Nick Fuentes is a massive faggot dividing the right for petty shit. He's not even white, look at this sister whoring on Instagram.
Fuentes suicide
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He got that Loomer endorsement tho
based jewess
Is he actively trying to destroy the Alt Right or is he just a massive idiot?
Will Nick stand with her tire?
you spelt gassed wrong
He btfod a jew on the topic of Israel last night, the guy is good.
spic fuentes mexico first, massive d&c shill
He hates jews so much he hosts talks with jews slandering the alt-right
Post whore sister ig you massive fags
Only heard him a few times but I like him. OP is D&C shill. What kind of child gives a freak what this guy's sister does on jewgram?
Degenerates get the rope first
Enoch has done the same thing then, fag
good thing she has nothing to do with his show then right?
He's very intelligent and can do good work, alone. His youthful arrogance sees him trying to prove himself better than the alt right, I believe that'll fade with time.
He should continue his show, and continue to BTFO of alt-lite and Jew shills
He'll only be a problem if he tries to pull a Sargon and destroy the Alt-Right AND ZOG or something similarly dumb
Amazing how memeflag shills think it's useful to provide attention and exposure to things they supposedly don't like and wish to discredit. I just subscribed to his show and will probably suggest it to several people now.
yes after he tried to destroy one of newest America first orgs from within for petty bullshit. This guy is a piece of shit, i dont care that he's redpilled on jews
nick is the most eloquent and rhetorically skilled dude in the alt right and he's a teenager. imagine this kid when he's Enoch's age
>Spic Nick only getting support by the biggest alt-kike Jewess
Oh wow.
They do this for every "e-celeb"
These faggot shills think they can subvert this place and astroturf it by repeating the same threads in order to LITERALLY make you feel insane.
It's called character assassination and it's why if you are smart about your influence you stay anonymous and allow your words to transpire as echos in the piss.
How to get a bunch of people to tune into Nick Fuentes:
>use a dopey memeflag so everyone knows you're a shill
>discredit something using known shill catchphrases such as 'not even white'.
>Sup Forums immediately knows how butthurt Nick is making shills so they see him favorably
Isn't this similar to the CNN strategy for ensuring Hillary's loss? Keep up the good work faggots.
Lol, it was his organization.
Look what Nick did here - all faults considered the man is phenomenal.
This wtf OP I hope you die for this shitty thread
I wish I knew about this guy sooner. My girlfriend was a regular Ben Shapiro listener but she was getting burned out on his kikery so I told her to check out Nick. Now she listens to him when she exersizes and digs it mostly cuz this dude puts out an hour daily with no annoying underwear ads. Plus he'll dedicate whole episodes to debating, which is something Shapiro should have been doing all along since it's his strong suit.
>not even white
Yeah I bet if he was in prison and had to join a gang he would have a hard time choosing between the black and latino gang.
>the alt-right is full of self-hating mixed race idiots that would never be allowed in to the ethnostate they roleplay advocating for
*takes deep breath*
*breathes in again*
You call this white?
nigger fucker too :^)
I don't get what this is supposed to represent. It looks like a friend pic with a black chick or a gay brony.
its nicks sister
>Richard Spencer is a massive faggot dividing the right for petty shit.
>Ironybros are massive faggots dividing the right for lulz
>Nick Fuentes is a massive faggot dividing the right for petty shit. He's not even white, look at this sister whoring on Instagram.
He adds something different as a slightly ethnic Catholic vs the standard WASP circlejerk
His energy level was too different to Allsupp, that was never going to be a long term relationship
He is still a kid and very bright for his age
He is irrelevant though, even more so now than before.
>when you have burnt all the bridges and are left with but a floating tire
More of the latter, but the former is a collateral in this case.
It is not an accomplishment to BTFO literally-who nepotism neocons. Every time Fuentes has gone up against a major figure on the alt-right, he has lost decisively. His debate with Spencer was embarassing. Fuentes was clearly on the verge of tears and making incredibly dishonest arguments about Spencer supposedly wanting to run for President.
I’m glad people now realize that Fuentes never argues in good faith when he countersignals, so it’s not productive to debate him. The sooner we shun this faggot, the better. He can go do his own thing with Laura Loomer and the two other people who haven’t realized he’s a backstabbing social climber yet. He’ll betray them eventually, too.
