
What do you guys think of Japan in general? I mean aside from the animu shit?

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Worst Korea is unironically better these days even though it is better because of Japanese and American influence. Weebs only like Japan because of Anime, which is cancer.

They have the right idea when they want to keep their country pure. I hate weeaboos who move there and fuck up this purity, especially the hypocrites who think the West should be pure but then fuck up Japan, like BlackPigeonSpeaks and the various Japan flag posters here.

Their population has almost stopped growing, i mean jeez, the japs are more weebs than the weebs themselves, can't get laid cus they keep watchin' anime and jackin' off to hentai

Of course it has, they're overpopulated on that tiny island. The population needs to drop somewhat, it will come back when it's ready. It happens throughout all of human history this way.

Can you at least try to make your slide threads seam political or news related?

Ugly nation that should have been punished much harder. Annoying whiny citizens too. They legit think they are just as good as Europeans. Delusional.

free of mudslimes, an ethnostate paradise

Can't be an ethnostate when english teachers such as yourself keep flocking there, David-san.

D&C finnish jew shill. Japs are honorary aryans. They can live in seperate development and equal us in some perspectives.

Chinese people are better in everyway imaginable, except games and animes.

eh, it's fine. Low crime rate, and good consumerist culture or traditionalist culture depending on where you go.

It's a country that has rebuilt itself from being a bunch of piles of rubble to being one of the most developed countries in the world with one of the highest standards of living in just 70 years.

Japan is arguably #2 in terms of their ability to export their culture, behind only the USA. It's a kind of soft power that just took off outside Japan without any warning, and it actually frustrated the hell out of the Jews (and still does) because they don't control the media in Japan.

To top it all off, despite what most people might think, Japan has one of the top Armed forces in the world, owing to utilization of high end equipment for their air and ground forces, and the Japanese Navy is either the #3 or #4, trading places with Britain depending on the source (Britain may have the Queen Lizzy, but Japan has vastly superior anti-sub capabilities and many more surface combatants).

Japan will be fine in the long term, they have plenty of potential still untapped, and if they applied themselves, they could easily be a super power.

They have the idea. Strong national borders. Dont import mudslimes. Mostly atheist logical thinking conservative scientific minded people who dont shoot each other all the time or have gobs of crime. They are anti communist(yes they are against commies but are mostly atheists! Most people dont know that you can be atheist and against commies) pro capitalist. They dont constantly worry about being shot or killed or raped by immigrants or minorities. Their slums are probably mostly safe(so long as your japanese/asian and not black or white and dont stand out or talk a different accent) they are very notable for anime and manga... probly mostly because white people ouside the country fetishize and obsess over it and shit, i doubt their own people are all that crazy over anime. Their diets are much much better than most of the world. They get lots of fish. Sometimes i wish i could live in japan but i certainly wouldnt want to be white or non japanese speaking there.

Japan = very nice nation, i fully support polonization of native Japanese

The amount of white westerners temporarily living in Japan is laughably small.

The amount of white westerners that live there permanently is so small it almost seems non existent.

The country is mostly homogenous. The few percentages of foreigners living in Japan are almost entirely Korean, Chinese, Philippino, Brazilian vietnamese etc.

Western foreigners currently residing in Japan make up about 4 percent of the FOREIGNER population.

Worry about koreans, they blend in.

But japanese koseki keeps it all above board. The would be when leftists get rid of the koseki.


It should be forced to give back the colonies they stole from us and pay reparations

Ignore the "useful idiot" who knows nothing

It's some dipshit who keeps spouting anti anime/video game propaganda for some reason
There's three of these fuckwits

My take on japan's "declining" birthrate is the same of the wests women in the workforce and the attack of the family unit
Whether you are for or against population growth(considering japans age demographic having more old then young people) importing thousands of immigrants is not the answer and is extremely dangerous

Pretty good except:

Corrupted government (Yakuza)
Sexual abuse
Most beta nation
Scholar system
Slow bureaucracy
American military bases
No army (kinda)
Degeneracy and mental illnesses
Sexually frustrated


I dunno.. they've got nuked twice, so that sounds pretty good.

Anime is the best and they're out best allies

Its a great place, but I hear its full Japs.

Neither Hate nor Love

Also Tokyo acts as a containment city.

Small for now, but it will grow if Japan lets it. It should be at zero, just like how non-Europeans should be at zero in Europe. Of course you are one of the english teachers who are part of the problem so you will defend white people moving to a country where they don't belong.

Another one of our bitches.

It's a dishonest culture and fraudulent history in every way. A made up junk self-adulating scam of a country. They created their costumes, armor, samurai/shogan bullshit out of whole cloth in the middle ages. They claim to be independently developed in the middle ages (~800AD), yet in this period their culture was imported ENTIRELY from the Korean peninsula. Japan in this time period was literally a bunch of jigaboos in the jungles, just like the lost tribes of the Amazon are in Brazil now. Since the 1800s, Japan has entirely re-made their history into a false propagandistic bullshit. China has done the same, as has Korea to a lesser extent, but the archaeological evidence is quite clear and irrefutable. Yet Japan continues their ridiculous false history proclamations and the Caucasians worldwide believe them. FUCK YOU JAPAN!!!