Soviet did the following
>Fastest industrialisation in history
>1954:first nuclear powerplant
>1957: Launch of the first intercontinental ballistic missile R-7 Semyorka.
>1957: First orbiting satellite, Sputnik 1.
>1957: First living in orbit, the dog Laika on Sputnik 2.
>1959: Launch of a missile, the first man-made object to leave the Earth's orbit, Luna 1
>1959: Telemetry – First communication to and from the ground, Luna 1.
>1959: First object to pass near the moon, and the first object in orbit around the Moon, Luna 1.
>1959: First satellite hit the moon, Luna 2.
>1959: First images of the dark side of the moon, Luna 3.
>1960: First satellite to be launched to Mars, the Marsnik 1.
>1961: First satellite to Venus, Venera 1.
>1961: The first person to enter orbit around the Earth, Yuri Gagarin in Vostok 1.
>1961: The first person to spend a day in orbit, Gherman Titov – Vostok 2.
>1962: First flight of two astronauts (estimate), Vostok 3 and Vostok 4.
>1963: First woman in space, Valentina Tereshkova, Vostok 6.
>1964: First flight of several astronauts (3), Voskhod 1.
>1965: First spacewalk, Aleksei Leonov, Voskhod 2.
>1965: First probe to another planet Venus, Venera 3.
>1966: First probe to descend on the moon and send from there, Luna 9.
>1966: First probe in lunar orbit, Luna 10.
>1967: First meeting of unmanned Cosmos 186/Cosmos 188 (until 2006 this feat was not imitated by the United States).
>1969: First docking and crew exchange in orbit, Soyuz 4 and Soyuz 5
>1970:. First signals sent to the moon by Luna 16.
>1970: First mobile robot, Lunokhod 1.
>1970: The first data sent by a probe from another planet (Venus), Venera 7.
>1971: First space station, Salyut 1.
>1971: First satellite in orbit around Mars and landing on Mars 2.
>1975: First satellite in orbit around Venus and sending data to earth, Venera 9.
>1984: First woman to walk in space, Svetlana Savitskaja (Salyut 7)
>1986: First team to visit two space stations Salyut and Mir (7).
>1986: First permanent space station in Earth orbit, the MIR orbit from 1986 to 2001.
>1987: First team to spend more than a year aboard Mir, Vladimir Titov and Musa Manarov.
So you are saying communism hasn't accomplished something since the early 60's
Hold up i thought the soviet union wasn't communism?
>didn't read the first post
>Everything is space exploration related
What kind of weird bait is this? Saged
Nobody is arguing that communism is incapable of making advancements in society. We just want it to be known that while these advancements are being made 1/3 of the population is starving to death.
>1/3 of the population is starving to death.
Absolute meme views, literally only happened during an economic crisis and during extreme war.
The exact same thing has happened in other countries.
So has communism happened or real communism never did happen yet?
It wasn't communism according to theory, but a transition state.
so why are you claiming these achievements for communism?
Then these achievements cant be claimed as part of communism.
eat shit faggot
Communism always leads to Fascism. Russia is a borderline fascist shithole. Belarus is a Fascist shihole. Ukraine is a nazi shithole that wants to genocide Russians. All former east European commie states are getting up there with the faascism and the rampant xenophobia. North Korea is a racist national socialist state. China is a pure fascist corporatist nationalist oligarchy
>did a bunch of things anyone can do first because they stole technology from fascists and capitalists
killing hundred or so millions and destroying several nations is quite an achievement!
alsomost as great as nazism
Thanks to Wall street and Chase bank. Pennies on the dollar for gulag labor
Nothing to do with all the genius nazi scientists you stolen?
Same with ‘murica.
It wasn't. It was some form of democratic socialism. But don't tell boomers that.
>being this pedantic
You faggots call it communism as does everyone else.
>stole technology from fascists and capitalists yet fascists and capitalists didn't do it first
>promoting fake history
Flag checks out
>Semetic bolshevik being intellectually dishonest
really makes me think
That's not because of communism that's purely because of the nuclear threat by the USA basically forcing the Soviets to go "fuck the poor people we need bigger guns than them!"
Communism is a failed ideology that has NEVER been correctly applied because it is impossible to create a universal class when the social concept of property still exists because the nature of man is to preserve his state and eventually to better it and put himself in a better position than others. The aspect of property alone is why communism is a flawed system that always results in dictatorships.
so what is it now? real communism or a transition state which isnt real communism?
make up your mind faggot
No, actually.
The greatest scientists in the Soviet Union were all trained in Russia.