When did he debate spencer? Link?
It’s funny, you can tell Fuentes is holding his tongue for long periods but whenever he speaks up Spencer just walks all over him. The kid was always a lightweight. He should have definitely finished college and preferably worked for a few years before entering politics. His total lack of life experience cripple any insight he might have. It’s a shame because the kid is smarter than most people on the right, but that doesn’t matter if your intelligence doesn’t include any social fluency. He’s burned so many bridges at this point with his ego that it’s hard to keep track of them all.
Jesus fucking Christ the guy is not dumb but he is not some genius that some of you faggots make him out to be. Why are you all so impressed by Rush Limbaugh talking points all of a sudden? It's embarrassing.
I think he’s babby’s first alt-right podcast for many of his fans. It’s like how teenaged atheists become super into athiesm after they lose faith. They’ll all lose interest and move farther right soon.
the ig is private now
thats her facebook photos
also lol
white enough
You're probably right. I forget my own age sometimes.
This. Although Nick is an undesirable person who should be excused from the movement, the cost of excluding mixed people who are vaguely white far exceeds the benefits. In a 90% white state, mixed people would be irrelevant and nonwhite genes would be blended out in 2 generations max.
Spick fuentes mexico first
t. mutts who are scared of racial standards
Jesus, thats not a good look. I've been warming up to him lately, despite all instincts...but enough is enough.
Guy took potshots at everyone he could and then said it was just bantz, stupid spic
I dont like Allsup (his takes were bad) but Nick really comes across as an annoying cunt
Pft, I wish Limbaugh would talk about Israel the way Nick does.
I wouldn't let her into my ethnostate. Neither would I let Nick.
Too bad the guy has to burn every bridge, he's a really smart guy and some of his debates/predictions are fucking spot on.
He could have been one of the top guys and he is the only one I would ever want to debate people like Crowder or Shapiro from the alt-right. Now if they ever happen we'll get people like Allsup, Spencer or Enoch ;^( all whom I like but they aren't exactly top level debaters. I guess we still got Jared though
Jared Taylor is the only person you mentioned that's actually intelligent and great at debating. I've never seen him lose one debate, nor contradict himself. He's top class. All the others you mentioned are autistic pseudo intellectuals that do more bad than good for race realism and ethnonationalism, with their cringey LARPing.
Ohh look a self hating jew
The only one of those three I would even trust somewhat in a debate is Enoch. James is a brainlet, and Spencer is too abstract.
Yeah, that’s his thing. He insults his “friends,” claims that it’s just bantz, and then says those same insults unironicly when they finally decide they don’t want to work with him any more. He considered most of the people he associated with useful idiots and then threw a tantrum when they stopped putting up with his toxic behavior. This is what happens when someone isn’t bullied enough.
This makes sense, I'd consider him a post alt-lite type of guy
Isn't his sister going out with a nigger? Embarrassing.
Too childish and petty.The guy publicly attacked his business partners lol.
too eurodumb to know that bitching about ethno purity is the #1 kike D&C tactic
Is this pic related?
Fuentes always seemed to me like a well-read gentile version of Shapiro. Being well-read is a huge asset when most alt-right figureheads are Sargon-tier or worse, like Naked Ape.
>in all fields
>guy is clearly white
>n-not white... fucking social media..
Pathetic. sage
just so you euros know all the mutts kicked out of the ethnostate are going to move to europe
>Alt Right
He hates us. We're one of the reasons he started his "Liberalist" nonsense.
>literally not white
>stupid low IQ shitskin who believes infiltrating the republican party is a viable strategy
>endorsed by Jews
Sounds like the alt-kike all right.
We can't let Nick get his hands on the nuclear codes.
"Looks huwhite to me"- the alt-kike
Nigga what the fuck, she's disgusting. What a fucking loser. Even a below-average white woman is better than that pig
>He adds something different as a slightly ethnic Catholic
How does that add anything? A combination of a bunch of anti-American things LARPing as an American nationalist.
How the fuck does anyone take this 19y teenager seriously. I looked at his twitter feed and it's fucking disgusting and retarded.
Does anyone know if Nick is Spanish (meaning his family is from Spain) or is he Mexican? Are people from Spain white?
