all want to be the coolest monkey!
fag spotted
>Calling a kid a little monkey is nothing unusual. It's a common thing.
Exactly. Everything is a strict liability offense with the perpetually offended. They ignore context and intent.
One of my earliest red pill moments was 2007 when a furore erupted over the reality show, Big Brother. A white contestant said "you're pushing it out nigger" in a joking tone towards her black friend who was pushing out her stomach and claiming to be pregnant.
She was using the word in the same context as you'd use a person’s name: You're doing it wrong, Bob. You're doing it wrong, dude. You're doing it wrong, nigger. There was no ill intent.
She was removed from the show and we had over a week of people virtue signalling to the heavens about what a disgrace it was and making it clear "racism was unacceptable". You had the race activists spring up in the media wagging their finger and declaring "it's always unacceptable to use the n word".
It made me wonder why they would let a word, even if it had been used in a negative way, have so much power over them. Then I realised, it didn’t; it was all pretence. It was nothing but a cudgel to beat holier-than-thou white people into submission with. A power grab. I stopped giving a damn what these race activists said after that and treated the whites who kowtowed to them as something to be mocked.
Poo Poster...
This literally could be the highest praise possible.
like pottery
enhancing the stereotype
>Store is trashed
>Africans lose their job
>Starving niglets now naked without any H&M shekels or clothes
Wypepo did this
Coolest primate in the prison
Look at them. Which one has more testosterone? Which one would win the fight?
I thought you faggots would've realized this a lot earlier.
>pic related
is this the first good meme of the left? Do we need to get concerned?
If thats true, oh boy do i have a program for them:
Oh wait no one got in trouble when they do it? Fucking mackerel eaters.
They got that offended over one shirt. Should post some of these fake ones on twitter and set them off again.
proud shitholer
So proud of their shitholes, they never go back.
£3.99 for a t-shirt? Might buy one tomorrow from Hanging & Monkeys.
The monkeys lost their cool.
hint: it's the one who can't win in other aspects of life such as academics and raising a proper family
>"My good sir, our people used to be great rulers and fecal matter!"
if they switched hoddies, pol would be mad, they cant really win in this at ll
I heard one time nignogs can't into be truthful, this one is the rules exception
Now ask yourself why they chose to broadcast it.
Nothing gets through they don't want to, including this sweater. They can't always guess what the true reaction will be but we can usually guess what they want it to be. In the case of this sweater, the news coverage has been the real source of division (exacerbating existing division, inflaming anger, reinforcing blind selfrigheousness through surface level outrage in the normiesphere). We have to assume that this is what the media owners want. The sweater was just an excuse.
Do you think he cares that he is an analphabet after he has killed your daughter's boyfriend and gotten her pregnant?
biggest poo in the loo
dank (((meme)))
It writes itself folks, it really does, it really does
Ironic racist shirts should be a thing more often. I would buy a Whitest Cracker in the Box shirt.
Swap the races, there'd be no issue. Which makes me think we should all start wearing things like that because blacks aren't allowed.
They have themselves a new customer.
>Got pissed because the shirt said "monkey."
>Acted like monkeys.
nice try
I'll clap if you show us your real flag.
By Jews
The white kid.
niggers only fight people who dont fight back, in an actual fight the white kid would win.
Trying to help
Wtf I love H&M now.
Could they themselves prove the case against them any better?
>The answer is stealing
Nigger niggeringly niggering.
People still do, believe me.