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky was on par with Germans and Western scientists and is recognised as being of the key figures in rocketry and astronautics in the early 20th century. It was his work they used.
Canada always enjoy shiting out jews I guess
No, it was because Soviet education was superior in some areas. Even today, math education in Russia is much more advanced then in most of the western world.
Soviet Union was capable of generating many brilliant scientists.
My personal opinion?
Communism is baloney, but a command economy
can work better than capitalism, but it requires good leadership and the use of markets in some sectors.
You do know that the country with the largest jewish population in the world is a capitalist haven called USA? You know what they say, shit attracts flies.
But what about giving people food and free market choices on consumer goods
Dodging the fucking question you are?
Capitalism has led to more deaths over the past 300 years than communism 1000x.
But I'm sure that wasn't because of capitalism and it wasn't 'real capitalism', right?
>stole technology from fascists and capitalists yet fascists and capitalists didn't do it first
the nazis did not go to the moon. they merely created the technology that later did so.
Fair enough. But that all these accomplishments only worked well in the field of science. As a functioning form of society communism was beyond brutal and worse then anything you could imagine. I think the death toll is around 150 million, that’s tied with soviet and Chinese communism, not to mention Vietnam and Cambodia. It’s all well and good having great scientific leaps but if it’s not for the betterment of society, it’s pointless. At least captialism actually brings some value to all these technological/scientific leaps.
And plus if it was just based on one mans work then adding an ideology to it doesn’t prove that that ideology brought they idea to light.
Im sorry revolutionary journalist that was paid for doing nothing and being sent to russia after the uprising, I thought jew was a shorter term for trosky
Everyone in the West calls the Soviet Union communist, so why are you being pedantic?
Is it theoretically correct statement? No. But what difference does it make? These achievements were done by a unique economy and ideals which were supposedly precursors to real communism.
Imagine what we could have done if we cooperated with the USSR.
Freed up resources for the rest of humanity?
>h. But that all these accomplishments only worked well in the field of science. As a functioning form of society communism was beyond brutal and worse then anything you could imagine. I think the death toll is around 150 million, that’s tied with soviet and Chinese communism, not to mention Vietnam and Cambodia. It’s all well and good having great scientific leaps but if it’s not for the betterment of society, it’s pointless
This is retarded line of argument. Have you ever read an inkling of Victorian history? The type of society they lived through was equally brutal and led to countless unnecessary deaths. All around the world today, capitalist societies lead to countless unnecessary deaths, and this is in peace time. The deaths that you attribute to communism occurred during periods of economic depravity, war, or great social unrest.
Additionally, the soviet union during the post war period up until the late 1980s was one of the best places to live on earth. Nobody starved, work was available, education was free, healthcare was free, people were all developed to a very high level if they had the capability for it.
Was it perfect or as good as the west? No, but that's why I recognise the need for markets in certain sectors of the economy.
>And plus if it was just based on one mans work then adding an ideology to it doesn’t prove that that ideology brought they idea to light.
As if you'd make this argument against achievement in capitalism. Nice double standard.
Oh but you did. You helped bring down the only hope for this world to not become a mongrel stateless one world (((government)))
Remember the white sea - Baltic canal that Stalin had Gulag prisoners make in 2 years?
Nearly 250,000 prisoners died and it was too shallow for anything but rafts to traverse. At least the captured Nazi scientists did a good job helping the Soviets get to space though.
>Was it perfect or as good as the west?
And arguably only select few parts of the west were better. And not for the common white man.
>I think the death toll is around 150 million,
HAHAHAa, so you are saying that Stalin killed the entire population of USSR? And everytime i see a Sup Forumstard giving a estimate about the "death tool of communism" it is always a different number. Why is that?
>As a functioning form of society communism was beyond brutal and worse then anything you could imagine.
USSR was much more liberal then its predecessor, Czarist Russia. USSR was highly popular with the lower classes. USSR was the first country inthe world to enact a 7 hour workday, back when many factory workers worked 12+ hours in the west.
Mao cleared the endemic drug problem (check out the numbers) in China.
My point is, you have been clearly feed cold war propaganda. For example, capitacucks love to claim that "gomunism destroys culture", and yet most of the communist and post-communist countries have a much more conservative society and still maintain a very strong folk culture.
That can only be accomplished through capitalism with little or no state power. Communism is purely run by the state.
>At least the captured Nazi scientists did a good job helping the Soviets get to space though.
Except that's nonsense, the Soviets went to space on the works on Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. Who had independently done the same work as nazi scientists decades before ww2. The soviet didn't capitalise on his work until after the war, for reasons even a retard like you can understand, I'm sure.