He's basically a racist Ted Cruz
The Ironybros are using him as a wedge to destroy white nationalists and nothing more
t. spic
At this rate he won’t be able to get a job at Kinkos.
Nick, if you’re reading this: it’s not too late. You can still change your name, go to college, and live a happy, successful, life off the internet. You don’t want to see the indignity of where your life ends up if you keep going down it’s present course. At this rate, you’ll be an unsuccessful anti-Semitic version of Paul Joseph Watson within a year. You’ll probably even drop the anti-semitism once you get desperate for money, which you will once your parents get tired of dealing with a son who failed to launch.
From Mexico. Yes.
He has family from Mexico, but he's a castizo, not a mestizo.
According to his 23 and me, he's like 79% European
Anyone kind of black pilled that the big divine in white nationalism is between mexico and the philippines aka team nick fuentes and team james allsup. WHY are we allowing two mixed race mongrels to divide us? Why are white nationalists suddenly so tolerant towards mixed people?
Our e-celebs are all a bunch of degenerates. People that seek out fame are just naturally degenerates. I am not saying you can't be speak out publicly. But jared taylor does not seek out fame, richard spencer does. That's the problem. These people care more about the fame and money than they do the movement itself.
I think Spencer could be good in a real academic debate. He just isn't good in casual youtube "debates."
mexican. I looked into his family. A lot of his relatives have mexican flag pics. I think they're "white" mexicans from what Ive seen tho.
facebook com/joni.gall.5
His grandmother. Search Fuentes in her friendlist and that should be his immediate family. Not exactly sure who his parents are though.
Maybe when he's Enoch's age he'll have knocked off all the e-drama-whoring and infighting.
He is a decent public speaker, but he puts all his energy into stirring shit.
His father is full blooded Mex (Indio and Sourhern European mixed together) and his mother is white.
He looks white-ish. We shouldn’t get much more specific than that at this stage. Genetic purity spiraling is a common shill tactic.
Hey man make a youtube channel and I'll sub.
Yeah. Reminds me of that shifty RT Juden Max Keiser. Even looks like him.
I'm less worried about these two. They can be entertaining, but they're relatively minor in the grand scope of the movement.
I'm much more worried about the so called "leadership" of this movement like Spencer, and how they don't seem to have an actual plan.
He'll end up like Harold Covington, desperately trying regain his relevancy by trying to pick fights with others
He's being used as a proxy by a balding manlet who got bullied a little bit and his balls fell off. (hi Shawn, I know you're reading)
Is there anyone he didn't have fight with?
Guy need to cool.
>He's basically a racist Ted Cruz
Even Ted Cruz isn't a Catholic though. At this point in time, being a Catholic is tantamount to treason and should result in execution. If you thought of all the least American things and rolled them all into one, you would get Nick Fuentes.
My sides went into orbit when I found out Shawn got kicked out of IE because he was bullying some woman who posted a picture of her braids. I'd hate to sound like a liberal but between that and "thot patrol" he has a serious problem with women
does the northwest front not do events or anything?
Nick is JQ for Fox News normies.
James is JQ for Fox Sports normies.
Both of these can exist separately. There's no need to go out of your way to damage careers to support your sign in this disagreement. As with the Unite the Right rally, people need to stay in their lane. You can't force everyone to adopt the same strategy, but you can have overlapping common goals.
It isn't just them. All of our e-celebs are either gay, mixed race or trad thots and people defend them "cause muh red pills". I feel like there is a slippery slope we are falling down
Probably but they're irrelevant in the grand scheme of things
> Harold Covington
Don’t remind me about that guy. I don’t know how someone who writes such good books can be such a whiny faggot. Meeting him IRL was one of the most disappointing experiences of my life.
Say what you want about Spencer and the TRS people, but they have built a healthy community thats members support each other. Covington is just a bitter Boomer who has driven away all of his friends.
>but he's a castizo, not a mestizo.
It's all the same shit.
Teenager throws a fit because his boss didn't give him a fancy new 1000 dollar computer on a whim. Anyone who likes him is an idiot.
>low IQ shitskin
You'd wish you were able to hold your own in a debate at only 19. And he's probably whiter than you.