Explain this
Explain this
We're being conditioned to be pussies so when (((their))) endgame comes we'll be overrun by African hordes.
11% is enough to beat down China
that's people of 40-50 kids these days would only go into the army for gibs
Why fight when you can have a beer and talk?
Muslims don't drink beer
They will in the spirit of diplomacy and mutual respect. This isn't the middle ages anymore.
Liberals, blacks and Spics who feel no loyalty to this great nation refuse to serve.
Outliers among first world countries for high rates here (Finland, Israel, Greece) can be explained by mandatory military service, while outliers the otherway (ex: Germany) can be explained by views of their military as taxpayer funded babysitting. Japan is different, just waiting for the State Shintoism to kick in.
>Explain this
It's called survey manipulation. An unbiased question would have been 'are you willing to serve in the military'
When I served in the ADF plenty of blokes were there for their family, prestige, becuase it was traditional in their family or simply for job security.
I was one of about 5 guys in my squadron that was serving for my queen and her devine right to rule; it is god's will that she rules, and I'm not going to defy that, and will serve her or her heirs.
That means if you surveyed our entire squadron with the question 'are you willing to fight for your country' the answer wouldn't have been 100% yes.
fake shit. just look where sweden is
Why fight for our Jewish government? We did so in 1939 and look how that turned out.
>being outdone by memedonia
how does it feel tartar
small sample size and women aswell
yup meme survey
A total of 62,398 persons were interviewed globally. In each country a representative sample of around 1000 men and women was interviewed either face to face (30 countries; n=32258), via telephone (12 countries; n=9784) or online (22 countries; n=20356). Details are attached. The field work was conducted during September 2014 – December 2014. The margin of error for the survey is between 2.14 and 4.45 +3-5% at 95% confidence level.
This desu, I'd rather fight shitskins who are invading my island rather than kill muslims in the desert for Jews
atleast half of our territory isnt stolen from Hungary
>Moroco 94%
>Spain 21%
that's where you're wrong tartar it was a gift
Shitholes with no credible organised sports or fast internet happy to go die.
Comfy as fuck folk who want to stay home, jack off to anime and browse for dank memes happy to let the world around them burn.
>Sweden is the highest placed white country
What do they mean with this?
Prepare your anus for the Rereconquista, soyboy
>Fijian hordes
Memedonia has Albanians and Greeks in it so its logical they'll be ahead
like do you honestly think your entire nationality isnt made up? Romans didnt invade you simply because there was nothing there plus 200 years with us then Byzantiums bitches then Hungary and again our bitches then turgay's whore place like honestly neck yourself mate
Little haram doesn't do bad, I speak with experience
People living in countries that are mostly at peace and don't have too much internal strife are not willing to risk their comfortable lives by fighting for their countries. Is this really that surprising?
This is why your country is being taken away from you.
If "my country" i.e. the state asks me to fight for it, it'll be to uphold the kind of society the state wants to build or, rather, to sustain it's plans to destroy the society I, my parents and grandparents grew up in.
For example, I could be fighting for my country now in Syria (yes, we have personnel there), or in Libya. I could have fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. But tell me, what have those wars done for "my country" i.e. my people? Increased the number of unskilled workers forcing down the cost of labour? Overwhelmed the social security system, schools and hospitals? Gerrymandered local voting precincts in favour of leftwing revolutionaries? Left thousands of ex-servicemen struggling with post-traumatic mental illnesses without any meaningful support from the state? I could go on.
It's hard to fight for a state that has declared war on me, my family and community, and on our way of life; that has identified us as its enemies or, at the least, an obstacle to progress that must be overcome. That doesn't mean I sympathise with any foreign enemies. It just means I have no reason to fight, because any kind of victory will ultimately lead to my own defeat.
Is my country willing to fight for me?
>tfw your mere existence causes butthurt
We're getting there.
95% of war in Europe aren't defensive war but some nonsense on the other side of the world where you can't even point your shooty at someone without someone of the UN checking before each bullet you fire.
That's what it mean to fight for your country in Europe.
So I guess it's not really popular.
>Would you be willing to fight for Israel?
>Israel: 10%
>America: 100%