I meant by your death toll of 150,000,000
Capitalism has killed trillions in its history, deal with it.
>bitching about putting criminals to work
What a fucking soyboy. I guess you prefered that criminals all had a playstation, 5 warm meals a day and your daughter to rotate among them.
>Communism is purely run by the state.
Dude, literally just read the first line of the wiki page on Communism, just so you can see how wrong you are about the basic bitch stuff you are spouting. It's perfectly clear that you have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about.
Okay, never said it didn't. Just that the world has more now that said people are dead
>My point is, you have been clearly feed cold war propaganda. For example, capitacucks love to claim that "gomunism destroys culture", and yet most of the communist and post-communist countries have a much more conservative society and still maintain a very strong folk culture.
Meanwhile, capitalist countries since WW2 celebrate men taking hormones to become women, niggers taking over their countries, growing islamic caliphates in their countries, atomisitic individualism, and corrode their own culture for the sake of profit.
>Soviets trying to hide their death toll means it didn't happen.
Don't worry, faggot, we know it was at least 20 million, which makes you three times worse than the official Nazi figure in terms of genocide.
So go live in a Communist shithole and stop being a hypocrite? Rather than trying to force people to agree with you, while enjoying the safe space of Western Civilisation and being nothing but a physically hilarious armchair advocate for your ideology, just fuck off and prove how happy Communism makes you? You don't even need to go full Commie, just get out of the West.
All and everything there was not archived by commutardism, but by their slaves....
...which in a free system would have archived 100x more.
Communism is a system for mentally ill, psychopaths, parasites, idiots and other subcuman scum.
But not for humans.
It-s the most anti human system that has ever existed, right beside islam ( which btw also consumed slaves and their knowlage to archive ANYTHING)
Victorian history? The conquering of uncivilised countries bringing them vast amounts of wealth, and when it was abandoned all them countries fell under the rule of war lords?
>Muh slavery
Yeah, well it was also the alone regime that ended it too.
>Additionally, the soviet union during the post war period up until the late 1980s was one of the best places to live on earth.
Being this brainwashed, Christ. They loved communism so much that when one evil capitalist business came they done this. (Pic related)
>As if you'd make this argument against achievement in capitalism. Nice double standard.
It’s not a double standard, it’s just a fact. Freedom or at least as little state control as possible will manifest in people production and wealth going up, which capitalism happens to help, that compared to communism where the state controls the money, which apparently goes towards public services which where shit.
Just look at West vs east Berlin for god sake.
No you fuckin retard, I said soviet and Chinese communism, with Vietnam and Cambodia. Learn to read shit for brains.
I’m not saying capitalism is perfect, because life isn’t. But it’s better then state powered communism which leads to millions of people being killed.
slave labor based systems allows plenty of spending in whatever you want.
if we were using slaves nowadays we would be colonizing the edge of the solar system already
Care to explain where those 20 millions come from?
>which makes you three times worse than the official Nazi figure in terms of genocide.
lol no, not by chance. Nazism killed 11 million in forced labor and systematic killings (6 million jews and 5 million Soviet POWs), killed 13 million Soviet citizens in the war. Only this accounts for more the 24 million deaths.
>calls me brainwashed, contradicts his previous arguments egregiously to support his current arguments
Gotta love shit tier communist shilling
>but that wasn’t real communism
Please, do some moral research within yourself because saying that shit.
Other than the humanity, who can argue about free labor?
>le slave labour
The workday in USSR was capped at 7 hours. Meanwhile it was normal for westerners to work 12+ hours.
>No you fuckin retard, I said soviet and Chinese communism, with Vietnam and Cambodia. Learn to read shit for brains.
Can you show me your source for your number?
>implying all prisoners were guilty
Article 58-10 convicted most of those prisoners and even a LARP like you has to know that article was vague.
>contradicts his previous arguments egregiously to support his current arguments
That isn’t an argument.
>people who are paid, have their standard of living drastically improved, and lead better lives than their ancestors are slaves
You are slaves in capitalism, you're just convinced by a massive propaganda apparatus that you're free. Your countries are being irreversibly destroyed for the sake of capitalist profits. Your demographics are being annihilated, your culture is eviscerated, and there's nothing you can do to stop it. You even defend it because you believe you're 'free'. But how free are you, really? Beyond meme freedoms like being able to buy 100 different bottles of coca cola.
>post communist countries have a much more conservative society.
That's cause they don't want fucking marxists ruining their country again.
