>main guy hires people to rape her
>actually tries to rape her himself at one point
How romantic
Main guy hires people to rape her
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It's okay when the guy is hot.
I think this show has some really good comedy for shoujoshit
The one thing I can give this story is that it helped bring male tsunderes into the forefront. But that's just me being generous here.
It might be what helped shaped modern shoujo, but damn if I hated every chapter of it.
Best-selling shoujo manga of all time.
It's a girl thing. Asking a guy to get it is like asking a girl to get the appeal of haremshit. At best she'd be bored, at worst she'd feel gross out.
I don't understand how anyone can like Rui, he's so fucking autistic.
What? No, user, reverse harems are the equivalents of harems. Rape is not the equivalent of harems.
Autism > dangerous psychopathy.
Also, inb4 that one nutter who thinks that only women can write good manga comes to defend this.
>defend this.
I unironically enjoyed hana yori dango, it was kind of like a guilty pleasure.
Lose equivalent really. Lacks the shameless fanservice of the more ecchi titles, but pretty much the same in every other category.
Women are turn on by rape just like men are turn on by panty shot. Also both scenarios are shameless wish fulfillments. In HYD case, the author was forced to changed the endgame because Doumouji was too popular precisely for being a rapist
I thought it was the other way around, where the other guy was more popular but the author went with the other guy anyway?
The other guy had literal autism
Nah, Rui is the author's husbando but everyone loved the bully. The author tried for 9 tankoubon to made the audience to hate Doumouji with all kind of aberrations but the audience only loved him even more so she gave up and the rest is history. In fact the author got so mad that she made Cat Street as a revenge, where non-Rui get non-Tsukushi
Damn, that sucks. Reminds of Urusei Yatsura in the sense that the author ended up giving up to the fans. But in UY case the outcome wasn't that bad.
Rui was the most popular boy by the end of the manga. Yana Yori Dango had a rather long run, I guess those badboy-loving young teenagers who initially rooted for Domyoji grew up and realized they would rather sew their own vaginas shut than date someone like him.
Pretty much why I can't enjoy most shoujo romance.
The feMCs tend to be so fucking masochistic and the guys are such pricks it makes me sick.
HYD's outcome was fucking great for the readers and the editorial, not including editors found the winning formula and it's still working today. Not so great for the author and a vocal minority of guys and some chicks.
Sounds like your typical shoujo plot.
Who knows. Wasn't Suwa the most popular Orange guy but at the same time KakeruxNaho was Japan's OTP? It could be the same. Also, Doumouji and Tsukushi were separated for so long because misunderstandings, conspiracies, love triangles and Doumouji's douchebagness than Rui was the male lead de facto.
Hana Yori Dango, together with Itazura na Kiss, created the typical shoujo plot. It's like Dragon Ball or Saint Seiya from shoujoshit.
3D really is hilarious.
OK for real though I'm not that far into the show
like around episode 20, but Domyouji isn't that bad so far.
It's really Makino that's being annoying for no reason.
>Itazura na Kiss
Did that really have any affect on anything? I enjoyed it, but other than the OP, I haven't heard anything about it since it finished airing.
Is all shoujo romance, or just most of it?
>since it finished airing
He's talking about the manga, which ran for most of the 90s.
Honestly the part where he tried to rape her and she was over it in like thirty minutes it what made me hate her. I probably should've hated Domyouji for being a dick, but she made the choice to keep hanging around him.
There's a good amount of old shoujo that's not romance-focused, like early CLAMP.
Or if you want a modern-ish example, Natsume Yuujinchou.
They're just throwing a basketball at her, those things don't hurt much at all
The latter. There's tons of other shoujo, it's mostly a matter of what magazine you look at.
Mine's Learn To Use Search Engines, You Fucking Faggot. What's yours?
Sometimes I need to watch some shoujo. They destroy my sides every time.
Hana yori dango? More like Hana yori no decent encode
>It's a big brother tries to rape his little brother's gf episode
Vampire Bullies
>hey would rather sew their own vaginas shut than date someone like him.
You know how HYD has a metric fuckton of adaptations? Tsukushi's still a douche in them, but they tone his worst actions down for precisely that reason.
I'm pretty sure he broke a man's neck in the manga, come to think of it.
On the K-drama, the F4 bullied a kid so hard that he tried to kill himself. Shit was fucked up considering Asia had a real problem with bullying. Of course it's just me because girls don't have any problem with that
Shoujo is fucking dumb.
The whole manga was hilariously extreme as fuck for the first chapters. But it gets interesting once everything kind of comes back to reality. Still, once in a while there's some ridiculous moment that reminds you about those first chapters.
Josei is literally worse.
Nah, shoujo romance in my eperience comes in two flavors: the ones with the asshole male lead and the love interest, and the one with the "not like other shoujo interests" as the male lead. Both can be dramatic at times, but at least the latter male lead is less of a douche and the stories are more lighthearted.
I just downloaded Hana Yori Dango manga. What am I in for?