No it hasn’t. States have done that.
I thought that wasn't real communism
It almost as enjoyable as a pogo stick
>Praising communism
100% not bait?
Industrial and post industrial capitalism can't exist without the state (show me one industrial or post-industrial capitalist society without a state, good luck) and the state waged wars for the sake of capitalist profits. So yes, it's because of capitalism. It was the logic of capitalism, the need for ever growing expansion for markets and profits that led to war and other disasters.
And how wasn't capitalism responsible for the abysmal working conditions that led to millions of deaths in places like Victorian England? You are a brainwashed sheep.
He doesn't know about the diggers of england
ironically the soviet union broke apart when it implemented neoliberal policy and started invading Afghanistan
The Soviet Union was highly fascistic. And the idea of state controlled economy, at least partially, is not at odds with fascism.
What a fucking soyboy
Go protest the police violence because its "unfair". Fucking americans with their soyboyeries.
>They loved communism so much
They actually did. The majority of people who lived under USSR and modern Russia said that they preferred USSR.
If you don't like this source, there are plenty f others
Absolutely and empirically wrong. Just see the link above. Majority of people who lived in both warsaw pact countries and their successors yearn for the return of socialism. Even a good number of eastern germans preferred Eastern Germany
I know its hard for capitacucks to understand this, but some people care more about other stuff then accumulating shekels. Capitacucks are jewish by definition.
There is also a
>communism never worked
argument that people on Internet use a lot. When in reality it is quiet the contrary: literally every society/country made huge leaps forward when they got a "communist" government at least initially. Even if you consider the most seemingly absurdist example - North Korea - they actually performed better than their Southern counterpart for decades.
The only thing one may actually argue for is "but why every communist nation ceased to exist/became isolated hellhole in the end?" The answer varies from a situation to situation, but it always has something to do with being a blockaded fortress for their enternity (it is especially hard to succeed in such a state when your system depends heavily on the competency of your leader). The true question is "why communism or Soviets weren't superb enough to dominate the world?"
>You faggots call it communism as does everyone else.
Hey faggot if you claim all the totally-not-stolen ‘technological advancements’, then you have to claim the mass starvation and horrifying conditions in soviet gulags. You also have to acknowledge the Jewish bolsheviks using ethnic Russians as slaves for economic gain.
>stole technology from fascists and capitalists yet fascists and capitalists didn't do it first
Kind of hard to go to space when you’re being attacked by mongoloids on two fronts, with war mongering idiots refusing peace treaties on the Allies’ side
Capitalists owning the entire world and sabotaging your country and economy for fear of getting their unearned riches taken has always been a problem.
capitalist states have done that
>muh not real capitalism
>muh when meannie reddie does it, its the fault of Karl Marx himslef! but when capitacucks do it, its not real capitalism!
>implying liking communism is a good thing
Only 100, preserve, show off and drink, 300 at least
Cold War propaganda. The commies never invented anything the could steal. That includes engineers and weapons designs. Keep sucking that Soviet cock and maybe uncle joe will give you an over the pants handjob.
It wasnt real communism
So since 1987. kek
Trillions of people literally have not existed. Guess that was good ol communist style learning.
>capitacuck got no argument, so now he spams memes from his autistic meme folder while greentexting
not an argument
Go defend Soros rights to flood your country with muslims.
>1991: crashed with no survivors
>Jews owning the entire world and sabotaging your country and economy for fear of getting their unearned riches taken has always been a problem.
>Spend every shekel into space exploring while everyone starves
>amazed that it achieved something in said field and ONLY in said field
Nice argument
>Hey faggot if you claim all the totally-not-stolen ‘technological advancements’,
They were not, learn some actual history.
You're just a brainwashed amerimutt that repeats nonsense you've read on the internet. Soviets reached space independently with the work of their own, this is a fact. This is not even contested among western scientists.
Lastly, all the key German scientists, like Von Braun, went to America. Not the USSR.
>b...but if me and my communist friends had the money we’d do good
>no understanding ones capacity for evil
I dont know, blowing up your own nuclear reactor seems like it should be there
Nice ‘hyperbole’ nigger
I dont think he understands that
>implying you have an argument too
Jews and capitalism go to together. Why do you think your country has made Jews the most powerful group in the world? Why do think Jews sided against Stalin and the Soviet Union to side with you? Because your hyper capitalism and individualism is good for Jews. Your populace is deluded into believing they're all special snowflake individuals with no collective interests, while Jews rule over your population of divided sheep collectively. You can never fight back against them because you're divided and exist only for hedonism and making profits.