Have you even read the thread?
Every once in a while there will be an exact HYD clone aimed at girls. There was a drama cd series that had the girl be the F4-lite's teacher instead, but they fucked her in that one.
One of the only times I agreed with the editors on who should win was Hirunaka no Ryuusei because sensei was a fucking creep.
The not-your-average shoujo manga often start not average at all but later degenerate into the same old shit, either for editorial mandate or plain lack of ideas
Pease don't remind me of that show. I think I pooped a vessel while watching it
Diabolic wifebeaters
Said no one ever
>you'll never be this alpha ;_;
>rapes her
>no one would be aroused by your body
>I pooped a vessel
I'm reading the sequel, and though it starts more normal and with a better premise than HYD, it soon becomes boring and cliched.
This manga irritates me as much as KimiHana and both for some reason have 100 different adaptations.
The Hanakimi J-drama from 2007 was actually pretty funny because the actor playing the asshole had another contract so he couldn't be on the set for too long. Too bad he still won because women
Like I don't understand why the main girl picks Izumi everytime. I usually hate those "genki type" guys but Shuichi was seriously the better choice.
I'm tempted to watch this just for the comedy.
Because the Japanese teen girls would send death threats to the actress and the writers
HYD has a sequel? Or are you referring to the Drama CD series?
Asserting dominance, etc. etc.
And all of them are only after her blood, anyway. It's apparently irresistible because she got the boys' dead mother's heart stuck inside of her, making it pump out delicious blood.
She should have just come out of there and showed herself off just to see if it had an effect. Or pricked herself, I dunno.
idiots are rare.
Does this show have actual rape in it? Sign me up!
idiots are best.
Autistic asshole is the worst possible combination.
Shit taste detected. Haru was easily one of the most entertaining shoujo love interests I've ever seen.
It was hard to watch sometimes. He needed a therapist, not a girlfriend.
That wouldn't be any fun.
Blond kid was the better potential boyfriend.
never watched the anime, but manga was pretty good.
I also read it and it was fun overall but their relationship was terrible with constant ups and downs. He's so messed up and the reason he can get away with being the love interest is because he's good looking, a retarded genius and has a powerful family.
It would be way to boring since he fits so many cliches.
>Cool temper
I prefer my stupid asshole.
Why is it always the shitty otome games with the jellyfish-for-a-spine having heroines that gets animated? Why the hell can't there be a Sweet Fuse anime? Or A Red Moon And Blue Moon anime?
Mushashi #9 would be good.
Is that actually good? All I know is that it's some high school secret agent stuff and is a billion volumes long.
It's good. High school bit is just a small part of the manga. But there is no use picking it up because scans never.
I actually enjoy shoujo, though I skip anime that include raping and shit.
I used to watch Real Video rips of this that were like 30MB each - good times!
It's like, the only 'regular' shoujo I've really enjoyed though. It honestly does far more interesting stuff with it's dramatic structure than the rest of the genre put together, though I could see why people would be frustrated by the stupid amount of redundancy it goes through, especially with Sae. If it were to be 'cleaned up' so the characters don't just repeat the same stupid mistakes all the time it would be brilliant.
>What am I in for?
Are you a girl?
>It honestly does far more interesting stuff with it's dramatic structure
I read it over ten years ago but I hardly remember anything about it. What was special about it compared to other series?
I have read like 10 shoujo and the only thing I can stomach is Fruit Basket.
I love the way stuff escalates through the series, with natural, meaningful progress begin made despite all the stalling and dumb excuses that may occur. So many scenes involve the characters honestly trying to understand each other, and frequently show how they are willing to assert themselves even though they clearly understand how they might themselves be at fault and why others would rightly object to their behavior. There's just so many moments I love.
Way, way too much shit boils down to everyone falling for Sae's bullshit over and over again though, though it's sort of acceptable if you just see her less as a character and more as a kind of force of nature. The stuff the series does with her later on though made me loose my shit in a good way. It did not expect it to go into that territory.
>Women are turn on by rape
>when you fell for memes
Japan's shit taste is mind-boggling. Why does the cancerous lead keep winning?
is one of the few exceptions.
Wasn't Suwa so popular that she ended up serializing a side story about the future where Kakeru was dead and Naho married Suwa though?
Sometimes you just have to ignore shitty, misguided moments of temporary insanity from the writer to enjoy a series. It was 'romantic' (for my teenage self) despite that garbage, not because of it.
>mfw it's done the right way I still get off on it
Are you reading the josei about the kissless christmas cake mangaka who is assigned to make a romcom harem manga that got popular?
You guys sure read a lot of shitty shoujo.
it's called shoujoshit for a reason, user.
Stop reading shitty shoujo then. I avoid publications from certain magazines for a reason.
I started reading that one the other day.
Hated the girl since chapter 1. Slowly starting to hate the guy too. Does it get acceptable later on, like HYD?
If you don't like the leads or enjoy their banter from the start then this manga isn't for you.
What is this?